Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

How might you use the Hofstede theory of Cultural Dimensions to prepare the two senior managers for their stay in Bogotá?

Assessment task details and instructions
You work for an importer of leather footwear, that supplies consumers in two market segments:
(1) the walking/hiking markets (walking boots), and
(2) riding boots and leather saddles

Up until now, your suppliers were in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, but since the UK left the EU, it has been decided that you can longer rely on these suppliers due to complications with Brussels. Consequently, just before the end of last year, the Senior Management undertook a strategic market research study to identify new suppliers. One supplier has been found, based in Bogotá, Colombia, and next month the MD and Production Director will travel to Bogotá to spend two weeks with the company, viewing their production line and seeing whether you could go into a partnership arrangement with this company.

The Task
You are required to write a 3,000 essay that addresses the following question:

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“How might you use the Hofstede theory of Cultural Dimensions to prepare the two senior managers for their stay in Bogotá?

You MUST present your report in the following format:

Section A) The Hofstede Theory (25% of total mark)
Critically analyse the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Model

Section B) Comparison of Colombia and the UK (40% of total mark)
Within the theoretical framework in section A, undertake a comparative analysis of both Colombia and the UK, in terms of the six dimensions mentioned by Hofstede: Power-Distance Index (PDI), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Long-term Orientation (LTO), and Indulgence/restraint (IND)

Section c) Differences and Potential Problems (25% of total mark)
Show how the major differences you have identified (in section B), might present problems when working together, and what you would do to minimise/eliminate these problems

Section d) References and Presentation (10% of total mark)

Your report should use the following style for BOTH of the above sections:
• Font: Times New Roman
• Font size: 12
• Line spacing: 1.15
• Referencing: use the Harvard style (eg, Swift, 2021) in the text, and then present the full references in alphabetical order at the end.
• Do not use footnotes

Knowledge and Understanding

Transferable Skills and Other Attributes

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
Assessed intended learning outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

  1. Undertake a critical analysis of the theory, concepts, and models of cross-cultural interaction
  2. Appreciate different cultural identities and their impact upon business practice in the areas of leadership, decision-making, communications, and negotiation.
  3. Work independently and/or as part of a group, to examine cross-cultural management issues
  4. Understand ethical challenges faced by managers when working in a cross-cultural environment
  5. Apply planning, organisation, decision-making, and time management skills appropriate for use in an organisational context.
  6. Experiment and develop personal initiative and responsibility in undertaking complex investigations in the solving of organisational problems and issues
  7. Critically analyse and apply key ideas and concepts via comprehensive research relevant both to the subject area and to professional practice in the field
  8. Develop and enhance individually and/or collaboratively effective written and oral communication skills for both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  9. Leads by example (the group report)
  10. Judgement and challenge (individual assignment AND group report)
  11. Courage and curiosity (the group report)
  12. Valuing differences (the group report)
  13. Professionalism (the group report)

Module Aims

1. To present the theory, concepts and models of cross-cultural interaction
  1. To examine the different cultural identities and ways in which these influence management practice in the areas of leadership, decision-making, communications, and negotiation
  2. To facilitate the development of an appreciation of different cultural attitudes towards ethics in international business operations
  3. To develop participants’ ability to work on their own and/or with others in preparation for employment in the international business environment.

Word count/ duration (if applicable)
Your assessment should be……

3,000 words (+/- 10%). This does not include references

There will be a penalty of 10% deduction for every 100 words (or part thereof) for exceeding the wordcount.

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