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NRSE 4600 Capstone Proposal The Clinical Practice Project (CPP) essay

NRSE 4600 Capstone Proposal The Clinical Practice Project (CPP)

Assignment Instructions

The Clinical Practice Project (CPP) is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a baccalaureate degree in nursing from Ohio University. The project provides students with the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular professional interest that is somehow related to one of the following nursing QSEN competencies: patient-centered care, teamwork/collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or informatics (QSEN: Each of the QSEN competencies somehow link to nursing excellence. For your project you will need to:

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  1. Select an issue/problem that you have a professional interest in. Example: Creation of a patient education tool to prevent falls
  2. Select a QSEN competency that relates to that problem. Example: Safety
  3. Select a health care organization that can help support your issue: Example: The CDC
  4. Develop a global objective: Example: At the completion of this project I will have developed a patient educational tool to present to staff on 1-South to be distributed to all patients on 1-South to prevent falls.
  5. Develop at least four project objectives: Example:

a. Research current literature on the prevention of falls and patient educational material content.

b. Seek falls data from ABC Hospital quality department and specifically from the 1-South Unit.

c. Review data results and evaluate for trends.

d. Develop a patient educational tool on fall prevention.

e. Educate staff on use of the patient educational tool

f. Implement patient educational tool and present to at least ten patients on 1-South.

  1. Develop possible resources needed to help meet your goals/objectives.

a. Meet with unit manager and seek approval on project implementation.

b. Review the CDC web site for current references and resources on fall prevention.

c. Create patient educational tool, copy and prepare to distribute.

d. Create a timeline to implement the patient educational tool.

This assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for comments so that you can improve each week.

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NRSE 4600 Capstone Proposal The Clinical Practice Project (CPP)

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