Drugs should be legalized because they are the distraction of the force of order, which often neglects the prosecution of other criminal behaviors that further damage the Society, such as: robbery, rape, murder, etc. However, arguments for against the legalization of drugs is that it would seriously affect the economy, because dedicating oneself to the tanning of drugs is equivalent to dedicating or filling a land that can be used to grow food or medicine and not to products that damage the environment, health and life of the population. Another reason to oppose legalization is that in the near future not only adults but also young people, adolescents and even children will be consuming it and thus beginning their sad path of addiction and destruction. In a point of view, although the legalization of drugs is not something favorable for me, it is what is best. Since due to its legalization, deaths, incarcerations and open reduction of STD diseases will be prevented. The human being is attracted to everything that is prohibited. Perhaps if the drug is legalized, the product will call less attention to the consumer, since there will be no adrenaline to do something indecent and drugs will not have the same value as before.
2. The arguments for legalizing drugs are:
-some people use it for medication purposes
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– can stop the spread of AIDS because of the usage of dirty syringe
– reduce the number of drug cases on court dockets and the number of prison beds needed for drug offenders
some arguments for not legalizing drugs are:
– there are going to be more drug addicts
– more car accidents accidents
– it would encourage more people to try drugs
There are people that are in jail that had been caught with possession of illicit drugs but I think we can reduce the number of incarceration related to drugs by reducing or eliminating penalties for possession of drugs like marihuana depending on how many ounces that person has in possession because penalties like these does not affect public safety.
3. Those in favor of legalization argue that American jails are overcrowded as a result of mandatory minimum sentence legislation. Those considered to be drug offenders are sentenced to jail for a predetermined period of time under mandatory sentencing legislation. The laws were created with the intention of incarcerating high-level drug dealers and drug lords. The majority of the charges were imposed on low-level dealers and consumers. In fact, possession is the reason for all drug charges. As a result, federal prisons are overburdened with non-violent drug offenses. As a result, the number of men in jail has grown by day.
Opponents of legalization, on the other hand, claim that mandatory punishment is successful regardless of jail population. Mandatory sentencing has the objective of ridding society of drug smuggling and the violent crimes that come with it (Avergun). Many dealers and users have been imprisoned in federal prison since mandatory sentencing was implemented (Drug Legalization). Due to the certainty of heavy punishment provided by the new obligatory terms, drug traffickers have the option to either stop dealing altogether or begin taking more care when taking risks with their business.When the population of this nation and their health concerns are considered, it is clear that legalizing drugs would affect not just those who use them, but also those who socialize with them. Many individuals refuse to give up drugs and claim that legalizing will make them more productive, but I believe that anyone with common sense understands that this is highly unlikely. Why would you want to make something so hazardous and simple for people who don’t stand to gain? Because drugs are damaging to your brain and body, why would you want them available to others who would not benefit from them? I don’t believe I would, to put it simply.
4. There is a huge debate right now on whether or not drugs should be legalized or not. Personally, when I first hear me this debate I thought, absolutely not! Why would we want to legalize drugs? If we legalize drugs than they would be more easily accessible and more commonly seen. That would be horrible to take something so illegal and dangerous and say that this is now okay for the public. The main reasons against the legalization of drugs is to keep the public safe and clean. If drugs are illegal than doing these drugs is illegal. Those who distribute and consume these drugs are held responsible for their actions and are incarcerated. This keeps the public safe by trying to keep these drugs off the streets and by attempting to lower the rates of a drug related crime. However, once I discovered why drugs should be legalized, it opened my eyes to the thought of it. By legalizing drugs it actually lowers drug related crimes since there’s no need to fight or become violent over something that is now easily accessible. The government would be able to regulate these drugs and ensure they are taking properly which would lower the disease rates. Legalizing drugs would also help the economy and lower the rate of drug related incarcerations. Instead of incarcerating every single drug related incident, now incarcerating only those who are deeply abusing the drugs would be necessary. Instead of incarcerating, drug addicts could receive the proper help through rehabs instead of put in jail. To help lower the mass incarceration for drugs they can be fined instead of incarcerated. This also allows police to focus on preventing serious crimes and incarcerating those who belong locked up.
5. The main argument for and against legalizing drugs in the United States is that drugs play a major role in aiding towards a healthier or pain-free life. in other words, those who might struggle with anxiety for example rely on the use of Miraguna to control their anxiety. On the other hand, some might argue that the use of drugs has caused more harm than good. For example, the increase of criminal activities among the youth has increased exponentially all due to the easily obtainable access to drugs.The best solution for the problem of mass incarceration related to drugs is believed to be the reduce inmate idleness by increasing opportunities for putting them in groups, playing a sport. Active inmates are less likely to feel stressed and hostile. Also trying to reduce the over-policing in redlined and marginalized communities, longer sentencing for minor crimes, and three endless restrictions after being released.
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