Medical History and Informed Consent
Read Chapter 3 in the course text prior to completing this discussion. In Week 1, you evaluated 3 case studies to determine if the client needed to receive medical clearance prior to engaging in an exercise program. For this discussion, assume you are working with Louis, Case Study 3 from Week 1. He wants to begin running at a vigorous intensity three days a week at the local fitness center. After your client receives medical clearance to begin an exercise program, as the qualified health care professional, your next steps are to complete a health history and review the informed consent with your client.
For this discussion, assume you are working with an individual who has a moderate risk of experiencing health-related problems during exercise. Review the sample Informed Consentform and then complete the following:
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Write My Essay For Me- Identify the components of the Medical History.
- Explain the purpose of the Informed Consent form.
- Expound on the contents included in an Informed Consent form.
Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and a minimum of one additional scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Writing Center.
Guided Response: Respond to two classmates by Day 7. Your post should be at least 100 words in length. In one of your responses to your classmates, assess a risk or contraindication to participating in a vigorous exercise program for your client, Louis. Support each response with one scholarly source formatted in APA style.
Brittney Goytia
Jun 2, 2021 at 12:46 AM
Identify the components of the Medical History.
Comprehensive medical history includes identifying and controlling risk factors for CVD. This includes knowledge of any medical diagnosis or history of medical procedures, previous physical examination findings, lab testing results, symptom history, medication list, allergy list, exercise history, family history, current and expected physical demands, as well as recent hospitalizations or new diagnoses (ACSM, 2018).
Explain the purpose of the Informed Consent form.
The purpose of the informed consent form is to provide an ethical and legal consideration on the part of the health/fitness professional prior to initiating exercise testing. The consent form is to be written out and explained to a patient. This allows them to ask questions, understand the risks and benefits of the exercise tests, as well as understand their responsibilities thoroughly enough to have sufficient information to give informed consent (ACSM, 2018).
Expound on the contents included in an Informed Consent form
The contents of informed consent forms include 7 components. The first component is stating the purpose and explaining the exercise test the patient will perform. For example, the type of exercise, intensity, and duration can be explained during this phase. It is important to note to the patient that their physical safety and comfort is the top priority and testing will stop if signs and symptoms of health risks occur. Secondly, a patient is to be notified of the potential health risks and discomforts that could occur from increased activity and be assured that the medical history has been evaluated thoroughly to reduce and minimize the occurrence of such risks. Next, the patient is to be encouraged to take responsibility for vocalizing and sharing information on their health status and any discomfort they feel during testing, for the healthcare professional to better understand and aid in the testing process (ACSM, 2018).
The other parts of the informed consent form include explaining the benefits of exercise testing. Prescreening tests can help diagnose illnesses, assess effectiveness of certain medications, and evaluating appropriate physical activities for participants. Participants are also encouraged to ask questions, clarify, and discuss concerns about procedures during this time. Next, confidentiality of all documented information will be explained in the final phases of the informed consent. Patients are to be assured that healthcare professionals are obligated to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as HIPPA, whereby information is to not be released to outside physicians or medical offices without explicit consent from the patient (Grahovac, 2021). Lastly, patients are signing voluntarily to engage in exercise testing to access cardiovascular health and create an individualized exercise plan, while remaining in control of whether or not they want to continue or stop testing at any point (ACSM, 2018).
American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th ed.). Retrieved from
Grahovac, K. S. (2021). The Importance of Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA): Creating and Maintaining a HIPAA Compliance Program Does Not Have to Be a Daunting Task. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 23(1), 57–60.
Sarah Looney
Jun 2, 2021 at 10:45 PM
Components of Medical History
When beginning to work with a new client, a personal trainer or health care worker will review the person’s medical history to ensure the new client can exercise safely. It also helps alert the trainer to any areas that they should pay particular attention to and symptoms they should look for. A complete review of a person’s medical history is often very extensive and will comprise past and current conditions. A thorough medical history review includes disclosure of medical diagnoses and past procedures, previous physical examination findings such as heart murmurs, laboratory findings such as plasma glucose, history of symptoms such as temporary loss of speech, recent illnesses or hospitalizations, orthopedic problems such as arthritis, medication use including supplements, and chronic use or dependence on substances such as caffeine or tobacco. Additionally, a medical history review will evaluate a person’s exercise history, work history, and family medical history (ACSM, 2018). Each of these components of a medical history review helps health care workers and personal trainers establish individualized programs for their clients and patients.
Purpose of the Informed Consent Form
In addition to the medical history review form, new clients are also given an Informed Consent Form before engaging in any physical activity. While health care workers and personal trainers are generally considered experts in their field, physical activity comes with its own set of risks. These risk factors vary from person to person, depending on their fitness level and overall health, and cannot be completely eliminated regardless of the instructor‘s skill level. For example, CrossFit, founded on consistent variation and high intensity, has proven to improve physical activity but carries a high risk of injury (Kaczorowska, 2020). Providing an Informed Consent form is important for both the receiver and provider of services to ensure everyone is clear about the risks involved before beginning a physical activity program.
Contents of an Informed Consent Form
It is unlikely that any two informed consent forms will be identical. The variation that occurs between forms allows for the adjustment of details to meet individual needs. However, the trainer should verbally explain the form to the client, allowing them to ask questions, and it should have a section explaining they can withdraw from the program if they no longer want to participate. Some other sections commonly incorporated in Informed Consent Forms include purpose and explanation, risks, benefits, confidentiality, responsibilities, inquiries, and use of medical records. Each of these sections guides the client in fully understanding what they are signing up for.
American College of Sports Medicine. (2018). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th ed.). Retrieved from
Kaczorowska, A., Noworyta, K., Mroczek, A., & Lepsy, E. (2020). Effect of the Mobility WOD training program on functional movement patterns related to the risk of injury in CrossFit practitioners. Acta Gymnica, 50(1), 3–8.
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