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ESSAY: Workshop on Affirmative Action Presentation

This is a group assignment and my portion of the assignment is as follows, I will also need to have speaker notes included for my slides:

**Discuss the role a Human Resource manager plays in implementing affirmative action plans.**

Discuss one legal case concerning affirmative action to exemplify a point that you want to emphasize in your presentation.

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Please use the following resources below to help:
Department of Labor website
Training Workshop on Affirmative Action Grading Guide

The Human Resources Department has been tasked by the CEO to develop a training workshop on affirmative action for upper management. Your department must analyze the obligations arising out of E.O. 11246.yes

Create a 10- to 15-slide visual presentation, not including the title page, Q&A page, or References page. Use speaker notes to clarify talking points.

Review applicable laws affecting affirmative action.

Discuss the role a Human Resource manager plays in implementing affirmative action plans.

Explain the requirements for putting together an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP). Include a discussion on mandatory and non-mandatory issues.

Contrast the characterizations of a quota system with those of goals and timetables, and explain which system affirmative action uses.

Examine the responsibilities of contractors and subcontractors.

Assess how the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 fit into an AAP.

Discuss one legal case concerning affirmative action to exemplify a point that you want to emphasize in your presentation.

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