Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

NR447 – Direct Care Project Part 1 Assessment and Diagnosis

NR447 – Direct Care Project Part 1 Assessment and Diagnosis


Approved Items from Part 1 Check-in Student states approved:
• Clinical certification
• Target population
• Setting
10.0 pts Exceptional Provides all three approved items Student states approved: • Clinical certification • Target population • Setting
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion of Certification Selection Student thoroughly discusses why this clinical certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting20.0 pts Exceptional Student thoroughly discusses why this clinical certification was selected in relationship to the selected setting
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Description of Certification Criteria Student describes:
• Process to obtain clinical certification
• Cost of application and testing
• Requirements prior to certification
• Examination description
• Renewal time and process
• Required items for renewal
40.0 pts Exceptional Describes all six certification information criteria: • Process to obtain clinical certification • Cost of application and testing • Requirements prior to certification • Examination description • Renewal time and process • Required items for renewal
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Article Selection • One scholarly peer-reviewed article
• No more than 5 years old
• About link between patient outcomes, certification, and leadership
• English
• Full text
20.0 pts Exceptional Describes all five criteria: • One scholarly peer-reviewed article • No more than 5 years old • About link between patient outcomes, certification, and leadership • English • Full text
APA Reference Student places reference in correct APA format including: author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available. Minimal or no errors (0–1 error). Permalink is provided.20.0 pts Exceptional Reference is in correct APA format including: author(s), year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, double line spacing, and hanging indent. Include DOI if available. Minimal or no errors (0–1 error). Permalink is provided.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Article Summary Student summarizes the key points of the selected article in one or two paragraphs. Summary is clear and concise.40.0 pts Exceptional Student summarizes the key points of the selected article in one or two paragraphs. Summary is clear and concise.
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Patient Outcomes Student thoroughly discusses how patient outcomes in the selected setting could be improved by certified nurses20.0 pts Exceptional Student thoroughly discusses how patient outcomes in the selected setting could be improved by certified nurses
Outcome Leadership Skills Student thoroughly discusses how clinical certification could impact leadership skills in the selected setting20.0 pts Exceptional Student thoroughly discusses how clinical certification could impact leadership skills in the selected setting
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Problem Diagnosis Statement Student completes the statement including certification, target population, setting, and patient outcomes10.0 pts Exceptional Student completes the statement including certification, target population, setting, and patient outcomes

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