MGT-530: Operation Management (Processes, Facilities, and Work Systems) Module 07

MGT-530: Operation Management (Processes, Facilities, and Work Systems) Module 07

· GRADING EXPECTATIONS : 1. I recommend that you use the grading rubric to shape your work product (Attached).   2. With respect to grading, The instructor really looks for 2 things:  citations and substance . I encourage you to include cites and information from scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text (Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13:9781259667473) Otherwise, my potential for points is reduced. It  indicates you have read the course materials and searched far and wide for theories, statistics, and facts to address the issue at hand. I encourage you to paraphrase these sources. Convert the content into your own words rather than using direct quotes. This improves the synthesis of information, and it makes the writing more closely resemble your own style.  In addition to scholarly citations, a substantive assignment is one that not only answers the question but advances the discussion. Please, do more than is expected.
· The writer must apply APA style guidelines.  
· Support your submission with: 1. Course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and Use it in the references (Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13:9781259667473) 2.  At least Three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles such as: 2.1 Rezagholi, M. (2019). Demands for multidimensional information on the work environment: A methodological framework for regular studies. Work, 63(1), 9–20. 2.2 Korkulu, S., & Bona, K. (2019). Ergonomics as a social component of sustainable lot-sizing: A review. Periodica Polytechnica: Social and Management Sciences, 27(1), 1–8. 2.3 Beke, E., Horvath, R., & Takacs-Gyorgy, K. (2020). Industry 4.0 and Current Competencies. Our Economy (Nase Gospodarstvo), 66(4), 63–70.
· Be 2 pages in length, does not include the title page, abstract, conclusion and required reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements. 

Processes, Facilities, and Work Systems

Business processes are important to communicate an organization’s best practices as they leverage themselves against competitors. Some benefits of business processes are that in the long run gains may be realized in cost reduction, meeting customers’ expectations, and streamlining business operations. Business process management then focuses on a workflow that may hinder good performance.

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Address the following requirements:

1. Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem

2. Defend your workflow and identify any areas of concern that may hinder successful implementation and a proposed remedy to that concern.

Thank you for your support





Operation Management


Processes, Facilities, and Work Systems


Module 0








I recommend that you use the grading rubric to shape your work product (




With respect to

grading, The instructor really looks for 2 things:


and substance

. I

encourage you to include cites and information from

scholarly and/or peer

reviewed sources in

addition to the course text



, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New

York, NY: McGraw

Hill Irwin. ISBN



, my

potential for points is reduced. It

indicates you have read the course materials

and searched far and wide for theories, statistics, and facts

to address the issue at hand.

I encourage

you to paraphrase these sources. Convert the content into your own wor

ds rather than using direct


. This improves the synthesis of information, and it makes the writing more closely resemble

your own style.

In addition to

scholarly citations, a substantive assignment is one that not only answers the

question but adv

ances the discussion. Please, do more than is expected.


The writer must apply

APA style guidelines



Support your submission with:


Course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and


it in the


(Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New York, NY:


Hill Irwin. ISBN



At least


scholarly, peer

reviewed journal articles such as:


Rezagholi, M. (2019). Demands for multidimensional information on the


environment: A methodological framework for regular studies. Work, 63(1), 9



Korkulu, S., & Bona, K. (2019). Ergonomics as a social component of sustainable lot

sizing: A review. Periodica Polytechnica: Social and Management Sciences, 27(1), 1




eke, E., Horvath, R., & Takacs

Gyorgy, K. (2020). Industry 4.0 and Current

Competencies. Our Economy (Nase Gospodarstvo), 66(4), 63








in length,

does not include the title

page, abstract, conclusion and


reference page,

which are never a part of the minimum content requirements.

MGT-530: Operation Management (Processes, Facilities, and Work Systems)

Module 07



1. I recommend that you use the grading rubric to shape your work product (Attached).  

2. With respect to grading, The instructor really looks for 2 things: citations and substance. I

encourage you to include cites and information from scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources in

addition to the course text (Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New

York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13:9781259667473)

Otherwise, my potential for points is reduced. It  indicates you have read the course materials

and searched far and wide for theories, statistics, and facts to address the issue at hand. I encourage

you to paraphrase these sources. Convert the content into your own words rather than using direct

quotes. This improves the synthesis of information, and it makes the writing more closely resemble

your own style. 

In addition to scholarly citations, a substantive assignment is one that not only answers the

question but advances the discussion. Please, do more than is expected.

 The writer must apply APA style guidelines.

 Support your submission with:

1. Course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and Use it in the

references (Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management (13th ed.). New York, NY:

McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13:9781259667473)

2.  At least Three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles such as:

2.1 Rezagholi, M. (2019). Demands for multidimensional information on the work

environment: A methodological framework for regular studies. Work, 63(1), 9–20.

2.2 Korkulu, S., & Bona, K. (2019). Ergonomics as a social component of sustainable lot-

sizing: A review. Periodica Polytechnica: Social and Management Sciences, 27(1), 1–8.

2.3 Beke, E., Horvath, R., & Takacs-Gyorgy, K. (2020). Industry 4.0 and Current

Competencies. Our Economy (Nase Gospodarstvo), 66(4), 63–70.

 Be 2 pages in length, does not include the title page, abstract, conclusion and required

reference page, which are never a part of the minimum content requirements.

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