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Future of Nursing Custom Essay

Future of Nursing Custom Essay What was the most important point/position/fact you discovered from the assignments, readings, Discussion Board posts or video viewing across the second half of the semester (following Spring Break to the present)?

Nursing could be described as one of the noblest profession even way before Knightdale. There has however been increasing in number the tasks that the nurses are expected to perform in America and also in other countries especially with old people being taken to homes for specialized care and the rise of different chronic diseases. It is the nurses who are responsible for maintaining the quality of life of the people suffering from this conditions and hence the nobility of the profession (C R W J F, Institute of Medicine, 2011).

Future of Nursing Custom Essay
Future of Nursing Custom Essay

It comes therefore as a relief to have such a report like the one released by the institute of Medicine in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, that seeks to improve the services and the conditions of nursing and the profession as a whole. From the report, it is seen that the government of the United States has an opportunity of transforming the healthcare system including nursing so that it is able to offer seamless, affordable and quality care that is accessible to all. Additionally, the system is expected to be patient-centered as well as evidence-based with a strong commitment to the improved health system. The future of nursing thus falls into this report as one of the largest segment of healthcare in the united states, and indeed globally, that will undergo the transformation.

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To ensure that nurses offer the best and quality care, the report recommends that they should utilize the full extent of their education and training, improve the current nursing education system, provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership responsibilities in healthcare and improve the data collection for planning and policy making. The importance of advancement in nursing education is that it will increase the employment opportunities for nurses who advance, give the opportunities to this nurses to join the mainstream management of the healthcare system, but above all place the nurses in a better position of dealing with the sensitive conditions affecting their patients. It is worth noting the first responsibility of nurses is to the patient. There is also the fact that advanced nurse practitioners will take over the functions currently held by clinical officers, which include assessment, diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of care (Bradshaw, 2010).

Across the whole semester, which two (2) policies and which two (2) ethical principles resonated most with your nursing role and why?

Rationalization of Healthcare is one of the policies that have resonated much in the nursing training. It is a sad revelation that the hospitals in the United States are rationalized that instead of being in the best interests of the community, they are run in such a way that individual healthcare institutions perform in their own best interests. It would be better if the healthcare system in America were united in a singular system like in Canada. The system as it is may be a threat to other hospitals in the area in their bid to survive so that other hospitals in the same constituency might go out of action and thus denying healthcare to the populace who depend on it. Another important policy that got me is that global mental health policy. Even though there has been an increase in mental health professionals in the world, the number of new cases cropping up daily is also on the increase. It is notable that the disparity in the delivery of healthcare globally is linked to policies that limit consumer advocacy and mental health promotion (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries, 2010).

The most important of the principles learned over the semester has been the respect for autonomy. Initially, it was thought that ethical practice involved only doing what is good for an individual. This has brought to the fore the fact that one cannot ignore the person and concentrate on the pathology but rather that each person has to be treated with dignity and on his volition. It may sometimes be difficult depending on the attitude of the patient but the basis is that respect for his autonomy must be upheld. It has been notable also that beneficence is as important as the autonomy. Whereas autonomy will refer to the choice of the patient and respecting their decision, beneficence is based on achieving the goal of promoting the well-being of the person. Sometimes it may be contradictory as sticking to beneficence may get one violating respect for autonomy (Fry, Veatch, & Taylor, 2010).

What unanswered question or point needing clarification do you still have from the second half of the semester? What have you done to try and resolve this question or issue? Future of Nursing Custom Essay

There were no unanswered questions per se in the second half of the semester. In fact, I would argue that it was as informative as the first half. The major topics in the semester which included evidence-based practice research, TIGER initiative; mental health public concern and technology were effectively tackled stepwise. I have taken a step into revisiting this sections on my own and jotting down the most important points so that I can fully comprehend all the concepts.

  • Taking the course as a whole, what content aspects would you like to spend more time on? Offer rationale(s) for your choice.

I would prefer that more time is spent on case studies. The reason that I would prefer learning with case studies is that they place a person in a better understanding of real life nursing cases. Note that case studies summarize real life experiences in form of data and research. Since there are unique cases in nursing, other learning procedures may not be as informative as case studies would.

  • What aspects of content across the course and semester would you like to spend less time on and why? Offer your rationale(s).

I would probably spend less time developing questions that are highly opinionated with no credit attached to them on the discussion board. Why? This is because they did not aid in any way to the learning process. The most important thing about unproductive learning is that it takes too much time which would have been spent wisely on other productive activities and may lead to loss of focus of the target goal of an individual. These activities are not what one feels looking forward to and thus are morale killers in training and education.

  • Finally, share your thoughts, insights, and ideas regarding the assigned course texts, assignments (readings, websites and video viewing).

The class was well taught especially due to the incorporation of several teaching styles including reading sessions, websites and video viewing. In fact, am already looking forward to the classes of the coming semester. Additionally, in my own opinion, the books we used in class are the best choices that we could have used especially because they are recent and therefore up to date. In fact, the books have too much information that they could also be used in other nursing levels. I would, however, recommend that in future more case studies are incorporated in our system since, as indicated offer a variety of experiences.

Future of Nursing Custom Essay

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