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How to build and maintain your ePortfolio

Each week you have had an opportunity to practice different aspects of the writing process in a writing notebook. It consists of a template you will fill out and submit in Canvas. In addition to introducing and practicing targeted components of the writing process, these notebooks are meant to help you to determine your own strengths and identify opportunities for growth.

This week, the writing notebook focuses on how to build and maintain your ePortfolio so that it represents your growing skills and abilities.

In Week 1 of this course, it was recommended that you begin building your Folio profile. If you did not have a chance to take that step yet, refer back to the Building an ePortfolio page and follow the steps to create your Folio profile and view the resources provided.

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In the Week 5 Writing Notebook you will

Identify the writing that you have done for this course that you wish to include in your ePortfolio introduction.
Develop a project description for your Future Opportunities Essay, which you will be uploading as a project to your Folio.
Determine the skills that you will tag your Future Opportunities Essay with.

Follow the steps outlined below to complete this week’s writing notebook:

Download the Week 5 Writing Notebook Template below, which has been provided for you in both a Word document and a PDF file.
Week 5 Writing Notebook Template download(PDF)
Week 5 Writing Notebook Template download(Word)
    Please note that you can choose to print out the template and mark it up as long as you can scan it back into your computer for submission in Canvas by Day 7.
Complete all steps of the Week 5 Writing Notebook, including the reflection step.
Save the file to your computer (desktop or a folder).
Click on the “Submit Assignment” button to submit. When you have finished uploading your document, click on the subsequent “Submit Assignment” so your instructor may receive your document for grading.

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