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MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 1 Discussion
Tell the Class About Yourself
Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself to your peers and faculty. Please tell the class where you live, how long you have been in nursing, and your current clinical rotation site.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 3 Discussion
Health Promotion
Discuss how health promotion in the older adult population (35–65-year-old) differ from the young adult (18–34-year-old)?
How are they similar? What are some ways the provider can reduce noncompliance in the older adult population?

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 5 Discussion
Scholarly review
Provide the example of a scholarly paper that will be submitted for the Week 5 assignment that discusses the relevance of evidence based practice in the primary care.
Please review 2 student’s papers by answering these questions:
How does this paper define evidence based practice?
In what ways does it apply to the primary care setting?
Discuss how EBP can translate to older adult population (35–65-year old) in the primary care setting.

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MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 6 Discussion
Chronic disease management
Discuss an acute case scenario that you observed in the clinical setting recently for the adult population ranging 35–65-year old.
Discuss how this case can develop into chronic disease management?
What was the evidence that supported the intended outcomes for this patient scenario?

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 9 Discussion
Health promotion
Focus on patients age 35–65. Discuss how you provided health promotion in the clinical setting this week.
How did the patient’s social factors contribute to the patient outcomes?
Reflect on how the patient’s economic status influences the provider’s plan of care. Include medication regimen and diagnostic tests.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 10 Discussion
As this course wraps up, take a moment to examine each of the course outcomes.
MN610-1: Demonstrate emergent clinical reasoning skill in evaluating, planning and implementing care across gender and age span in a culturally competent manner for patients experiencing acute and chronic disease processes.
MN610-2: In conjunction with the preceptor, order and interpret diagnostic tests and prescribe medications.
MN610-3: Employ the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration, and health teaching when treating adults.
MN610-4: Incorporate clients’ cultural preferences, health beliefs, spiritual beliefs, behaviors, and traditional practices into the individualized management plan.
MN610-5: Develop written and oral communication skills for conveying care related data to the interprofessional team.
Discuss how you met the course outcomes for this course by providing an example for each one.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 2 Assignment
Assignment: Professional Portfolio Topics 5–7
Purpose: As you prepare for your new career, you will want to show prospective employers your qualifications, background, and achievements. First, you need to describe your ideal NP position. This step helps you develop a customized resume and cover letter for the position you are looking for. When you complete your education, you are now ready to begin the next phase of this transition: employment.
Directions: Continue working on Topics 5–7 of your ePortfolio. Submit a PDF file of sections five through 7 in the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the last day of Unit 2.
Resume: Develop a resume that is no more than three pages and includes contact information, at least three professional goals, all undergraduate degrees and certifications, all previous formal education, recent continuing education or training, employment history, and accomplishments such as awards or publications.
NP job description: Describe your ideal NP position with details of duties and responsibilities (look at NP job descriptions on the Web for structure), work environment, patient population, interdisciplinary team members, salary requirements with expected benefits, scope of practice (i.e. independence versus collaboration), and hours.
Cover Letter: Write a cover letter for the above position you just described. Make sure your cover letter includes a career goal, a paragraph that explains why you are a perfect fit for this job, and how your background, training, and education qualifies you for this job.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 3 Assignment
Assignment: ePortfolio
Continue to work on your ePortfolio. As you transition to the profession NP role and begin exploring employment opportunities, you will need to provide professional references.
Obtain three letters of reference that can be included in your ePortfolio. Submit the letters of reference to the Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 4 Assignment
Assignment: ePortfolio (#9 and #10)
Preparing for certification and employment requires that you identify and collect professional documents. At the end of this Assignment, you will already have these collected and copied.
Include in this section of your ePortfolio copies of the following professional documents: nursing license, certifications, malpractice insurance, academic transcripts, a blank application (you will complete and submit after graduation) for the nurse practitioner certification examination (ANCC or AANP), recent professional activities such as committee work, volunteer work, published works, and evidence of professional association memberships.
Submit this portion of the ePortfolio to the Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 5 Assignment
Assignment: ePortfolio #11
Scholarly work: Include an exemplar of a scholarly paper (3 to 5 pages in APA format) on the relevance of evidence based practice in primary care (you may use a previously submitted Assignment). Submit this to the Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 6 Assignment
Assignment—ePortfolio Clinical Judgment and plan for life-long learning
Clinical Judgment: Include in your ePortfolio an exemplar of a case study that demonstrates your critical thinking skills, diagnostic skills, utilization of evidenced based practice, and clinical judgment, pharmacological management, follow up plan, and how you would promote preventive care for this patient. In your conclusion, relate your approach to the concept of risk management (i.e. how does following evidence based guidelines reduce your risk of practicing below the standard of care). (You may use a previous Assignment).
Describe in a 1–2-page essay your plan for continuing your education as a life-long learner. Submit your essay in a Word document to the Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 7 Assignment
Assignment—Case Study for Chronic Condition
For this Assignment, you are answer the questions regarding this case study. Please make sure to support your answers using evidence based practice.
56 y/o Caucasian male presents to the primary care clinic with complains of dizziness and nausea x 4 days. The patient reports he has not been able to get out of bed since the symptoms started. The patient reports symptoms are worse when he tries to get out of bed to stand. He denies any headaches or blurry vision. He states he is urinating more over the last few days and he has noticed increase in thirst. He reports he just drank a large sweet tea before he came into the clinic.
The patient reports that he is out of his Lantus and metformin because he cannot afford the refill until he gets his disability check. He is disabled after his second CVA that left his with generalized weakness. His medical history includes DM, HTN, CAD.
Upon arrival at the clinic, the patient’s vital signs are as follows- Blood sugar 405, B/P 190/101, HR 102, R-20, T- 98.5.
Using Evidence Based practice, answer the following questions thoroughly. Be sure to use APA formatting.
What is the pertinent positive and negative findings in this patient assessment?
Create a list of differentials with rationales for this patient?
Discuss a medication regimen for this patient considering his financial status?
What is the priority concern for this patient?
How does this patient’s comorbid diagnosis impact his current symptoms?
Discuss how the patient’s’ health beliefs, culture and behaviors impact the potential outcomes for the patient.
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th Edition format.
How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the Dropbox tab and select this unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 8 Assignment
Assignment—ePortfolio Submission
Developing your unique ePortfolio will add to self-reflection and confidence. You will also centralize important documents that will be needed for potential employers, Boards of Nursing, and certifying organizations. Your portfolio will continue to be a work in progress; you will regularly update your accomplishments, continuing education, employment background, and career choices.
Compile all of your PDF documents and other content that makes up your electronic portfolio into a zip file and submit to the appropriate Dropbox before the end of this unit. Please make sure all documents are readable.
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
use APA 6th Edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources.
How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the Dropbox tab and select this unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.
For help uploading your file, review the Student Guide to the Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 9 Assignment
Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for adults age 35–65
Chronic Disease
Pick One chronic disease from the list below. Write a 2–3-page paper discussing the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration and health teaching to an adult patient with this chronic disease. Be sure to integrate Evidence Based Practice into your discussion.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Coronary Artery Disease
Diabetes Mellitus
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Heart Failure
Thyroid Disease
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)
consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
use APA 6th Edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources.
How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click the Dropbox tab and select this unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 1 Seminar
Developing a Differential Diagnosis
The purpose of this Seminar is to reflect on the history and physical of a patient and the learnings that took place through the exam.
Your participation in the Seminar is required.
You must either attend the live Seminar or complete the alternative assignment in order to earn points for this part of the class.
Option 1: Attend the Seminar
It is strongly suggested that you attend the live Seminar at the regularly scheduled time. To earn full credit, you should post frequently, be actively engaged in the Seminar, provide comments that improve the Seminar quality, and advance the discussion by raising new issues and/or ideas.
Option 2: Complete the Alternative Assignment
If you are unable to attend the Seminar, you must complete the following alternative assignment to earn points for this part of the class. View this week’s archived Seminar and write a 1-page paper, double spaced, that summarizes the Seminar and what you learned.
Once completed, submit your alternative assignment to the unit’s Seminar Dropbox.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 2 Journal
Considering Pertinent Negatives and Positives
In this Journal, you will review the history and physical of a patient exam and address the critical indicators used to develop the differential diagnosis in the specific care plan to be developed for the patient.
Where to Post Response
You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work.
Submit the completed Journal paper to the unit Dropbox by the last day of the unit.
Assignment Requirements
As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should:
clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment;
follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th edition format for crediting sources.
View the Journal Grading Rubric on the Grading Rubrics page under Course Resources.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 4 Journal
Reflecting on the Needs of Older Adults
How do the primary care needs of older adults differ from the general population of adults?
Where to Post Response
You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work.
Submit the completed Journal paper to the unit Dropbox by the last day of the unit.
Assignment Requirements
As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should:
clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment;
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th edition format for crediting sources.
View the Journal Grading Rubric on the Grading Rubrics page under Course Resources.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 6 Journal
Overview of an Episodic Exam
How do acute cases differ from chronic cases in primary care?
Where to Post Response
You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work.
Submit the completed Journal paper to the unit Dropbox by the last day of the unit.
Assignment Requirements
As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should:
clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment;
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th edition format for crediting sources.
View the Journal Grading Rubric on the Grading Rubrics page under Course Resources.

MN610 Clinical – Primary Care Focus
Unit 8 Journal
Interprofessional Comorbidity Management
What are some best practices for presenting best practices of managing hypertension simultaneously with diabetes in the context of the interprofessional team?
Where to Post Response
You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work.
Submit the completed Journal paper to the unit Dropbox by the last day of the unit.
Assignment Requirements
As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should:
clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment;
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th edition format for crediting sources.
View the Journal Grading Rubric on the Grading Rubrics page under Course Resources.

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