JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 1 of 7
Assignment 3: New Venture – Final Business Plan Format: Paper Due: Week 9, Day 7 (Weight: 25%) OVERVIEW and FINAL BUSINESS PLAN OUTLINE Your deliverable for Assignment 3 is your Final Business Plan. It will include content from Assignments 1 and 2, with revisions based on your professor’s feedback, as well as content from Assignment 3. The chart below shows how all your assignments fit together to create your Final Business Plan.
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I. Executive Summary* I. Executive Summary* I. Executive Summary* Assignment 3
II. Company Description II. Company Description II. Organization Description Assignment 1
III. New Product or Service Description
III. New Product or Service Description
III. New Product or Service Idea
Assignment 1
IV. SWOT Analysis IV. SWOT Analysis IV. SWOT Analysis Assignment 1
V. New Concept Launch Strategy V. New Business Launch Strategy
V. Nonprofit Launch Strategy
Assignment 2
VI. Impact on the Business Model VI. Business Model VI. Organizational Structure Assignment 2
VII. Revenue Streams VII. Revenue Streams VII. Operational Strategy Assignment 2
VIII. Financial Structure and Costs VIII. Financial Structure and Costs
VIII. Financial and Fundraising Plan
Assignment 2
IX. Growth Strategy IX. Growth Strategy IX. Impact Plan Assignment 3
X. Management Team and Key Roles
X. Management Team and Key Roles
X. Leadership Team and Key Roles
Assignment 3
XI. Marketing Plan XI. Marketing Your Brand XI. Marketing Analysis Assignment 3
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 2 of 7
ASSIGNMENT 3 INSTRUCTIONS In this assignment, you will complete the final three sections of your Business Plan: Sections IX, X, and XI. Then, you will write your Executive Summary. This section will be placed at the start of your paper, but it is written last because it is an overview of the whole Business Plan. You will follow ONE of the Options below, depending whether your Business Plan is for an Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur, or Nonprofit Leader. Be sure to work with the template that matches your chosen Option. Option A – INTRAPRENEUR EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
o Write an Overview of one page, presenting the key points of the overall Business Plan. Address all sections of the plan in Summary fashion. This should include something from every section.
* Note: the Executive Summary is the first section in your paper, but it is the last section you will write. This works best because the Executive Summary provides an overview of your entire Business Plan. GROWTH STRATEGY
o Describe your strategic position in the market and what differentiates the products or services you plan to sell.
o How will you develop a loyal customer base for the products or services you sell? o How fast will you grow? Where and how do you believe you can expand your business?
o Provide a list of the key management roles that will need to be filled. § Resource: https://www.onetonline.org/
o For each key role, specify what the requirements for the roles include. MARKETING PLAN
o Provide a detailed marketing plan. Be sure to include both Promotions Strategy and Marketing Strategy.
o In your plan, show how you will incorporate “The Four Ps of Marketing.” For information on this concept, refer to The Four Ps of Marketing document in your Assignment 3 Resources.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 3 of 7
o Write an Overview of one page, presenting the key points of the overall Business Plan. Address all sections of the plan in Summary fashion. This should include something from every section.
* Note: the Executive Summary is the first section in your paper, but it is the last section you will write. This works best because the Executive Summary provides an overview of your entire Business plan. GROWTH STRATEGY
o Describe your strategic position in the market and what differentiates the products or services you plan to sell.
o How will you develop a loyal customer base for the products or services you sell? o How fast will you grow? Where and how do you believe you can expand your business?
o Provide a list of the key management roles that will need to be filled. o For each key role, specify what the requirements for the roles include.
o Provide a detailed marketing plan. Be sure to include both Promotions Strategy and Marketing Strategy.
o In your plan, show how you will incorporate “The Four Ps of Marketing.” For information on this concept, refer to The Four Ps of Marketing document in your Assignment 3 Resources.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 4 of 7
o Write an Overview of one page, presenting the key points of the overall Business Plan. Address all sections of the plan in Summary fashion. This should include something from every section.
* Note: the Executive Summary is the first section in your paper, but it is the last section you will write. This works best because the Executive Summary provides an overview of your entire Business Plan. IMPACT PLAN
o Describe your goals in terms of the impact your activities will have on the local community. o How will you develop connections and partnerships with local businesses and agencies? o How fast will you grow? Where and how do you believe you can expand your activities?
o Provide a list of the key management roles that will need to be filled. o For each key role, specify what the requirements for the roles include.
o Provide a detailed marketing plan. Be sure to include your Nonprofit Marketing Goals and Priorities, as well as your Key Message. To learn more about this topic, refer to the Nonprofit Marketing Plan Example document in your Assignment 3 Resources.
o In your plan, show how you will incorporate “The Four Ps of Marketing.” For information on this concept, refer to The Four Ps of Marketing document in your Assignment 3 Resources.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 5 of 7
DELIVERABLE INSTRUCTIONS: ASSEMBLING YOUR FINAL BUSINESS PLAN After writing the sections described above for Assignment 3, you do not need to submit them for review before integrating them into your Final Business Plan. Proceed directly to assemble your Final Business Plan, which combines content from all three assignments in this course. Make sure you are working with the template that matches your chosen Option: Intrapreneur, Entrepreneur, or Nonprofit Leader. The template makes it easy to check that you have included all the required sections, in the correct order, in your submission for Assignment 3.
§ Typed, double-spaced, using Ariel or Times New Roman font (size 11 or 12) with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow JWMI Writing Standards format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
§ Visuals such as Spreadsheets, Income Statements, Organizational Charts, and your SWOT Analysis may be included in the body of your document or placed at the end of your document in Appendices (i.e., Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.)
§ Include a Cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date
§ Include a References page to identify your sources
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 6 of 7
Rubric: Assignment 3: New Venture – Final Business Plan CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
1. Write a one page Executive Summary that outlines all key points and addresses all sections of the Business Plan.
Weight: 15%
Did not submit or wrote an incomplete Executive Summary. Did not address all key points and sections of the Business Plan.
Wrote a partial Executive Summary that addressed some key points and sections of the Business Plan.
Wrote a satisfactory Executive Summary that addressed all key points and sections of the Business Plan.
Wrote a thorough and clear Executive Summary that addressed all key points and sections of the Business Plan.
Wrote an exemplary, succinct Executive Summary that addressed all key points and sections of the Business Plan.
2. Describe in detail your Growth Strategy (A or B) or Impact Plan (C). Respond to all prompts for your Option. Weight: 25%
Did not describe or incompletely described the indicated item and did not respond to all prompts.
Partially described the indicated item and responded to some of the prompts.
Satisfactorily described the indicated item and responded to all prompts.
Thoroughly described the indicated item and responded to all prompts. Good detail covering all required elements.
Exemplarily described the indicated item and responded to all prompts. Excellent detail covering all required elements.
3. List key management roles and the requirements for each role. Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely listed key management roles. Did not or incompletely described the requirements for each role.
Partially listed key management roles and partially described the requirements for each role.
Listed all key management roles and provided a satisfactory description of the requirements for each role.
Listed all key management roles and provided a good, thorough description of the requirements for each role.
Listed all key management roles and provided an exemplary description of the requirements for each role.
4. Provide a detailed marketing plan. Show how you will incorporate The 4 P’s of Marketing into your marketing plan.
Weight: 25%
Did not provide a detailed marketing plan. Did not show how The 4 P’s of Marketing would be incorporated into the plan.
Provided a partial marketing plan. Showed minimally how The 4 P’s of Marketing would be incorporated into the plan.
Provided a satisfactory marketing plan. Showed clearly how The 4 P’s of Marketing would be incorporated into the plan.
Provided a good, thorough marketing plan. Showed very well how The 4 P’s of Marketing would be incorporated into the plan.
Provided an exemplary marketing plan. Showed excellently how The 4 P’s of Marketing would be incorporated into the plan.
JWI 575: New Business Ventures and Entrepreneurship Academic Submissions and Evaluation
© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class. JWI 575 – Assignment 3 (1208) Page 7 of 7
CRITERIA Unsatisfactory Low Pass Pass High Pass Honors
5. Include all relevant content from Game Plan and Launch Plan, incorporating revisions recommended by your professor. Weight: 10%
Did not include or incompletely included relevant content from Game Plan and Launch Plan. Did not incorporate revisions recommended by your professor.
Partially included relevant content from Game Plan and Launch Plan. Partially incorporated revisions recommended by your professor.
Satisfactorily included all relevant main content from Game Plan and Launch Plan, incorporating some revisions recommended by your professor.
Thoroughly included all relevant content from Game Plan and Launch Plan, incorporating most revisions recommended by your professor.
Exemplary use of all relevant content from Game Plan and Launch Plan, incorporating fully all revisions recommended by your professor.
6. Clarity, logic, and writing mechanics.
Weight: 10%
Multiple mechanical errors or much of the text is difficult to understand and fails to follow formatting instructions. The text does not flow.
Several mechanical errors make parts of the text difficult for the reader to understand; the text does not flow or the discussion fails to justify conclusions
and assertions
More than a few mechanical errors; text flows but lacks conciseness or clarity; assertions and conclusions are generally justified and
Few mechanical errors; text flows and concisely and clearly expresses the student’s position in a manner that rationally and logically develops
the topics.
No mechanical errors; text flows and concisely and clearly expresses the student’s position in an exemplary manner that rationally and logically develops the
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