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Killing a Mockingbird Essay

Killing a Mockingbird Essay

In the field of American Classical Literature, Killing a Mockingbird story (To Kill a Mockingbird, by its original title in English) is one of the most famous novels of the writer Harper Lee, which was published for the first time once in the year 1960, thanks to the work of the JB publishing house Lippincott & Co.
About the Killing a Mockingbird book

In terms of its importance, this American novel won a Pulitzer Prize in the same year of its publication, moment from which it had great acceptance among American readers, who see in it a true reflection of the fictional stories of racial heroism.

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Likewise, in literary terms this work represents the correct exercise that an author can perform on an event lived at some time of its existence, without the need to write an autobiography. In this way, Harper Lee, according to what some of his critics point out, was able to be inspired by an event lived in his city, during 1936, and be able to distance himself enough to capture in the pages of Killing a Mockingbird a story in where the misuse of justice is evident, when it is handled based on discrimination.
Killing a Mockingbird summary

With regard to the content of this novel, basically it can be said that it takes place in Maycomb, a fictional town that the narrator locates in Alabama. Likewise, they run the times of the Great Depression, when Scout Finch, voice through whom the story will be known, and who is barely six years old, lives with his father Atticus and his older brother Jem.

During one of the summers, Jem and Scout become friends with Dill, another small boy, who is visiting the town, and with whom they will live the imaginary adventure of speculating about the personality and appearance of Boo Radley, a mysterious neighbor, that is never seen. However, in the last summer of the three that these children share during the novel, they begin to receive small presents, which finally end up discovering or concluding that they are from the neighboring incognito.

However, as children experience this playful experience, other things happen in the village. This is how Atticus, father of Jem and Scout, and who is also a lawyer, is faced with the mission of defending Tom Robinson, an African-American man, who is accused of having raped Mayela Ewell, a young white woman. However, even though the trial has not begun, due to the racism prevailing in the US of the Great Depression, the public has already made its verdict, considering that Robinson is guilty, which translates into great social pressure towards Atticus, who He is questioned and attacked for his decision to defend the accused.

During the trial, however, this lawyer manages to prove the innocence of Robinson, revealing that it is a trap of Mayela and his father Bob Ewell, the jury ends up declaring Robinson guilty. Knowing the fate that awaits him, the man tries to flee, receiving a shot that ends his life. Given this, Atticus’ faith in Justice is also highly affected.

However, this story does not end there, since Bob Ewell is enraged with Atticus, who revealed during the trial that it was his daughter who was making sexual advances to Robinson and that when discovered by Bod decided to invent the story about the violation. Determined to take revenge, but with his cowardice against, decides to attack the children of Atticus.

In the middle of the attack, the children receive the help of a mysterious man, who takes them to shelter in their own home. To the surprise of Jem and Scout, the incognito savior is Boo Radley himself. However, the fight has caused consequences: Bob Ewell has died. Believing that taking Boo Radley to trial will cause Justice to vindicate himself by declaring the event a justified homicide, Atticus insists that he be brought before the court.

On the contrary, his daughter Scout thinks that doing so would be against the very nature of Boo, who prefers to keep hidden, something like “kill a nightingale” that does nothing, except sing. Before this metaphor, Atticus desists of its intention to make a judgment, and accepts the official version, given by the sheriff, where this one indicates that Ewell died when falling alone on its own knife.
Kill a Mockingbird analysis: synopsis and considerations


The book tells three years of the story of two children, Scout, the narrator of the plot, and Jem, his older brother. They live in a small city in the southern United States, Maycomb, with a style everyone knows everyone and where racial preconception is practically the motto of the city. However, there are figures that oppose that prejudice as is the case of Attiucs Fincher, the father of children. Atticus is a defense attorney for Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl. On that background cloth through a fun and accurate narration, the two children and their friend know the strange world in which they live, find unforgettable characters (Calpurnia, Dolphus Raymond and, especially, the lonely Boo Radley) and discover the meaning of words like respect and tolerance. It is through the young Scout that we understand the society around her. This synopsis can be a background for Killing a Mockingbird essay.

Other considerations

Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee wrote the story in 1960.The book won the Pulitzer Prize the following year for its fascinating story about racial injustice. The novel is based loosely on memories of the author’s family, as well as an event that occurred near his hometown, in 1936, when he was 10 years old. It is considered one of the great novels of literature. Its simplicity is deceptive and involves a deep construction of society and ethics. The plot takes place in the fictional city of Maycomb and is one of the central themes of racial discrimination, class discrimination and the search for justice for an innocent. The original title is derived from a metaphor which means that it is a sin to kill innocent or misunderstood creatures; the protagonist follows his moral limit to defend the weakness. This lesson is transmitted to her daughter who learns that different people do not deserve fear or hatred from others. In 1962, the novel was taken to the movie screens with a film of the same name and winner of numerous awards, starring Gregory Peck.


The novel ends with Scout accompanying Boo home, to see him disappear again, while regretting not having time to thank him for those present he did to her, his older brother Jem, and his friend Dill. Similarly, during this last passage, the little Scout is also curious to know how Boo thinks, or at least how the world looks from his perspective. However, it is a doubt that will not solve, since Boo has returned to his hiding place.

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