Online Degrees Essay Writing Services



The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 3520 Prospect St NW, Car Barn Suite 140 PREPARATION OF THE THESIS ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

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Style Manuals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Pagination ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Fonts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

ORDER AND CONTENT OF THE THESIS ……………………………………………………………………………… 3

Order of the Pages …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Title Page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Your Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

The Date ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Copyright Page ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Page Margins …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Schema of Headings and Subheadings and Hierarchy of Font Treatments ……………………………….. 5


Electronic Submission of Work ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

The Main Issues……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Common Mistakes to Avoid ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Using a Template………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Frequently Asked Questions …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

ADVICE FOR . . . . …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Advice for Long Dissertations ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Advice for LaTeX Users ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Advice for APA Users …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Advice for Multi-Article Dissertations …………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Advice for Figure Titles ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Advice on Placement of Figures and Tables …………………………………………………………………………… 14

APPENDIX: SAMPLE THESIS………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i


INTRODUCTION The thesis you are writing is a significant step in the pursuit of your graduate degree. A well- written and well-formatted work will reflect favorably upon you, your department, and Georgetown University. When completed, your thesis will be a lasting contribution to your field of knowledge. Therefore, your thesis must follow a format and style that are acceptable, readily understandable, and consistent with your field of knowledge. This document will use the term ‘thesis’ to refer to all three types of scholarly work.

PREPARATION OF THE THESIS Style Manuals Every thesis must follow a style manual or style sheet that has been approved by your Thesis Advisor or by your department or program. Some examples include:

• A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate Turabian • The Chicago Manual of Style · MLA Style Manual • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

The Lauinger Library website has information on these on the Citation Guides tab on Pagination The pagination must meet the following guidelines:

• Title page — No page number • The pages that follow — Copyright page, Abstract, Table of Contents, etc. — are

numbered with lower-case Roman numerals: ii, iii, etc. • All page numbers, including lower-case Roman numerals, at the bottom center of the

page • The remainder of the thesis, beginning with the Introduction or Chapter One, must be

numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) • Pages in each section must be numbered consecutively from beginning to end. The lower

case Roman numerals and the Arabic numerals form two separate numeric series, the former beginning with ii, and the latter with 1.

• Blank pages are not permitted. • The page number for any page printed in horizontal or “landscape” mode must still

appear at the bottom of the page when the page is held vertically. Fonts The fonts used in the thesis must meet the following guidelines: • Times New Roman 12 point or Arial 10 point. • Italics may not be used in the Table of Contents unless it is used for a foreign word. • The font size requirement applies to all prefatory material (title page, Acknowledgments, Table of Contents, , etc.), the body of the text, page numbers, all footnotes or endnotes, and all concluding material (Appendices and Bibliography). Some charts, graphs, or tables may contain type that is one point smaller.


ORDER AND CONTENT OF THE THESIS Order of the Pages Page Page Numbering Title Page Not numbered (but counts as i) Copyright Page ii (Roman numeral) Abstract (not required for theses) Next consecutive Roman numeral(s) Acknowledgments, Dedication (if used) Next consecutive Roman numeral(s) Table of Contents with dot leaders and page Next consecutive Roman numeral(s) numbers List of Figures (if document has figures) with Next consecutive Roman numeral(s) numbers, titles and dot leaders and page numbers List of Tables (if document has tables) with Next consecutive Roman numeral(s) numbers, titles and dot leaders and page numbers

Text, beginning with the Introduction Arabic numerals ( 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) for the remainder of the work

Appendices (if used) Next consecutive Arabic numeral(s) Bibliography Next consecutive Arabic numeral(s) Specially bound or packaged Addenda Not numbered, but included in the Table of Contents (e.g. maps or digital media) Title Page The title page should include the title, the submission statement (A Thesis or A Dissertation…), the degree, the name of your department or program, your name, highest previous degree, the location (“Washington, D.C.”), and the date. The title page is not numbered. An example title page appears in the Appendix. Note that department is not necessary on Public Policy theses because the program is included in the degree. Your Name The format of your name must appear as it appears on your transcript in MyAccess on the title page, copyright page and abstract page. The name must match exactly in each location. On the title page of your thesis, your name should be followed by the SINGLE highest degree you have previously received, not a list of all the degrees you have received. You should list only the initials of the degree itself, for example: B.A., B.S., M.S., M.A., J.D., Ed.M., etc. Do not list the majors, concentrations, specialties, or the institution where the prior degree was earned. Following are two examples of the correct format for your name on the thesis title page: Jamie Doe Smith, M.S. John D. Smith, Jr., B.A.


The Date At the bottom of the title page of your thesis, underneath “Washington, D.C.,” type the date you defended your thesis or dissertation. If no defense was required, you should insert the date your advisor signed the cover sheet to approve the thesis. DO NOT allow MSWord to add a superscript st, nd or th to the date. Samples of date notation can be found in the Appendix below. Copyright Page You possess the copyright to your thesis from the time you record it in some tangible form. If you claim copyright, either informally or through a formal application, the appropriate notice should be printed on its own numbered page immediately following the title page of the thesis. For example:

Copyright 2020 by Jamie Doe Student All Rights Reserved

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a brief summary of the contents of the thesis. The abstract, must be written in English. The maximum permissible length of the abstract is 350 words (2,450 characters). The abstract is optional for a Master’s thesis. See the Appendix at the end of this document for an example of how your Abstract page should be formatted. The abstract should start with the title of the thesis (in ALL CAPS, centered), followed by your name and highest degree (centered), followed by the word “Advisor:” and the name and highest degree of your Thesis Advisor (centered). The word ABSTRACT appears (centered, in caps), followed by the text of the abstract itself Table of Contents

• Each chapter or section heading in the body of text, appendices and bibliography or references section must be shown with corresponding page numbers for each item.

• The numbering of chapters or sections in the Table of Contents—whether written out as words, or shown as Roman or Arabic numerals—must be shown in the same way in the text.

• The items must appear in plain typeface without stylistic treatments such as bold, underlining, italicization, size variations, etc.

• You must list all main section or chapter headings, and may choose to include subheadings as well. If you choose to include subheadings, you must show all instances of a given level, for example first-level but not second-level subheadings or first-level AND second-level subheadings, for all chapters that have subheadings at that level.

• Headings and subheadings must appear in the Table of Contents word-for-word as they appear in the body of text including capitalization.

• Note: Do not use MS Word’s built-in Table of Contents formatting options, but rather use Custom Table of Contents.

• Page numbers must also be right-aligned along the right margin. Instructions on how to do this in MS Word appear on page 9.

• Page numbers in the Table of Contents must be the page numbers where the item actually appears in the text.


Page Margins Page margins must be 1” on all sides. Considerations for Formatting Subheadings in the Text

• Subheadings at a given level must be formatted in the same way throughout the document. A common schema has first-level subheadings centered in ALL CAPS, second-level subheadings in bolded mixed case at the left margin, and third-level subheadings in un-bolded mixed case at the left margin.

• The formatting reviewer will assume that the formatting of the first section or chapter will be the formatting for the entire document. Pay close attention to the Introduction to make sure that its formatting schema matches that of the rest of the document.

• Make sure that each section or chapter has the SAME formatting schema. • Subheadings must not be left orphaned at the bottom of a page with no text below them. • Spacing must be consistent between paragraphs, above and below subheadings, above

and below figures and tables. The top line of a page should not be blank. Schema of Headings and Subheadings and Hierarchy of Font Treatments The formatting of each level of subheading must be the same through all chapters or sections of the document. An example schema, excluding consideration of numbering, would be:

Chapter or section heading ALL CAPS, bold, centered First-level subheading Mixed Case, bold, at the left margin Second-level subheading Mixed Case, plain text, at the left margin Third-level subheading Mixed Case, italics, at the left margin

Examples of this schema would look like:


Introduction (First-level subheading)

The Value of Associations (Second-level subheading)

Associational Freedom and the Right to Exclude (Third-level subheading)

Your document need not have all these levels. The point is that all chapters or sections with multiple levels of subheading must follow the same schema—which can mirror this schema or can be a schema of your own choosing. The level of headings and subheadings that appear in the Table of Contents must be the same for all sections/chapters. The schema of the first section will be assumed to be the schema for the whole document.


SUBMISSION OF THE THESIS TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Electronic Submission of Work The Graduate School requires electronic submission of all theses via the ProQuest website. Please refer to the Graduate School websites for information on the submission process: project There is no cost associated with publishing your work. There is a cost if you elect certain publishing or copyright options in ProQuest or order copies of your thesis from ProQuest. Refer to the Lauinger Library website for more information. Review of the Thesis by the Graduate School The Graduate School reviews all theses submitted to ProQuest. We ensure that the works are formatted according to Graduate School standards and are ready for publication. The care you take to prepare your work according to these guidelines generally determines the amount of time we will need to review your thesis, and the number and nature of any changes you may be required to make. Formatting of the Introduction will be assumed to be the formatting for each section or chapter of the entire document. Pay close attention to the Introduction to make sure that its formatting schema matches that of the rest of the document



The Main Issues Initial Section

• There must be no page number on the title page • Pages prior to the Introduction must use Roman numerals rather than Arabic numerals • Sections prior to the Introduction DO NOT appear in the Table of Contents

Table of Contents

• Do not use MS Word’s built-in Table of Contents formatting options. Use Custom Table of Contents instead.

• All Table of Contents items should appear in plain typeface and not include stylistic treatment such as bold, color, underlining, italicization or size variations.

• With the exception of the most commonly recognized abbreviations and acronyms, like HIV, abbreviations and acronyms must be written out in words in all headings and subheadings.

• DO NOT include the items that have Roman numeral page numbers, including the Abstract, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents and List of Figures.

• If a given level of subheading appears in the Table of Contents, all subheadings at the same level (and all higher levels) must appear for EACH section or chapter.

• Page numbers in the Table of Contents must be the page where the item actually appears in the text. Check all page numbers before uploading.

• The page number for the first page of the Introduction or Chapter One must be 1. • Page numbers for each item must appear with dot leaders, . . . ., and be right-justified on

the right margin. • If any items wrap to a second line, add a hard return before a word in the first line so that

the second line does not begin with dot leaders …….. • In all headings and subheadings, major words should be capitalized. • Items in the Table of Contents must match the corresponding items in the text word-for-

word–and in terms of capitalization and punctuation. • Appendices (if the document has one or more) and the Bibliography or References

section must appear in the Table of Contents. List of Figures / List of Tables

• If the document has five or more figures or tables, it requires a List of Figures and List of Tables.

• The word Figure or Table, the number and the title presented in mixed case. The words through the first period are considered the title and ONLY they appear here. Do not show the entire title and caption.

• Items in the List of Figures and List of Tables must match those items in the text word- for-word–and in terms of capitalization and punctuation.

• To the greatest extent possible, abbreviations should be written out in words. • Page numbers for figures or titles must be right-justified with dot leaders. • If any items wrap to a second line, add a hard return before a word in the first line so that

the second line does not begin with dot leaders ……..


• The List of Figures and List of Tables must be separate lists. If they are short enough to fit on one page, the two separate lists can appear on a single page. Otherwise, the List of Figures must appear on its own page with the List of Tables on the next page.

• Page numbers listed in the List of Figures and List of Tables must reflect the page where the figures and tables appear in the text. Check all page numbers before uploading.


• The organizing schema for all headings and subheadings and their formatting must be consistent both within and across chapters

• Headings, subheadings, figure titles and table titles must appear in the text word-for-word as they appear in the Table of Contents/List of Figures/List of Tables.

• All headings at a given level must be formatted in the same way, in terms of capitalization, bolding, italics, punctuation, spacing, etc., throughout the document.

• Where the page is presented in landscape orientation rather than portrait, the page number must appear on the left side of the page turned 90 degrees so that it would be readable if the page appeared in a book with the page number at the bottom of the page.

• All figures and tables in the text require numbers and titles. • Figure and table numbers and titles must appear without italics and in bold face.

Additional caption text should not be bolded. • Figure and tables numbers and titles must be the same size as the font in the body of the

document. • Table titles must appear ABOVE the table. • Figure titles must appear BELOW the figure. • Figures and tables MUST fit within the regular 1-inch page margins. • Figures must be centered along with their titles (and captions). • Tables must appear on a single page wherever possible. • When a table goes onto a second page, the column headers must be added to the top of

the second page. Above the table, add a notation of Table # (Cont.) Do not include the table title.

• The text in figures and tables must be large enough as to be legible, with text no more than 1 point smaller than the main text.

• Subheadings must not be orphaned at the bottom of a page. Move them to the top of the following page.

• Be sure that the heading or text for each page–first page of a chapter possibly aside– appear at the top line of the page


Common Mistakes to Avoid Mistake: Your name used in the document does not match your transcript. The name that appears on your signed cover sheet must be your name as it appears on your transcript in MyAccess. The same format of your name must be used on your thesis. If you have recently had a name change, take steps to update it with the Registrar’s Office using the form at Mistake: Formatting such as bold, color, italics, underlining and size variations appears in the Table of Contents. The words in the Table of Contents must appear in plain typeface.

Mistake: Headings in the document do not match the headings in the Table of Contents. All of the headings in your Table of Contents must appear word-for-word the same as the headings used in your document. For example, if the title of your third chapter appears in the document as “Chapter Three: Writing a Thesis at Georgetown University,” the heading in your table of contents cannot be “Chapter 3: Writing a Paper at GU.” They must match exactly. The same rule applies for the titles of figures and tables and the respective items listed in your List of Figures, List of Tables. Mistake: Page numbers shown in the Table of Contents do not match the location in the text. If a subheading is listed as appearing on page 10 in the Table of Contents, it must appear on page 10 in the text, not page 11. This holds true for figures and tables as well. Mistake: Page numbers do not appear right-justified at the right margin in the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables. Due to modern proportional fonts, it is not possible to just type periods and have the justification come out right. In MSWord, the Tabs dialog box allows you set a right tab at the right margin and then choose the style of dot leader.

1) Highlight the items–the words and the page numbers–in the table/list and open the Tabs menu, Home->Paragraph->Tabs is in the bottom left of the dialog box. 2) For Tab stop location, enter the location of the right margin most likely 6.5. a) For Alignment, select Right b) For Leader, choose 2 …… c) Returning to your document, place your cursor at the end of the words for the table/list entry before the page number and hit Tab. The page number should jump to the right margin with a series of dot leaders

Mistake: Sections with Roman numeral page numbers (like the Abstract and Acknowledgements) appear in the Table of Contents. The Introduction or first chapter should be the first item in the Table of Contents. Other pages prior to the introduction or first chapter are not be included in the Table of Contents. Mistake: The document is missing a List of Figures and List of Tables. A thesis with five or more tables must include a List of Figures and List of Tables formatted like Tables of Contents on the page after the Tables of Contents.


Mistake: Entries wrap to a second line that begins ……… at the left margin in the Table of Contents, List of Figures or List of Tables. To avoid this, add a hard return at about 80% of the first line on the subheading or figure/table title.

Mistake: Figures and tables have no titles. ALL figures and tables require titles whether or not there is a List of Figure and List of Table. Figure titles, must appear BELOW the figure. Table titles must appear ABOVE the table. Examples of properly formatted figure and table titles: Figure 1. Map of sectarian neighborhoods in Belfast, 1982. Table 1. Monthly output of widgets by company, 2010-2015.

Mistake: Figures titles appear within the figure box. Crop the title from the top of the figure box or go back to Excel and remove the title from within the figure box. Re-type the title as a properly numbered and formatted figure title below the figure box. Mistake: Tables appear on more than one page. Look for extra white space in the table that can be removed or columns that can be narrowed so that the table fits on one page. When a second page is necessary, the second page should be identified as such for instance as Table 3. (Cont.) Mistake: Sections of the document (title page, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, appendix, and bibliography) are not in the correct order. The Graduate School requires the sections of your document follow a specific order. The template provided by the Graduate School (available on our forms website at: thesis-information#. You can also refer to page 3 of the “Guidelines for Thesis Writers” document to see the correct order. Mistake: A subheading appears alone at the bottom of a page. Move the subheading to the top of the following page.

Mistake: Appendix figures and tables are missing from the List of Figures and List of Tables. Number Appendix items as Figure A.1, A.2, Table A.1, A.2, etc., add descriptive titles and include them in the List of Figures and List of Tables. Mistake: Incomplete upload to the ProQuest site after making edits. Do not email the revised document. Be sure to click the “confirm” button after you upload your revised document to the ProQuest website. Students sometimes overlook this step and upload a revised draft without officially submitting it. The Graduate School will not see your submission on the ProQuest site until it is officially submitted. At one point, you will see:

“Your revisions have been made, but still need to be submitted to your graduate school for review.” “I’m done – submit my changes.”

On that page, click “I’m done – submit my changes.”, but continue to the next screen where you will see a Submit Revisions button. Click the Submit Revisions button to ensure that Graduate School staff receive the submission. Mistake: Page numbers not aligned at the bottom of the document after conversion to PDF. Note that the PDF converter on the ProQuest site should not be used.;revId=465605;revId=465605


Mistake: Edits not submitted by the deadline. You must submit the edits and the document accepted by the Graduate School by deadline posted online. If edits that are not completed on time, your graduation will be delayed until the next available graduation date. Using a Template The Graduate School provides three different templates to help format your thesis. They are available at:

• MS-Word on a PC • Word for Mac • LaTeX markup language

Note that use of these templates is not a guarantee of a smooth review process. The PC and Mac templates are unlocked and can be edited by you. The LaTeX template requires additional steps to remove the Roman numeral items from the Table of Contents. The Graduate School cannot provide technical support related to the use of these templates. Use of the template is not required; you may format the work on your own based on these guidelines. Frequently Asked Questions What style guide should I use? This is a question for your academic department (advisor and/or thesis committee members). Does the Graduate School have a template I can use to format my work? Templates are linked from the Graduate School forms website on: How soon will my thesis be reviewed after I submit it to the Graduate School? The Graduate School works to review all works submitted within three business days. We receive an automated system email when a PDF is uploaded or updated. There is no need to notify the Graduate School that you have uploaded a new version. Are the edits identified by the Graduate School required? Yes. What is the deadline for submitting my edits? In August, the deadline to submit any required edits is the final working day of the month. There are different deadlines for May and December graduates (see dissertation/#). How can I order bound copies of my thesis? You can order bound copies of your work via the ProQuest website. What publishing option should I choose? Lauinger Library has produced a set of videos that lay out the options you can select on the ProQuest site,


ADVICE FOR . . . . Advice for Long Dissertations Dissertations are written over the course of months a chapter at a time. We often see that the structure and formatting within each chapter is consistent, but they are not consistent across chapters. The Introduction and Conclusion are often written last–with a different structure.

When reviewing a document, we take the organizational structure and formatting of subheadings of the first section as the pattern for the whole document and identify edits in the subsequent sections by comparing them to the standard of the first section. (See the Schema of Headings and Subheadings and Hierarchy of Font Treatments section on page 5.) As a result, it is especially important that the Introduction use the formatting scheme that you will use for the entire document.

Advice for LaTeX Users The complexity of the LaTeX template can give the impression that there is no need to pay attention to formatting. Unfortunately, there are several things that it does not take into account.

The template does not control for capitalization in headings and subheadings. Even though items in the Table of Contents, headings and subheadings appear in SMALL CAPS, capitalization of the words still matters. All subheadings at each level and across chapters must be capitalized in the same way.

Figure numbers and titles must be placed UNDER the figures. Table numbers and titles must be placed ABOVE the tables.

Advice for APA Users The APA Style Guide uses un-numbered subheadings. This can make is seem like it imposes little structure. In fact, the five levels of subheadings are very specifically prescribed. Whether your thesis has two levels of subheadings, three or five, each level must adhere to the schema.

Level Number and Format 1 Centered, Boldface, Title Case Heading 2 At the Left Margin, Boldface, Title Case Heading with a hard return at the end 3 At the Left Margin, Boldface Italics, Title Case Heading with a hard return at the end 4 Indented, Boldface Title Case Heading Ending with a Period. The text continues on the same line as the subheading. 5 Indented, Boldface Italics, Title Case Heading Ending With a Period. The text continues on the same line as the subheading.

Advice for Multi-Article Dissertations Dissertations in the sciences are often a collection of journal articles–often ones submitted to different publications each with their own formatting requirements. A dissertation is a unitary academic work with a single abstract at the beginning of the document and consistent formatting of headings and subheadings throughout the document.


Advice for Figure Titles

Figure 1. Simple Histogram of Proficiency.

Figure 1. Simple Histogram of Proficiency.

Figure titles must be bolded

All figures and tables need numbers whether or not you have a List of

Figures and List of bl




Advice on Placement of Figures and Tables

WRONG: Extends beyond the right margin

WRONG: Extends beyond both margins

At left margin: GOOD

Centered: ALSO GOOD

Pa ge

M ar

gi n



A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Arts in

Asian Studies


Jamie Doe Student, B.A.

Washington, DC October 7, 2019

The LOCATION AND DATE should appear at the bottom


ALL TEXT must be

the same size

No page number 


Copyright 2016 by Jaime Doe Student All Rights Reserved

 Page number is ii



Jamie Doe Student, M.A.

Thesis Advisor: Name O. Professor, Ph.D.


The text of the abstract begins here and continues, double-spaced. There should be spaces

between the last line of the title, your name, your advisor’s name, the word Abstract and the top

line of the abstract. Overall limit of 350 words of text (2,450 characters) must be strictly

observed for abstracts of doctoral projects, due to space limitations for publication in

Dissertation Abstracts International; this limit does not include the title, your name, your Thesis

Advisor’s name, or the word “ABSTRACT.” For Master’s theses, the abstract is not required

but is useful for people to get a sense of the content of your thesis.

 Page number is iii

Your TITLE should appear centered in ALL CAPS on as few lines as possible. There

should be no hard return after a colon.


The research and writing of this thesis is dedicated to everyone who helped along the way.

Many thanks,

Jamie Doe Student


TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 Chapter 2. Literature Review ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Chapter 3. Material and Methods ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Chapter 4. Data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Chapter 5. Results ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 Chapter 6. Policy Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 Chapter 7. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27 Appendix: Supplementary Tables ………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32

The format of the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables heading must be the same whether in ALL

CAPS or Mixed Case.

If you use Arabic or Roman numerals here, the same

number style must appear in the text.



Figure 1. Title for Figure 1 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Figure 2. Title for Figure 2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..11 Figure 3. Title for Figure 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………12 Figure 4. Title for Figure 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………14


If a figure or table title, or an item in the Table of Contents wraps to a second line, the second line CANNOT begin with a series of dots, called dot leaders.

Figure 3. Diagram of the changes in the lifecycle of a diamond mined in South Africa’s mines ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 The solution is to add a hard return before a word toward the end of the line so that at least one word appears on the second line, as Figure 3. Diagram of the changes in the lifecycle of a diamond mined in South Africa’s mines …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12



Table 1. Title for Table 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………………12 Table 2. Title for Table 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………………13 Table 3. Title for Table 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………14 Table 4. Title for Table 4 …………………………………………………………………………………………………18 Table 5. Title for Table 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………19 Table A1. Title for Table A1 ……………………………………………………………………………………………30 Table A2. Title of Tables A2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………31

Tables (and figures) that appear in an appendix

should be included in the List of Table or Figures.


You have now begun to type the body of text for your manuscript, as is shown here in the

Appendix of the Guidelines for Doctoral Project, Dissertation and Thesis Writers. Georgetown

University and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will be pleased to add the faculty-

approved final copy of your dissertation, doctoral project or thesis to our collection in the

University Library. Your work will be an addition to your field of knowledge and to the world of

research. Congratulations and best wishes as you make the final changes in the content of your

work, and the final adjustments to the formatting.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque

laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut

odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed

quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat

voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit

laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit

qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat

quo voluptas nulla pariatur

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque

laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut


 Page number is 1. Page numbers must be


  • Preparation of the Thesis
    • Style Manuals
    • Pagination
    • Fonts
  • Order and Content of THE Thesis
    • Order of the Pages
    • Title Page
    • Your Name
    • The Date
    • Copyright Page
    • Abstract
    • Table of Contents
    • Page Margins
    • Schema of Headings and Subheadings and Hierarchy of Font Treatments
  • Submission of the Thesis to the Graduate School
    • Electronic Submission of Work
    • The Main Issues
    • Common Mistakes to Avoid
    • Using a Template
    • Frequently Asked Questions
  • ADVICE FOR . . . .
    • Advice for Long Dissertations
    • Advice for LaTeX Users
    • Advice for APA Users
    • Advice for Multi-Article Dissertations
    • Advice for Figure Titles
    • Advice on Placement of Figures and Tables


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