Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Master of Science in Health Science

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences

Master of Science in Health Science

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Week 3 Assignment: Ethical Dilemma Paper Instructions and Grading Rubric

Assignment Rationale:

Please refer to the course syllabus to determine what percentage this assignment is of your final course grade. The purpose of this assignment is to allow each student the opportunity to show comprehensive understanding of an ethical dilemma.  

Assignment Objective:

Compose a scholarly paper illustrating why advanced directives are an ethical dilemma, meeting the required elements of the rubric with 80% accuracy. (LO 1)

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Effectively communicate using well-constructed, thoughtful, organized writing, each of the elements discussed in the breakdown of the assignment’s parts found below.   
  2. The composed scholarly paper should be 2-3 pages in length and APA formatted (cover page with running head, double spaced, one-inch margin, with 12-point Times New Roman font and all necessary heading and subheadings). 
  3. At least five peer-reviewed references must be cited. One of these references can be the textbook.
  4. Please make sure the other four references are from valid sources (not Wikipedia).  
  5. Please remember your submission will be subject to Safe Assign. 
  6. Assignment due on Tuesday at 11 pm. 
  7. Submit the APA formatted document under the assignment link found in the Learning Activities Folder.  
  8. A template has been provided for students unfamiliar with APA formatting. See attached.

Ethical Dilemmas Paper Grading Rubric

 Exemplary (4 points)Proficient (3 points)Developing (2 points)Needs Improvement (1 point)No Credit (0 points)
Ethical DilemmaProvides an extensive explanation of why the topic chosen is an ethical dilemma. In addition, persuasive argument is offered about: why one must make a choice about the chosen topic,an explanation of at least two different choices that could be made regarding the topic and,why whatever choice is made will cause a compromise to be made.Gives a comprehensive explanation of why the chosen topic is an ethical dilemma. However, the explanation is lacking in detail or length.    Provides an adequate overview of why the chosen topic is an ethical dilemma. However, the explanation provided does not address all the conditions of whether or not the topic represents an ethical dilemma.      Provides an inadequate explanation why the topic chosen is an ethical dilemma.      Does not provide any information about why (or why not) the chosen topic could be considered an ethical dilemma.
Topic OverviewProvides an extensive overview of the related ethical dilemma.Gives a comprehensive overview of the related ethical dilemma.Provides an adequate overview that is lacking in detail or length.Provides an inadequate overview of the ethical dilemmas that is lacking in detail or length.Does not provide an overview of the ethical dilemma.
WritingWriting is detailed and exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent connections made between evidence and opinion.Writing is consistent and connections are made between evidence and opinion.  Writing involves some connection between evidence and opinion.  Writing provides only limited connection between evidence and opinion.  No real connection evident between the evidence and opinion.
LengthPaper is between 2-3 pages in length, excluding the cover page and the references.Paper is between 1-2 pages in length, excluding the cover page and references.Paper is between 3-4 pages in length, excluding cover page and references.Paper is > 4 pages in length or < 1 page in length, excluding the cover page and references.No paper submitted.
APA FormattingDocument includes both an APA formatted title page and in-text citations.   No APA formatting errors present.    Document is missing an APA formatted title page or in-text citations.   One to three APA formatting errors present.  Document is missing an APA formatted title page or in-text citations.   Four to five APA formatting errors present.    Document is missing an APA formatted title page or in-text citations.   Six to eight APA formatting errors present.    Document is missing the title page, and the in-text citations, and a reference section.   Nine or more APA formatting errors present.
Citation/ReferenceEach reference cited is from valid, reliable sources. For example, a peer reviewed scientific journal would be considered as a reliable source.  Wikipedia is not a valid resource.    One to two of the references used are not from valid, reliable sources.    Three or more of the references used are not from valid, reliable sources.    The textbook was the only reference used.    The document does not include any references. 
Grammar and Spelling  There are no spelling or grammatical errors.There are no spelling errors and less than five minor grammatical errors.There are one to two spelling errors but there are between six to ten minor grammatical errors.There are three to five spelling errors but there are more than ten minor grammatical errors.Grammatical and spelling errors significantly impact the ability to understand the writing.

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