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NR439: Evidence-Based Practice Reading Research Literature Worksheet– Week 5

Type your answers to the following questions into this worksheet using complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. Click Save as and save the file with your last name and assignment, e.g., NR439_Reading_Research_Literature_Smith. Submit by 11:59 pm MT Sunday at the end of Week 5. Be sure to read the guidelines and the grading rubric for this assignment located on the assignment page.

Title: RRL

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Name: [replace this text with your name]

The following 8 questions pertain to the first article:

Jenson, H., Maddux, S., & Waldo, M. (2018). Improving oral care in hospitalized non-ventilated patients: Standardizing products and protocol. MEDSURG Nursing, 27(1), 38–45. Retrieved from

Using mostly your own words, answer the following questions after reading the above first article.  Be sure to cite paraphrased and direct quoted sentences:

  1. Describe the purpose of this research.
  • State/Write the research question (or questions). This may be implicit or explicit.
  • Give a complete description of the research design of this study.
  • Describe the population (sample) for this study.
  • Describe the sample approach (strategy) used for this study.
  • Describe the data collection procedure.
  • Discuss the authors’ conclusions.
  • Describe how you feel the study impacts nursing.

The following 8 questions pertain to the second article:

Woolston, W., & Connelly, L. (2017).  Felty’s syndrome: A qualitative case study. MEDSURG Nursing, 26(2), 105-118.

Using mostly your own words, answer the following questions after reading the above second article.  Be sure to cite paraphrased and direct quoted sentences:

  1. Describe the purpose of this research.
  • State/Write the research question (or questions). This may be implicit or explicit.
  • Give a complete description of the research design of this study.
  • Describe the population (sample) for this study.
  • Describe the sample approach/strategy used for this study.
  • Describe the data collection procedure.
  • Discuss the authors’ conclusions.
  • Describe how you feel the study impacts nursing.

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