Ihp 420 milestone one guidelines and rubric Essay

For this milestone, you will start working on the case for Final Project I: Malpractice. Below is is a link to the case you will investigate. This link is also provided in the Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric document. 

 Surgery: Iturralde v. Hilo Medical Center USA 

Prompt: In this milestone, you will complete part of your analysis of the malpractice case. Using this analysis of the case, you will address the facts pertaining to the medical standard of care, breach of care, and causation. 

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Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

I. Introduction:  A. Summarize the case, including information on the stakeholders involved, the problem, and the time period the incident occurred. 

II. Medical Malpractice Component: In this section, you will evaluate the case to address the legal components, the malpractice policies similar to this case, and the standard of care given to the patient and how it was breached. Then, you will draw connections to how this malpractice case impacted stakeholders and healthcare consumers outside of the case.  A. Explain the key legal components of the case, including the nature of the issue and the rules that applied. B. Determine relevant malpractice policies in place for addressing the issues within the case. C. Analyze the malpractice case for the standard of care provided to the victim. Be sure to apply what the law states about standard of care to support whether or not it was breached in the case. D. Analyze how the malpractice case would impact healthcare consumers from different cultural backgrounds. For example, would this case have a similar impact on a person from a culture different from the one in the case? How could this incident change the views of these healthcare consumers toward the healthcare system? E. Assess the malpractice case for accountability based on its severity. To what extent was the healthcare provider held accountable? 


Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. 

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