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Ethics in the Court Essay

Ethics in the Court, A powerful city court magistrate engages in a number of questionable activities while on duty. A list of some of the activities includes the following:

  • Borrowing money from court employees
  • Publicly endorsing and campaigning for a candidate for judicial office
  • Conducting personal business from the court chambers
  • Directing other business court employees to perform personal errands for him during court hours
  • Suggesting to persons appearing before him to contribute to certain charities in lieu of paying fines
  • Using court employees to perform translating services for his mother’s day care business
  • Which, if any, of these activities would be considered unethical? Why?
  • Which of these activities, if any, would be considered ethical and acceptable?
  • Why?

Be sure to use any research or examples to support your arguments.

Also be sure to address each of the above activities and explain whether or not you feel each is ethical or unethical.

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Taken together, would these actions warrant the judge’s being disciplined? Would it warrant the judge’s removal from office? Why or why not?
© BrainMass Inc. June 4, 2020, 3:30 am ad1c9bdddf
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Criminal Justice Ethics

A powerful city court magistrate engages in a number of questionable activities while on duty. A list of some of the activities includes the following:

Borrowing money from court employees:

Any judge that borrowed money from court employees would be engaging in unethical behavior because the employees would feel compelled to allow the judge to borrow money for fear of losing their jobs or receiving retribution if they refused. The judges’ position of power is such that he or she can influence the careers of court employees, which dictates that if they were to pressure an employee to allow them to borrow money, the court employee could feel compelled to oblige and not refuse out of fear toward their career. The sense of impropriety that is evident should negate the court magistrate from engaging in this activity because it is unethical although not illegal.

Publicly …
Solution Summary

The expert examines ethics in the court. Whether someone should borrow money from court employees are determined.

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