Executive Summary of Organizational Diversity Essay. The ever-changing workplace dynamics in the world has made tremendous impacts in the healthcare sector and the manner in which organizations manage their workforce. Diversity in workplace enhances recruitment, staff retention, and improves employee’s relations and productivity. A diverse workforce has also improved customer relationship, brand loyalty as well as enhancing relationships with key leaders of the community and other relevant external audience to improve customer satisfaction. The aim of the executive summary is to analyze the impact of workplace diversity in MediHealth Limited and outcome on patient’s health.
The Impact of a Diverse Workforce On Patient Outcomes
As a multinational organization, MediHealth Limited have developed and adopted better workplace strategies and practices at the center of the management structure to promote, achieve, and create value in the workplace environment. As a result, there are numerous advantages that the organization has enjoyed including the less privileged people such as women and minority in the society have been provided with an opportunity to serve without discrimination
In addition, the company adapts the broader concept and definition of diversity to embrace various personalities possessed by employees with different cultural, ethic, and religious backgrounds. These qualities affect the way individuals think, interpret instructions and situations as well as how they perform their tasks. This has provided a healthy environment to serving patients without discrimination hence promoting a quick recovery, quality care, affordability of services, and satisfaction.
Diversity Defined
Traditionally, diversity was only considered to be multiculturalism and involved a blend of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, age and disability. However, the contemporary definition includes people with less conventional traits such as sexual orientation, cultural backgrounds, marital status and socio-economic class.
The company’s leadership has been essential in promoting multiculturalism and diversity. The organization’s efforts towards enhancing diversity began with the top management and the CEO plays an active role in enforcing globalization initiatives in the entire company. The departmental heads also play a significant role in championing diversity by actively participating in setting goals and objectives on diverse initiatives.
Role of Multiculturalism and Diversity in Organization
Increasing multiculturalism, diversity, and globalization in the organization needs healthy interaction between individuals of different culture, backgrounds, beliefs, educational level and experience. Due to the advancement of technology, people no longer work or live in a limited marketplace but are now part of the global social, geographical, and economic demographics (Erbe, 2014). As a result, MediHealth Limited embrace diversity to be more creative and exposed to change. Therefore, the company aims at capitalizing and maximizing on workplace diversity because it is the most important aspect of managing modern multinational and local organizations. Since managing diversity in businesses remains a major challenge, the selection of the current leaders must be based on their managerial skills that are imperative in leading, teaching, and understanding subordinates in the organization. The presence of such attributes ensures that both the caretakers and patients are treated with dignity.
Diversity issues are considered essential, and their role in the future workplace are projected to escalate as rival firms focus on applying an all-inclusive strategy to increase productivity (Haddad, 2012). Managing and Valuing globalization is critical components of effective leadership that can help MediHealth Limited to integrate diversity and multiculturalism into its practice.
Recruitment and Retention
According to Koutsouris and Lazakidou (2014), the recruitment process is the most important aspect in achieving strategies supporting workplace diversity (Koutsouris & Lazakidou, 2014). MediHealth Limited company ensures there is diversity in recruitment by making sure that opportunities are presented to everyone on the internet and extranet websites, posting adverts in minority trade fairs, as well as attending career and college fairs. The company has taken substantial steps in ensuring that recruitment of women and minorities to achieve workforce diversity and global unity.
Diversity in employment is viewed as a significant factor that helps the healthcare institution in maintaining a work environment that is celebrated and tolerant to differences among its employees. As a way of enhancing these policies, MediHealth Limited ensures that all its employees undertake the mandatory diversity training program. The program is also designed to promote leadership skills and expose talented employees to higher management roles.’
Power in relation to health care organizational structure, behavior and leadership
The organization structure of MediHealth Limited has integrated multiculturalism and diversity as a way of enhancing efficient distribution of skills, experiences and personal attributes across the continuum. The level of integration is widespread to the extent that there is organization culture revolves around the company policies, mission and objectives rather than being dominated by any particular cultural group. Organization culture comprises of values and beliefs that are adopted by the company for a long time that influences behaviors and individual attitudes. The top leadership usually adjusts their leadership stance to accomplish the organization’s mission to enhance employees and customers’ satisfaction. It is, therefore, imperative to know the relationship between the leadership behavior, job satisfaction of staff, and the organizational culture. Executive Summary of Organizational Diversity Essay
In MediHealth Limited, the management employs a two-dimension leadership model that focuses on the concerns of people and productivity. The leaders focus on external behaviors to provide the necessary environment for change in diversity. Although leadership implies authority, it should be based on objectives such as the management capabilities and more subjective to personalities of the leader. However, the ability of a leader to cope with emerging cultures of the nurses who have a positive vision in regards to the nature of clinical practice.
Understanding multiculturalism and diversity in workplace enhances recruitment process, staff retention, and improves employee’s relations and productivity. MediHealth Limited adapts the broader concept and definition of diversity that focuses on people rather than the traditional strategies that focused on gender, sexual orientation, cultural backgrounds, marital status, and socio-economic class. The strategy helps the company to have a diverse workforce from people that have exceptional skills based on work experience, education level, and achievements.
Executive Summary of Organizational Diversity Essay
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