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Literature Review Paper

Literature Review Paper

DUE DATE: FRIDAY April 23th by 11:59PM to Canvas Dropbox

THE TASK: In this paper you will be required to construct a literature review that entails a deep dive into a topic related to cognition. While you are free to choose the area that you would like to focus on, you will be required to provide ample information from the empirical literature to back up your investigation.

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  1. Introduction
    1. What area of cognition are you focusing on?
    1. Why is this area of cognition important to study?
    1. Brief overview of what’s to come in the paper.
  2. Literature Review:
    1. For Each of the 5 Articles discussing your topic:
      1. What were the researchers trying to do?
      1. How did they do it?
      1. What were their conclusions?
      1. What does this article reveal in regards to your topic? (i.e. Why did you include it?)
  3. Conclusion
    1. Tie your empirical evidence all together so that the logical connection is made clear
    1. Taking the literature into consideration, what is one possible future research idea that could be performed in your topic area?
    1. Overview of the paper in a method to conclude the paper for the reader

5. Format Expectations

  1. Times new roman, 12 pt font, double-spaced
  2. Minimum 7 pages, maximum 10 pages
  3.  Proper APA formatting for cover page, citations, running head/page numbers, reference page, section titles, basic grammar and spelling


IntroductionEngaging and complete introduction of target area of cognition, and succeeding paper contents.  Somewhat engaging and partial introduction of target area of cognition, and succeeding paper contents.Clear attempt  at engaging and full introduction of target area of cognition, and succeeding paper contents.Complete lack of engaging and full introduction of target area of cognition, and succeeding paper contents.X/3
Resource #1Detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Somewhat detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Clear attempt at a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Complete lack of a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.X/3
Resource #2Detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Somewhat detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Clear attempt at a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Complete lack of a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.X/3
Resource #3Detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Somewhat detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Clear attempt at a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Complete lack of a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.X/3
Resource #4Detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Somewhat detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Clear attempt at a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Complete lack of a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.X/3
Resource #5Detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Somewhat detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Clear attempt at a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.Complete lack of a detailed description of: What was researched, how it was researched, and interpretation of the research results.X/3
ConclusionComprehensive overview of preceding paper contents, clarification of connection between all resources, potential future research idea offered.  Somewhat comprehensive overview of preceding paper contents, clarification of connection between all resources, potential future research idea offered.  Attempted comprehensive overview of preceding paper contents, clarification of connection between all resources, potential future research idea offered.      No overview of preceding paper contents, clarification of connection between all resources, potential future research idea offered.  X/3
APA Style/Paper LengthAdherence to APA style with 0-3 errors./ Minimum paper length met.Adherence to APA style with 4-6 errors./1-2 pages missing.Adherence to APA style with 7-10 errors./3-4 pages missing.Adherence to APA style with more than 10 errors./More than 4 pages missing.X/3

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