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Interview Transcript

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Interview Transcript

Interviewer: Welcome Mia, and thank you for taking your time to join me in this interview (O’Dair, 2019).

Mia Lee: Thank you. It’s my pleasure.

Interviewer: So… talking about the research process, how hard was it for you to find people to interview?

Mia Lee: It was very hard for me to find the required participants for my interview because most of the interested participants were jokers.

Interviewer: (laughing) why would you say that they were jokers.

Mia Lee: I used the social media to get people to register using google docs. After the conclusion of the registration process, I did some follow up on the potential candidates, and as it turned out, more that 90 percent of them refused to be interviewed citing that they just signed up for fun. As it is, the social media contains a lot of jokers.

Interviewer: Did you at last find potential candidates?

Mia Lee: Yes I did.

Interviewer: Which interview format did you use on your candidates?

Mia Lee: I used phone call to interview the participants since it was the most convenient method.

Interviewer: Was the selection your preference?

Mia Lee: No. I preferred video calls so that I can tap into the respondents’ non-verbal cues. However, most of them were not comfortable with video calls so we had to select the most convenient method.

Interviewer: What was the process of setting the appointment and working out the format?

Mia Lee: As previously stated, I followed up with the registered candidates. For those who agreed, I sent them an informed consent document and the timelines for the calls from which they were to pick the one they were most comfortable with.

Interviewer: What did you do to make the interview process go smoothly?

Mia Lee: I slowly build up the interview process from getting to know the interviewee a little but to making them feel comfortable before proceeding with the questions.


O’Dair, M. (2019). Interview Transcripts. In Distributed Creativity (pp. 113-152). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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Interview Transcript

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Interview Transcript

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