Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

How successful has the US military been at learning from history since 1945?

Write a double spaced, 10-12 page argumentative essay on

How successful has the US military been at learning from history since 1945?

*The essay will include documentation in the form of endnotes or footnotes (but not in-text citations)

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* + 2 pages Outline and 1 page Annotated Bibliography

* The thesis should be in the introduction and conclusion.


A: 100-90% Written work demonstrates mastery of the continuum of competition, conflict, and war by analyzing the historical context of large scale combat operations through battles, campaigns, operational variables, mission variables, key leader decisions, or tenets of key theorists. Furthermore, the written work reaches conclusions that transcend the block material. Essay is concise, adheres to the style guide, exhibits appropriate tone, and has no spelling or grammar errors. The writer uses appropriate and sufficient historical evidence with correct documentation. Thesis is clear and unambiguous.

Please need A+ in this essay, and please NO PLAGIARISM, and need the citation.


the whole history block is attached in different file, the essay should be from the history block.

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