Healthcare is one pivotal sector in any society.

Healthcare is one pivotal sector in any society. Maintaining a safe environment for health workers is not only crucial for the workers themselves but also the patients that visit their healthcare facility. There can be many healthcare policies that advocate for the provision of quality care. The identified policy for this project, however, is the hospital readmission reduction program (HRRP) whose implementation can result in the provision of quality care. 

Healthcare Policy identified

One of the notable healthcare policies that healthcare workers have to strive to adhere to is the hospital readmission reduction program (HRRP). This is a Medicare value-based purchasing program which is meant to reduce payments made to hospitals that have witnessed excess readmissions. The main aim of the policy is to ensure there is a general improvement in the quality of care given by healthcare facilities to patients. By linking payments to the quality of care being provided, most facilities will be more responsible hence reducing instances of readmissions in healthcare (Carey & Lin, 2016). Another importance of this policy is that it helps improve communication and coordination as both patients and caregivers are in collaboration to ensure proper discharge protocols.

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The nursing association that was identified as the American Nursing Association, which is one of the most significant nursing associations in the US. The association is also linked to the states, and its role goes beyond protecting the nursing profession. It also ensures that patients are given the best form of care. Nurses who tend to go against the tenets of the nursing profession may end up having the license being revoked. This is, therefore, a central association that can advocate for proper nursing leadership and provision of quality care to the patient.

Agenda of introducing professional regulation The main agenda of this policy is to ensure that it advocates for the provision of quality care to patients other than focus on financial reimbursements for healthcare facilities. There are however, many policies that can positively impact change in nursing. However, we settled on this policy owing to the wide positive impact it has both for the nurses and the patients. To arrive to this policy, the organization undertook a SWOT analysis. The analysis provided a critical evaluation of the strengths and opportunities which if well implemented could result in better healthcare delivery as well as a better environment. Furthermore, the weaknesses and threats were also evaluated to show how much the policy can negatively influence healthcare delivery or how much the policy is threatened by other policies in the healthcare setting (Boccuti & Casillas, 2015). This policy is however…

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