HRM 5065 Entire Course of Capella University

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HRM 5065 Week 1 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Discrimination in the Workplace

Describe a workplace discrimination issue that you have experienced or witnessed in a current or former place of employment. Be sure to omit the employer’s name for privacy. If you have never witnessed a discrimination issue at work, you can use an example from your personal experience or an event in the news.

• How did the incident make you feel?

• How did it affect your morale and productivity (or those of others)?

• How did it affect the overall culture within the work environment?

• Did it have any financial repercussions?

• How did the HR department handle the issue?

Response Guidelines

Respond to the posts of at least two other learners, comparing your experiences and the effects of a workplace discrimination incident. Consider your peers’ incidents from an HR perspective. How would you initially assess the incident? What could have been, or should have been, done differently?

HRM 5065 Week 1 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Employee Handbooks

• How important for the HRM professional is understanding the mission and function of an organization? Why?

• When should an employee handbook be updated? Why?

• Who should be involved in the creation of the handbook? What should be considered?

HRM 5065 Week 1 Discussion 3 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Legal Reasoning

This discussion is your opportunity to practice using the issue, rule, application, and conclusion (IRAC) formula, which you read about in your studies for this unit. This is also an opportunity to learn from your peers, and get feedback from your instructor.

Apply the IRAC formula to any one of the cases presented in your studies for Unit 1. Prepare and a post a brief review of the issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion.

Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Compare your interpretations of the issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion. Provide constructive feedback to your peers for improving their analyses.

HRM 5065 Week 2 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Illegal Discrimination

For this discussion, refer to the Meritor case, the Sutton case, and the Achille article, “Reduction in Work Force Tainted by Will ful Age Discrimination,” from your studies for this unit. Analyze the different attitudes that the judiciary has taken with regard to each case.

In each case:

• Why did the courts take the position that they did?

• Are there any larger controls at work, guiding these decisions?

Respond to the post of one other learner. Choose a post that took a position similar to yours and argue the opposite position.

HRM 5065 Week 2 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Limits of Legislation

For this discussion, refer to the Evan and Brown article, “Race Matters,” and the HR Focus article, “Companies, LGBT Employees Still Face Challenges to Inclusive Workplaces,” from your studies for this unit. Consider the following:

• What learning can be identified from the Evan and Brown article, concerning the court’s ability to protect the worker from discrimination?

• How can HRM professionals help eliminate illegal discrimination in the workplace?

• Consider the HR Focus article in discussing how an inclusive workplace culture might impact workplace discrimination in all forms.

HRM 5065 Week 3 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Capella University

Privacy in the Twenty-First Century

Privacy is an increasingly sensitive workplace issue, due to recent advances in technology.

• How can we use technology and legislation to prevent workplace discrimination?

• Think about the movie Gattaca, which you were assigned to view last week. How likely are some of the scenarios presented, given current trends? Focus on the situations, not necessarily the technology used to achieve them.

Respond to the posts of at least two other learners. Concentrate on considering the implications of the future world described in the movie. Do you think the trends described are beneficial or harmful to society? What can we do to enable or avoid these trends?

HRM 5065 Week 3 Assignment Help | Capella University

Contemporary Issue

Write a paper identifying a contemporary scientific, technical, or social issue impacting the workplace. Research at least one law-oriented article that discusses the selected issue. Address the following elements in your issue synopsis:

• Describe your chosen contemporary scientific, technical, or social issue, including how it has impacted the workplace.

• Analyze how your issue influenced or could influence employee productivity in your own current or former organization. Be sure to keep the organization anonymous.

• Explain the impact of your issue from the perspective of an HRM executive.

• Assess how relevant legislation affects your issue in the workplace.

• Assess the ethical ramifications of your issue on HRM practices in the workplace.

Your paper should be 3–4 double-spaced pages in length. Support your assertions with citations from your course readings, workplace examples, and any relevant additional research. Use APA-formatted in-text citations and references. Review the Contemporary Issue Scoring Guide before submitting this assignment to ensure that you have thoroughly addressed the grading criteria.

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