Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

MBA FPX 5910 Ashford University Business Capstone Assessment

MBA FPX 5910 Ashford University Business Capstone Assessment

Create a 2-5 page annotated outline that include the sections to be analyzed, ethical decision making aspects of the topic, main points of the recommendation, and credible evidence you plan to use for supporting the analysis and recommendations.


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While everyone has their own process for writing, creating an outline is often an important early step in the process in all types of writing, even for the most seasoned writers. By creating an outline, you draft a plan that organizes your thoughts, helps you see gaps in your thought process, and enables you to decide where in your paper you will address particular issues.

An annotated outline is a document that organizes the main sections to be included in your paper. The annotations are based on thinking through your approach to the paper and developing enough detail that anyone who reads the outline can follow your thought process.

The purpose of this assessment is as follows:

To build an annotated outline that shows the key sections of your analysis, the ethical considerations, and the leadership and collaboration aspects that you intend to include in your capstone project. With this outline, faculty can understand the organization and purpose of your paper; upon approval, you may move forward to writing the capstone project

(Assessment 4).

To help you manage your work because you will need to start researching now (if you have not already) in order to create your annotated outline.

To demonstrate that you know how to cite in APA format by including some quotations or paraphrases from researched sources. The sources you include in the outline may or may not be used in your actual paper.

To demonstrate your ability to create a well-organized document, suitable for academic or business, that meets established criteria.

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