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MSN 570 Week 6 Case Studies

MSN 570 Week 6 Case Studies

A 30-year-old male presents with acute trauma. The final diagnosis is DIC.

  1. Discuss the clotting mechanism.
  2. What do prolonged PT and aPTT tests indicate?
  3. Fibrin degradation and split products are common to DIC patients. Why?
  4. Identify two additional conditions that can initiate DIC and how?

A 19-year-old presents with a deep laceration on the left leg. After sutures are placed the patient is discharged.

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  1. Discuss the pathophysiology of wound healing.
  2. What is a granuloma and what is its significance?
  3. Discuss graft versus host disease, would this be a concern for the patient? Discuss your answer.

A 60-year-old Type I diabetic presents with discoloration of his right leg. The pathogen is clostridium perfringens.

  1. Compare and contrast gas gangrene and wet gangrene.
  2. Compare and contrast apoptosis and necrosis.
  3. Identify the mechanism of cellular injury.
  4. How did diabetes contribute to this condition?

A 35-year-old female presents to the clinic with bulging eyes, hand tremors and unexplained weight loss. The final diagnosis is Grave’s Disease.

  1. Compare and contrast Grave’s Disease and Hashimoto’s Disease.
  2. Would you expect this patient’s TSH, T3 and T4 to be high or low? Explain your reasoning.
  3. Discuss the significance of Hürthle cells in thyroid disease.

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