MSN 572 Case Study
Case Study Scenario
Scenario: GI is your body system, 42-years-old female with abdominal pain and constipation
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Write My Essay For MeCriteria Exceeds
Meets Expectations
Below Expectations Far Below Standard
Group Identifies 3
Differentials are appropriate to
presenting symptoms, each
group member has identified a
differential, and differentials are
medical diagnoses.
25 points
Differentials are appropriate for entry- level providers and all group members
have unique differentials, but
differentials may not be medical diagnoses
20 points
All group members have unique
differentials, but differentials are not
applicable, or relevant, or are not medical diagnoses.
16 points
Not all group members have
unique differentials or differentials chosen are not
medical diagnoses/do not
relate to symptoms
10 points
Each Differential
Includes a
complete and
applicable lab and
radiology workup,
as appropriate 30%
Workup is specific to the chosen
differential and does not include
unnecessary testing.
Student considers insurance coverage
or costs.
30 points
Workup is specific to chosen differential, but may include too many or not enough
May or may not consider insurance
or costs.
25 points
Workup is only generally applicable to differential, and does not narrow
objective findings.
No mention of insurance or cost.
20 points
Workup is not appropriate to the differential. This
would be labs/radiology that would not provide
needed information towards final
No mention of insurance or cost.
15 points
Each workup
Includes complete
interpretation of lab
work/ radiology, as
necessary 30%
Interpretation includes high/low values, as well as
all/most clinical conditions
associated with high/low values.
30 points
Interpretation includes high/low values, but only includes several
conditions associated with high
or low values
25 points
Interpretation includes high/low values, but only
includes some/few associated conditions
20 points
Interpretation does not include high/low
values or misidentifies/
confuses associated conditions
15 points
attribution (at least
3 peer-reviewed,
recent references
to support each
up, in APA format)
No errors in APA format. In-text
citations present, and 3 peer reviewed,
recent (less than 10 years old) references
5 points
Minimal errors in APA format or missing in-
text citations. 3 references included
4 points
Major errors in APA format or references are not scholarly or
2.5 points
Poor citations or references, poor paraphrasing or incorrect use of
Plagiarized assignments may take a zero in all
0 points
(spelling, grammar,
format) 5%
Clear writing without errors. Perfect grammar and
engaging written voice.
5 points
Clear writing with minimal errors.
Some passive voice or other minimal
errors that could be improved but do not
detract from readability.
4 points
Writing is difficult to understand due to multiple errors in
spelling, grammar, composition.
2.5 points
Writing cannot be understood due to extensive errors.
1.5 point
Style &
(weighted 5%)
The assignment is organized and easy to read. Fonts and text
formatting are consistent and
readable. There is some element or
originality and style. There is consistency and flow with how the
data is reported.
5 points
The assignment is organized and easy to read. Fonts and text
formatting are usually consistent and
readable. There is consistency and flow. Might be missing the element or originality
and style.
4 points
The assignment is somewhat organized
but not always easy to read. Fonts and text formatting are not
always consistent and readable. Missing the element or originality
and style.
2.5 points
The assignment is choppy with bad
editing. The style of the chart/outline or format is difficult to
read and inconsistent. Fonts and headings
are inconsistent.
1.5 points
TOTAL 100 82 63.5 43
Differential for Diverticulitis
Risk factors include:
● Overweight
● >40 Years of age
● Cigarette smoker
● Lack or little exercise
● Diet high in fat and red meat but deficient in fiber
● Taking medications such as steroids, opioids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories(NSAIDS)
(mayo clinic, 2018)
Differential for Diverticulitis
Left lower quadrant pain
Pelvic tenderness on rectal exam
(When Constipation Becomes Chronic, n.d.)
Differential for Diverticulitis
CBC with differential $4.31 Stool culture $11.99
C-reactive protein $3.41 Amylase $3.24
Helicobacter Pylori $10.11 Lipase $3.44
IgE antibodies $3.48
Fecal Occult blood or fecal immunochemical test $4.38
Labs CBC with differential-measurement of the number of red blood cells, platelets, and different white blood cells. Those being neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils.
WBC Normal values 4,500-11,000 cells/mcl
Abnormal low indicates bone marrow disorders, sepsis, autoimmune disorders, immune disorders, lymphoma and other cancers to name a few
Abnormal high indicates Infection, inflammation, leukemia, allergies, asthma, severe stress to name a few
Hemoglobin Men 14-17.5 gm/dL Women 12.3-15.3 gm/dL
Abnormal low indicates anemia, acute or chronic bleeding, Bone marrow disorder, chronic inflammatory disease,
Nutritional deficiencies, and chronic kidney disease
Abnormal high indicates dehydration, pulmonary disease, kidney disease, high altitude living, and polycythemia
Hematocrit Men 41.5-50.4 % Women 36.9-44.6%
Same as hemoglobin
(Connor, 2020)
CBC Continued RBC Men 4.5-5.9 million cells/ mcL Women 4.1-5.1 million cells/ mcL
Abnormal low indicates anemia, acute or chronic bleeding, Bone marrow disorder, chronic inflammatory disease,nutritional
deficiencies, chronic kidney disease
Abnormal high indicates dehydration, pulmonary disease, kidney disease, high altitude living, and polycythemia
MCV 80-96 fL
Abnormal low indicates Anemia (Iron deficiency), thalassemia
Abnormal high indicates Anemia (Vitamin deficiency) , hypothyroidism
RDW (Red Cell distribution width) 11.5-14.5 fL
Abnormal low indicates RBC size uniformity
Abnormal high indicates iron deficiency anemia
CBC and Differential
Platelets 150,000-450,000 platelets/mcL
Abnormal low indicates Thrombocytopenia, viral infection
Abnormal high indicates Cancer, Inflammatory bowel disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Neurtrophils 41.0-77.0%
Abnormal low indicate Sepsis, immunodeficiency, bone marrow damage, dietary restrictions
Abnormal high indicates inflammation, heart attack, acute bacterial infection, stress, Cushing syndrome
Lymphocytes 14.0-48.0%
Abnormal low indicates infection, bone marrow damage, autoimmune disorder
Abnormal high indicates acute viral infection, inflammatory disorders, toxoplamosis
CBC with differential
Monocytes 4.0-13.0%
Abnormal low indicates not medically significant
Abnormal high indicates asthma, parasitic infections, inflammatory disorders, some cancers
Eosinophil 0.0-8.0 %
Abnormal low indicates not medically significant
Abnormal high indicates inflammation, allergic reactions, leukemia
Basophil 0.0-1.5 %
Abnormal low indicates allergic reaction, overactive thyroid, infection
Abnormal high indicates chronic infammation
More lab studies
Amylase 50-123 U/L
Abnormal high indicates acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis, alcohol abuse
Lipase 10-50 UI/L
Abnormal high indicates cirrhosis, celiac disease, cholecystitis
Abnormal high indicates bacterial infections
2nd Differential for Gastrointestinal Disease
Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases most often present with one or more of four common classes of
Symptoms and Signs:
● (1) Abdominal or chest pain; ● (2) Altered ingestion of food (eg, resulting from nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, odynophagia, or anorexia ● (3) Altered bowel movements (ie, diarrhea or constipation); and ● (4) GI tract bleeding (Mills & Ciorba, 2019)
● Molecular diagnosis-primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDDs)) with 344 distinct molecular etiologies reported according to the International Union of Immunological Sciences (IUIS) to detect Gastrointestinal Disease (Hartono et al., 2019).
● WBC-assess for infections
Test for Gastrointestinal Disease ● Barium swallow $300-$450 ● Computed tomography scan (CT or CAT scan). $350-$650 ● Fecal occult blood test. A fecal occult blood test checks for hidden (occult) blood in the stool. It
involves placing a very small amount of stool on a special card. The stool is then tested in the healthcare provider’s office or sent to a lab.
● Stool culture. A stool culture checks for the presence of abnormal bacteria in the digestive tract that may cause diarrhea and other problems. A small sample of stool is collected and sent to a lab by your healthcare provider’s office. In 2 or 3 days, the test will show whether abnormal bacteria are present.
● Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) avg cost $1751 ● Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) (Dalwadi, Herman, Das, & Holliday, 2020)
Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease
● Weight control-Diet high in fruits and vegetables
● Quit smoking
● Exercise
● Increase fiber
● Increase water intake ● Avoid medications such as steroids, opioids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories(NSAIDS)
● Radiotherapy (Dalwadi, Herman, Das, & Holliday, 2020) ● Complementary therapy-acupuncture, diet, probiotics, and dietary supplements and herbs (Dossett, Cohen,
& Cohen, 2017).
References Complete Blood Count (CBC) – Understand the Test & Your Results. (2015, June 25).
Connor, G. J. (2020). Lab values interpretation : the ultimate laboratory tests manual of reference ranges and what they mean.
Dalwadi, S. M., Herman, J. M., Das, P., & Holliday, E. B. (2020). Novel Radiotherapy Technologies in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Malignancies. Hematology/oncology clinics of North America, 34(1), 29–43.
Dossett, M. L., Cohen, E. M., & Cohen, J. (2017). Integrative Medicine for Gastrointestinal Disease. Primary care, 44(2), 265–280.
Hartono, S., Ippoliti, M. R., Mastroianni, M., Torres, R., & Rider, N. L. (2019). Gastrointestinal Disorders Associated with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology, 57(2), 145–165.
Mayo clinic. (2018). Diverticulitis – Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic;
Mills, J. C., & Ciorba, M. A. (2019). Chapter 13: Gastrointestinal Disease. Retrieved from
When Constipation Becomes Chronic. (n.d.). GI Associates. Retrieved June 24, 2021, from
- Slide 1
- Case Study Scenario
- Slide 3
- Differential for Diverticulitis
- Differential for Diverticulitis
- Differential for Diverticulitis
- Labs
- CBC Continued
- CBC and Differential
- CBC with differential
- More lab studies
- 2nd Differential for Gastrointestinal Disease
- Labs
- Test for Gastrointestinal Disease
- Treatment for Gastrointestinal Disease
- References
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