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Job Analysis and Job Description ESSAY

Job Analysis and Job Description ESSAY

Job Analysis and Job Description
Human Resource Management 500 JOB ANALYSIS AND JOB DESCRIPTION
Job Analysis and Job Description


Human Resource Management is a career that entails ensuring that policies, programs, and
practices laid down by an organization are achieved to achieve both personal and organizational
goals. I dream of working with Shaw Industries Group Company for years because its goals and
objectives align with mine. Additionally, my academic qualifications, personality traits, and other
skills will help me deliver the company’s mandate as a Human Resource Manager (Storey, 2016).
For a company to thrive, it must ensure that employees’ needs are taken good care of because it
depends on its workforce to achieve its goals and objectives. Various human resource departments,
such as marketing, customer care, and sales, make it possible for a business to thrive in its
operations, attaining its set goals and objectives. The role I am expected to perform as a Human
Resource manager is crucial in any given company because it entails managing various human
resource departments by ensuring that all workers perform their tasks effectively for the success of
an organization.
Human Resource Management is a job position that requires thorough training to deliver
their mandate effectively and efficiently. I am a trained Human Resource Manager who has past3
job experience working with various companies, interacting with employees daily, and
communicating efficiently in various departments. From Storey (2016), a successful business
venture depends on one person fulfilling their mandate and on teamwork and collaboration
between employees to ensure that various tasks are assigned to them are accomplished to attain a
common goal. Being a leader is an essential part of a Human Resource manager. A critical part of
leadership in any given organization is to guide various employee departments to enhance
members’ productivity and satisfaction. Additionally, appreciating diversity among workers with
different ideas by listening to them and their views helps create a good working environment
where every individual feel appreciated in collective decision-making.
Human resource management involves making decisions guiding employees in an
organization, and ensuring that customers receive highly satisfactory services through customer
care services. The growth of an organization depends on its ability to satisfy the needs of its
customers and ensure that they frequently come back because they feel safe and satisfied. Good
communication skills in the way we talk with our customers are paramount as it makes our
customers feel appreciated and loved regardless of their gender, social status, race, etc.
Additionally, giving and receiving feedback is essential for managers to understand improvement
areas to fulfil the organizational goals and objectives (Wood, 1999). Also, with the advancement in
technology and innovation, communication has become easier as managers utilize various social
media platforms to interact with colleagues and employees from time to time. Communication is
also vital as it facilitates easy decision-making in workplaces.
As a good human resource manager, I should offer training and development to employees
from time to time to equip them with new skills required due to changing trends in the market

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Job Analysis and Job Description ESSAY

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