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HLTH 6302 – Comprehensive Evaluation Plan Instructions & Outline

HLTH 6302 – Comprehensive Evaluation Plan Instructions & Outline

The student, using the information in Components 1-6, will develop a comprehensive evaluation plan of the assigned health promotion plan. The Comprehensive Evaluation Plan must have the following components and must follow this outline.  The Comprehensive Evaluation Plan must be written in a narrative format using the following outline as a template.

  1. Introduction
  2. Identification of Stakeholders
  3. Program Description
  4. Evaluation Design
  5. Summary of Credible Evidence to Collected
  6. Anticipated Conclusions
  7. Proposed Use of Evaluation Findings and Lessons Learned
  • The project will be graded for integration of information and ideas from a variety of sources (25%), depth and accuracy of information and critical analysis (25%), application of evaluation principles (30%), and writing style and flow of the paper (20%).
  • Papers are to be written according to APA or AMA standards and are to be between 2,000 and 2,500 words long (this does not include the title page or references). 

XXXXX Evaluation Plan

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HLTH 6302

Summer Module 1 2021

Date of Submission


            In this section you will write 2-3 paragraphs introducing your plan.  Think of this like an abstract.

Identification of Stakeholders

            In this section of the paper describe all of the stakeholders in detail who will be impacted by the evaluation.  I expect to see 2-3 sentences describing each of the identified stakeholders or stakeholder groups.

Program Description

            In this section you will, in your own words, provide a detailed overview of the program to be evaluated.  Do not just copy from the provided plan and you do not have to worry about citing the provided plan in this section.  This section should be at least 2 pages long!

Evaluation Design

            In this section you will describe you design in detail using the steps learned in this course.  You should include a logic model and timeline, as well as other information gathered from the worksheets. This section should be 2-3 pages or longer…really put some detail in your design.

Summary of Credible Evidence to Collected

            In this section you will summarize the credible evidence you will need to collect as part of your evaluation plan.  This section should be at least a page long.

Anticipated Conclusions

            In this section you will list (in a narrative format) what you expect to happen as result of the program and subsequent evaluation. This section should be at least 1-1 ½ pages long.

Proposed Use of Evaluation Findings and Lessons Learned

            In this section you will describe how you will use the findings and postulate the lessons to be learned from the evaluation of the provided program.


List any citations using APA format.

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