In this discussion, you will conduct research and locate a new technology currently under development (that hasn’t already been profiled by another student) that has not yet been introduced to the marketplace that will affect the workplace.)

In this discussion, you will conduct research and locate a new technology currently under development (that hasn’t already been profiled by another student) that has not yet been introduced to the marketplace that will affect the workplace.)

Discuss the new technology and how it will impact the workplace.
Please provide a link to the article or website where you obtained the information.

Technology is a field that is always changing and undergoing evolution. Each year has had new technologies that are yet to become mainstream. Most of the developments in technology have become successful, and they are currently used profoundly. In this case, the main focus will be on smart houses. The smart house technology is something that is almost becoming real as various tests have been conducted on the same (Sripan et al., 2012). This comes at a time when homes are already fitted with smart refrigerators and smartphones.
The smart home will have various mirror-like objects and devices that can be controlled using the computer or smartphone. For instance, one can change the level of thermostat, TV stations and also get notifications from work. This technology will impact the workplace to a great extent. Those who work from home will benefit from the real-time messages that they get from home. One can also issue instructions at work from home as there are no delays in the relaying of messages. This means the workplace will become advanced with less physical interactions between the workers.
The smart home technology is also expected to allow people to prepare meals using machines from any location. It will not take a long time before people get to a situation where they can talk to the house and get responses from the same. This technology will help in diversifying the workplace as people will not use the knowledge they have gained from the same to improve their work (Sripan et al., 2012). The smart home will have solutions to various work problems reducing the rates of consultations. This technology is already underway, and it is a matter of structuring everything together. There is a lot of stability that is needed to ensure that the product is effective and user friendly.

Sripan, M., Lin, X., Petchlorlean, P., & Ketcham, M. (2012, December). Research and thinking of smart home technology. In International Conference on Systems and Electronic Engineering (ICSEE’2012) (pp. 61-63).

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