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Montessori Bias Milestone Two Worksheet

Montessori Bias Milestone Two Worksheet

Question Description

Complete Worksheet 2

Ive attached Worksheet 1 and the prompt as well as primary sources.

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Also I’ve attached teacher feedback for Worksheet 1 for reference.

Introduction: Overview:

In this section, you should present a brief, but thorough overview of the topic. This should include the broad strokes of the issue, as well as why the topic is relevant. As I said in my Announcement, “premise” here means “context of the issue”, not “premises in the argument”, so in this section, you want to describe why this issue is coming up and why the author is addressing it. You do a good job of addressing these points, but have some confusion about the conclusion of the argument. These points are all sub conclusions, but his main conclusion is a very forceful statement about the future of academics.
Introduction: Personal Connection:

In this section, you should describe your personal connection to the topic. You do a nice job of explaining why this issue is interesting and important to you.

Presented Argument: Argument:

In this section, you should use the skills that we have developed to lay out the argument from the primary article in Standard, diagram, or underline form. I would recommend using Standard Form (P1, P2, etc. form), as it translates more easily to paper and keeps all of the premises straight. There are many in this article, so make sure to find all of the main reasons that the author gives in support of his point. Be sure to lay out the primary argument in one of these forms to develop this part of your paper, as this will be a very important component of the Final Project.
Presented Argument: Key Facts, Research, Resources:

In this section, you should discuss the main studies, research results, sources of research and statistics, and other important facts that the author’s argument hinges upon. Discussing them in depth and mentioning all (not just a couple) of them is important. You do a good job of hitting upon a lot of the major ones in this argument. Nice job!
Presented Argument: Logic and Reasoning:

In this section, you should use the evaluation tools that we have learned to discuss whether the argument is inductive or deductive, valid or invalid (if deductive) and strong or weak (if inductive), and sound, and to examine clarity and relevance. The criteria of credibility should also be examined as we move forward towards the Final Project. You do a nice job discussing completeness (gaps in the argument) and a general argument strategy, but you will want to be more specific and address each of these areas of evaluation for the Final Project.

Finally, keep in mind that he is asserting his conclusion with certainty, not likelihood, so it’s a deductive argument

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