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NR505NP_PICOT Question Worksheet

NR505NP_PICOT Question Worksheet

Collaborative identification and interpretation of practice problems is a requirement of professional practice (AACN, 2008). Locating and summarizing findings using credible online databases is necessary for evidence-based nursing (AACN, 2008; QSEN, 2018). Purpose

This assignment provides a learning activity for students to experience a practice-based scenario and apply a process worksheet designed to assist in the identification of an independent nursing problem or concern, develop a PICOT clinical question, and search for evidence using credible online databases/sources.

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This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO 7)

CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 & 8)

CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 & 8)

CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 & 8)



  1. Read over each of the following directions.
  2. You must read the Assignment Practice Scenario below before completing the PPE Worksheet.
  3. Download and use the required PPE Worksheet (Links to an external site.).
  4. Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles here (Links to an external site.).
  5. Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink (Links to an external site.).
  6. You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
  7. Complete each section of the Problem/PICOT/Evidence (PPE) Worksheet. For the Clinical PICOT Question, use the NR439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples.N439_Guide for writing PICOT Questions and Examples (Links to an external site.) Use one of the templates/guides to write your Clinical PICOT Question using all of the PICOT elements. Be sure to include the PICOT letters in your question.
  8. Be sure to use the PPE grading rubric to make certain you are meeting all grading criteria of the PPE Worksheet.
  9. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text APA formatting.
  10. Submit the completed PPE Worksheet on the Week 3 Assignment page.
  11. Students, A short tutorial with tips for completing the Week 3 Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) worksheet assignment may be viewed here.

NR505NP_PICOT Question Worksheet

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