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Ethical Decision Making In Organization Essay

Ethical Decision Making In Organization Essay, The Decision making process has been an important criteria that has to be given due attention in case of the organizations. The complexity in the business processes and rapid enhancement across all the areas of the organization requires managers to not only make the sound decision, but also to make them at no time. The success of an organization to a larger extent depends upon the ability of its management to take good and effective decisions (Kinicki 2008, 249-50). In order to fulfill the complex needs of the customers on a timely basis, it has becomes essential that the management should try to adopt every possible means in order to satisfy such complex demands. The competition in the market has driven to all these changes and businesses are compelled to take quick decisions. In addition to this, there has been rapid enhancement in the field of technology that has also provided with various tools to the management in order to support their decisions. Such tools enable the management to not only takes the sound decision, but also to comply with all the major requirements of the customers. In addition to this, the customers are also quite attentive in this complex modern era and they are more concerned with the decisions being undertaken by organizations. They are highly aware about the ethical aspects concerning the major decisions taken by the organizations and as such, it has also become necessary for the organization to consider the ethical aspects as well, while undertaking big decisions. It has been found that customers use to purchase the products of that organization, which is ethically sound enough in making its business decisions. Thus, in order to survive in this complex modern era, it becomes essential for the businesses to not only make the sound decisions, but also to ensure ethical aspect in their decisions as well (Ferrell, Ferrell and Fraedrich 2005, 40-42). Apart from all this factors, the cultural aspects also have a major role to play in the ethical decision making process. As the companies are globalizing their activities, they are facing a totally different culture, which also affects their ability to take ethical decisions (Srnka 2004, 1-32).

This paper is basically concerned with a brief discussion on the decision making processes that are being followed in the organizations, in order to effectively meet out the complex demands of the modern customers. In addition to this, the paper will also include a brief discussion on the ways through which managers can transform these decisions into a more ethical one in the context of contemporary organizations. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief conclusion on the major findings from the analysis about the decision making processes in the given paper.
Decision Making Processes

Decision making is an important perspective that persists in case of almost all the organization whether it is big or small organization. It becomes essential for the managers to take decisions in order to conduct the activities of the organization in the most efficient manner. Managers in the organization are best referred to as the decision makers and as such, the success or the failure of the organization to a larger extent depends upon its decision makers. Good decision by managers would lead to overall success and a bad one would lead to the failure of the organization. This implies that decision making is quite crucial for the success of the business organization. Decision making is usually done in case of a complex changing environment which comprises of constantly changing factors. As a result, best managers of the successful companies sometimes make blunder while taking important decision for the entire organization. As the business environment is changing at a rapid pace, managers in organizations are dealing with a higher percentage of non programmed decisions. This implies that the complex decision making environment have increased the difficulties in the decision making process and as such, there is a need for a new decision making processes in the organization, for the purpose of ensuring effective decision making that leads to the overall success of the organization. However, the managers should adopt a rational decision making approach while dealing with the complex problem of the organization. This is because, the rational approach focus on the need for systematic analysis of a problem which is followed by a logical step by step sequence. A systematic procedure should be followed by the managers while taking important decisions. A deep understanding to the managers about the decision making process would help him in taking better

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