Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

NURS 320B Chronic Illness in Rural Settings

Southwest Minnesota State University

Department of Nursing

NURS 320B Chronic Illness in Rural Settings

Syllabus Spring eight week session 2021

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(3 credits)

Office Hours: available via email, with individual appointment times via phone, or in Zoom as requested. 

I am very willing to Zoom conference with individual learners or groups who have questions about the course. Email me to set up a time that works for you. To visit with me in Zoom, go to   The password to the Zoom room is 992830. I will meet you there. If you have any technical difficulties, call me at (319) 541-0652.

Important Note on Sending Email: Please put the course name and number in your message when you send me an email. This information could help me with answering your questions more expeditiously.

Course Description

Students will explore continuity of care issues that impact the individual, family, community, and health care systems in the area of chronic illness as well as death and dying in a rural setting.  Palliative care, common trajectories, ethical issues, patient and family teaching, as well as economic concerns are explored. Admission to the Nursing Program required.  The Department of Nursing reserves the right to remove students from the course who do not meet the course requirements and prerequisites.  This course must be successfully completed prior to taking NURS 434.

Student Learning Objectives

  1. Identify factors that affect chronic illness and rehabilitation of the individual and family.
  2. Explore rural nursing theory and adaptation theories associated with chronic illness that can help to guide nursing practice today. 
  3. Analyze key individual and family intervention strategies related to rural nursing and adaptation to chronic illness.  
  4. Apply a holistic approach to the care of individuals with chronic illness in a rural setting. 

Nursing Program Goal 2

Provide competent and meaningful care to clients and communities who are healthy, ill or dying.

Student Learning Outcome

Integrate awareness of issues related to chronic illness in rural settings and apply nursing process to meet diverse and unique needs of individuals and families.


Distance learning is self-directed learning.  It requires a high level of responsibility, dedication, and selfdiscipline on the part of the student.  In this course you are responsible for your own work, your own progress, and your own grade.  In order to succeed, you will need to log in to the course regularly (I suggest at least three times a week) to check announcements, participate in discussions, and access course materials.


American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses: With interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: ANA.  This is available free of charge through the McFarland Library by accessing the following permalink: AN=1021757&scope=site

American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: APA. If you have the 6th edition, we can make that work. 

Larson, P.A. (2019). Lubkin’s chronic illness: Impact and intervention. (10th ed.).   Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning

Lowey, S.E. (2015). Nursing care at the end of life. Geneseo, NY: Open SUNY Textbooks, Milne Library

This is available free of charge at

Winters, C. A. (2013).  Rural nursing: Concepts, theory, and practice. (4thed.).  New York:  Springer. Available free of charge through the McFarland Library. Go to library main page; click on books (near the center of the screen); type ‘Rural Nursing, Winters’ in the search box.

Many of these texts you will use throughout the course of the program.  It is highly encouraged to retain these textbooks for future use in the SMSU Nursing Program.

Additional resources: 

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice.  Retrieved from

(The “Essentials” document, used to guide the SMSU Nursing Program curriculum, delineates the outcomes expected of graduates of baccalaureate nursing program while describing the generalist nursing practice at completion of the nursing program.) 

QSEN Institute. (2019). QSEN competencies. Retrieved from

(The overall goal of QSEN is to address the challenge of preparing future nurses with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes [KSAs] necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems in which they work.)


A= 90-100%

B= 80-89.99%

C= 70-79.99%

D= 60-69.99%

F= less than 60%

Nursing students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 and attain a minimum grade of 2.0 in all courses required in the RN to BSN Nursing Program.  Any nursing course (indicated by NURS) may be retaken once to attain a grade of 2.0.  The student may not retake or withdraw from more than two nursing courses. 

The student may not progress in the nursing program if –

•     If it becomes necessary for the student to retake or withdraw from more than two nursing courses.

Code of Conduct

Nursing students in the RN to BSN Nursing Program have responsibilities as they transition to the BSN role of nursing.  The National Student Nurses’ Association Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct is based on such student responsibilities and is used to guide students in their personal and professional development.  For all learning environments, including academic and clinical settings, the Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct will guide student conduct as well as faculty evaluation of student accountability.

The Academic and Clinical Conduct is available in the SMSU Department of Nursing Student Handbook and should be adhered to by every nursing student.

Netiquette Guidelines

  1. Be respectful in your posts and comments to others and about others.
  2. Postings should be professional.
  3. Stay on topic.
  4. Humor is often misinterpreted online, so it is best to keep humor to a minimum.  Avoid sarcasm.
  5. Avoid the use of texting abbreviations. 
  6. Please do not use all capitals in discussions as this is considered yelling online. The exception to this           would be some abbreviations, such as RN or USA. 


Being a member of a learning community in the SMSU RN to BSN Program, attendance in this online course means active participation in the course through participation in discussion assignments, group projects, and course assignments.  Implications for lack of participation are reflected in the grading criteria and points awarded for assignments, as noted throughout the syllabus. 


                Syllabus/orientation quiz                                                                              10 points

                Initial thoughts                                                                                                  20 points

Synthesis and application posts (4)                           with substantive additions 30 points each                      120 points Evidence based assessment tool description                                  20 points  

                Video Dialog with substantive additions                                                 20 points

                End of Life chapter summaries with substantive additions              30 points

                Chronic Illness Family Care Plan                                                                 80 points

                                                                                                                                                300 points total 

Learning Activities 

Interactions are vital in all learning environments.  Discussions are used as teaching/learning strategies. 

As you write in this course, please remember that integrating your own thoughts with evidence from the literature is an effective to demonstrate synthesis and critical analysis.   Sometimes a few short direct quotes add value to your work. But remember that quotes generally serve to share someone else’s thoughts, rather than your analysis. 

Initial Thoughts: to foster student engagement and consider potential assumptions and biases.  Appendix A is the rubric for this assignment. 

Synthesis and application with substantive additions: These assignments require synthesis of the assigned readings and integration of a minimum of one professional nursing journal article in addition to assigned readings.  Question will be posed for each of these dialogs in the discussion area.  Students will choose one of the posed questions to address in the discussion forum.  This is also an opportunity to review what your peers have addressed and build on their knowledge and insights.  You are required to build on two topics other than the one addressed in your original synthesis and application post. See grading rubric Appendix B

Evidence based assessment tool assignment:  A patient and family centered care plan is only as good as the assessment it is based on.  Using evidence-based assessment tools, relevant to the unique situation can help the nurse uncover data that can be easily overlooked.  Use should help focus your plan on specific concerns to facilitate individualized care that focuses on specific contributing factors. You will find one evidence-based assessment tool that you have limited or no familiarity with that would be appropriate to use in chronic illness situations. You will share with your peers in the discussion board.  The grading rubric is found in Appendix C.

Video reflections dialog:  The objective of this assignment is to stimulate both cognitive and affective learning in the realm of end-of-life care.  Peers will add to your initial post. The grading rubric is found in Appendix D.

End of Life chapter summaries and dialog:  Each student will review a chapter from Nursing Care at the End of Life, posting their summary in the discussion forum.  Peers will add to your summary.  The grading rubric if found in Appendix E.

Chronic Illness Family Care Plan:  Each student will analyze a patient/family case study and create a plan of care. Note that you will choose a case study (found in the content section) that includes the scenario and some assessment data.  You will also decide what additional data is needed to provide optimal care and use evidence-based tools to collect that data (refer to Module 9). Desired individualized and patient/family centered outcomes and interventions will be proposed.  Additionally, consider the impact rural residence has on the patient and family living with chronic illness. Appendix F is the rubric for the Chronic Illness Family Care Plan.    

Throughout the course, late assignments will be deducted 25% per each day late, unless otherwise indicated within the syllabus.  In every NURS course, the assignments are linked to course objectives.  All course objectives must be met to successfully complete the course.  Omission of any assignments equates to not meeting all course objectives. Thus, all assignments must be completed and submitted to pass the course, even if they are completed past the due date and will not earn a grade for the course.  This means that the lack of completion of any assignments, such as a discussion or paper assignment, will result in an “F” course grade.  If a student has missing coursework at the end of the semester, this coursework must be submitted no later than Sunday night at midnight before finals week, or the last Friday night at midnight of summer session.  Arrangements for extenuating circumstances are considered for late work with previous approval from faculty.  Ultimately, this means that if all coursework is not submitted by Sunday night before finals week, or the last Friday of summer session, the student will not pass this course.  No late work is accepted after these dates unless previous arrangements have been made with faculty. 

Assignment Usage Disclaimer 

All assignments and written work submitted by students are subject to being shared with others for the purpose of meeting accreditation and regulatory requirements.  Course material may also be used anonymously for assessment of student learning outcomes (SLOs) addressed by the Department of Nursing as well as assessment of the SMSU Liberal Education Program (LEP) Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs).  When student assignments are shared, the student’s identity will be protected.  Course artifacts may also be used for campus-wide LEP or program assessment.     

Student Responsibilities

  1. Read the syllabus.
  2. Turn assignments in on time.  Each day the assignment is late 25% will be deducted. 
  3. Participate in discussion.
  4. Be respectful to classmates and professor.
  5. Practice professional conduct.

Technology Requirements

Course syllabus, assignments, discussions, and all announcements will be posted on D2L Brightspace.  To find D2L Brightspace, go to the SMSU home page and follow the instructions below.

  -Click on “Quick Links” in the navigation bar using CHROME as the recommended browser

             -Click on D2L Brightspace from the drop down list

-A list of courses you enrolled in will appear.  Click on the course you choose to enter. If you have trouble accessing D2L Brightspace, contact the MinnState Service Desk at or 877-GO MNSCU (877-4666728), or seek help at the Help Desk, Library Main Floor Southwest Minnesota State University at 507-537-6111, or email  ***Technology failure is not an adequate excuse for late assignments.

***All correspondence for this course will be through your SMSU email

Students with Disabilities Statement 

Any student who feels she/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability should contact Pam Ekstrom in Disability Services at 507-537-7672 or  Disability Services is located in Bellows Academic 246 and the office hours are from 9 – 5 Monday – Friday.  After you have met with Pam, please meet with the course instructor to review course requirements and discuss your accommodation needs.

Library and Online Data Search  

The library online database search can be found at  

You will need to have your library ID number to gain access to the online databases.  Be sure to use the “Ask the Librarian” feature for questions you may have related to online searches or potential books you may need to enrich your learning experience.      

Student Portfolio

For each nursing course taken in the nursing program, students will be asked to submit an assignment they completed to their personal portfolio (NURS 1000).  The portfolio is designed to highlight the work that you have completed throughout the program.  At the end of the course your professor will give you instructions on where you can post the assignment online.  For this course, your Chronic Illness Family Care Plan will be part of the portfolio.  Your final grade will not be posted for the course until the assignment is placed in the portfolio. 

Professional Nursing Journal Articles and References  

  • The journal cannot be bought at a grocery store
  • The journal is not a newspaper
  • The article is not an editorial or advertisement
  • The article is at least 3 pages in length
  • The journal will be found in CINAHL
  • The article is less than 5 yrs. old
  • The article is from a journal that is peer reviewed
  • The article will have the word nursing in it
  • If the article does not meet these criteria, please ask the professor for permission to use it before including it in your assignments. 
  • As you write in this course, please remember that integrating your own thoughts with evidence from the literature is an effective to demonstrate synthesis and critical analysis.   Quotes generally serve to share someone else’s thoughts, rather than your analysis. Please avoid or limit long quotations.

My presence commitment – Realizing that it can be more challenging to stay connected in an online course than when we meet in person regularly, my plan to become and stay connected includes:

  • check my SMSU email every weekday by 8am and at intervals until 8pm.   Over the weekend, I will check email at least daily. When you email, please including the course name in the subject line helps me respond more quickly and is appreciated.
  • respond to your phone calls – please be sure to leave a message if I don’t answer.
  • schedule individual meetings in Zoom per your request
  • I do not respond to the pager in D2L Brightspace
  • post an announcement in D2L Brightspace at least weekly that includes information applicable to the entire class
  • email your SMSU email account for individual matters.  
  • if I need to be ‘gone’ for a weekday or more, I will email or post an announcement
  • Please note: I will not respond to all posts in the discussion forum as that tends to divert and sometimes squelch your dialog. I will be reviewing all posts and making comments in the gradebook.
  • I am not a tech support expert.  If you have technical problems, I will likely refer you to the help desk at

My expectations of you

  • check your SMSU email at least three times a week, responding within 24 hours as appropriate and/or requested
  • Check the course announcements when you access the course.
  • Be sure to let me know via email or phone if you have questions.
  • If you need an extension, ask before the assignment is due.
  • review all of your peers’ primary posts in the discussion forum.  There is much to learn from your peers!

Course plan  

Note: More detail included on schedule posted in the Getting Started folder under content

ModTopicEssential / QSEN competencyResourcesItem(s) due
1Introduction to Rural Nursing TheoryPatient Centered Care; Evidence Based PracticeSyllabus; Orientation video Winters text  Professional journal articlesSyllabus /orientation quiz Academic Honesty Statement 
2Exploring Rural Nursing TheoryPatient Centered Care; Evidence Based PracticeWinters text;  Professional journal articlesInitial thoughts assignment  
3Rural dwellersVI; VII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based PracticeWinters text Professional journal articlesModules 2 & 3 synthesis and application  
4Rural health disparitiesV, VII,VIII Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based PracticeWinters text Professional Journal articles Code of Ethics; CDC websites substantive additions
Rural nursing practiceVII; VIII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based PracticeWinters text; Code of Ethics; Professional journal articlesModules 4 & 5 synthesis and application  
6Introduction to Chronic IllnessV, VI, VII, VIII, IX Patient Centered Care Evidence Based PracticeLarson text Code of Ethics; CDC website Professional journal articlesSubstantive additions
7Impact of chronic illness on individuals and familiesV, VI; VII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Code of Ethics Professional journal articles  Modules 6 & 7 synthesis and application  
8Impact of chronic illness on individuals and families: part 2VIII Patient Centered Care  Evidence Based Practice Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Code of Ethics Movie of choice with focus on chronic illness  Substantive additions
Palliative Care VIII Patient Centered Care Finding Hope video segments Atul Gwande videosEvidence based assessment tool assignment
10End of Life: Part 1VIII Patient Centered Care Nursing Care at the End of Life Professional journal articlesVideo Dialog Substantive additions
11End of Life: Part 2V, VI, VII, VIII, IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice; Teamwork & CollaborationLarson text Winters text Professional journal articles Clinical Practice GuidelinesEnd of Life Chapter Summaries    
12Family caregiving, self management and homecareVI; VII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice; Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Professional journal articles Assigned online resources  Substantive additions
13 Long term care and rehabilitationVI; VII; VIII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice; Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Professional journal articles Assigned online resources  Modules 12 & 13 synthesis and application
14SynthesisVI; VII; VIII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice; Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Winters text Professional journal articles  Substantive additions Optional draft Chronic Illness Family Care Plan
15Planning care for complex patients and familiesVI; VII; VIII; IX Patient Centered Care; Evidence Based Practice; Teamwork and CollaborationLarson text Winters text Professional journal articlesChronic Illness family care plan due  

Department Acceptance Requirements

Students are allowed to take this course once they have entered the nursing program. 

Essentials Competencies Met

Essential V: Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environment

–     Healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory, directly and indirectly influence the nature and functioning of the healthcare system and thereby are important considerations in professional nursing practice.

Essential VI: Inter-professional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health                 Outcomes

–     Communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals are critical to delivering high quality and safe patient care.

Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health

–     Health promotion and disease prevention at the individual and population level are necessary to improve population health and are important components of baccalaureate generalist nursing practice.

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values

–     Professionalism and the inherent values ofaltruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice are fundamental to the discipline of nursing. 

Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

  • The baccalaureate graduate nurse is prepared to practice with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations across the lifespan and across the continuum of healthcare environments.
  • The baccalaureate graduate understands and respects the variations of care, the increased complexity, and the increased use of healthcare resources  inherent in caring for patients. 

QSEN Competencies

Patient-Centered Care

Definition: Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs.

Evidence-based Practice

Definition: Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care. 

Teamwork and Collaboration

Definition: Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and sheared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.  

Revised February, 2021

Appendix A – Initial Thoughts (20 points possible)

Objective: To consider potential biases and assumptions.  The expectation is that your post is respectful of all, but it need not be congruent with evidence or nursing theory. This is your opportunity to share observations and opinions. It is important to be aware of what we ‘really’ think at this point in time!   We all have opinions, biases, and assumptions! We can’t learn and grow optimally without being aware of these assumptions. 

Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail

2 pointsAddressed own nursing experience (how long, general area(s) of nursing practice, geographic location (rural, suburban, or urban).  Personal information (family, hobbies, pets, etc. is optional)
For the following five items – share your own thoughts. This can be either from your personal experience or something you have observed in a clinical situation. Note that to earn full points, your post must address all parts of the question; give evidence of careful thought; and demonstrate professional writing.  Please share your observations and thoughts regarding the following: 
3 points1) What have you observed regarding health care seeking behaviors (ex. do people seek preventative care, where do they get their health information? who do they trust? etc.) of individuals you serve? What can nurses do to encourage health promotion/disease prevention efforts? 
3 points2) How important is comfort level with health care providers for the individuals you serve? What impacts comfort level?
3 points3) Is there adequate access to quality health care for the population you serve as a nurse?  What facilitates their access? What barriers to access exist?
3 points4) Does geographic location, as an independent variable, impact the likelihood of health disparities? Explain your response.
3 points5) In four sentences or less, share what you believe patient and family centered care includes.
3 pointsWriting quality – clarity, organization, appropriate grammar, & sentence structure.  No citations or references required.

Appendix B – synthesis and application Remember that integrating your own thoughts with evidence from the literature is an effective to demonstrate synthesis and critical analysis.   Sometimes a few short direct quotes add value to your work. But remember that long quotes generally serve to share someone else’s thoughts, rather than your analysis.

Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail.

Post thoroughly addresses all parts of the discussion topic/question (6 points)Initial post addresses most, but not all, of the discussion (4 points)50% or more of question parts not addressed (0 points)
Writing is focused, organized, clearly and concisely presented (2 points)Comments are reasonably organized (1 point)(0 points)
Post demonstrates that the content was appropriately reviewed, understood, and synthesized. Minimal direct quotations  (6 points)Demonstrates adequate familiarity and analysis of the content (4 points)Initial posting shows limited knowledge and evaluation of the topic. Or limited to information that could be derived from prior posts (0 points)
Posting includes a thoughtprovoking question related to the topic to stimulate further discussion (2 points)Question added, minimally  thought provoking (1 point)Question not included (0 points)
Complete sentences, grammatically correct and free of spelling errors (2 points)Complete sentences, but some (3 or less per paragraph) grammar and/or spelling errors. (1 point)  Poor sentence structure inadequate organization, four or more grammar and/or spelling errors per paragraph; run-on sentences (0 points)
At least two evidence-based, scholarly resources support post. At least one citation/reference must be from a professional nursing journal (see criteria on p. 7 of syllabus) Closely adheres to APA style. (2 points)Provides evidence-based, scholarly references using incorrect APA format. Or provides non-scholarly references with correct APA format in-text  (1 point)Provides no scholarly reference to support position/ideas in postings/discussion and /or uses no APA format  
Substantive Addition One
Addition adds relevant, valuable information for nursing practice  Demonstrates critical analysis Minimal or no direct quotes Professionally written Adds to a topic other than own initial post at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced (5 points)1) Response adds value  2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis 3) Professionally written 4) Responds to same topic as own original post 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response is limited (3 points)Little added value Critical analysis not evident Multiple writing mechanics errors Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced. (0 points)
Substantive Addition Two 
1) Addition adds relevant, valuable1) Response adds value Little added value.
information for nursing practice 2) Demonstrates critical analysis Minimal or no direct quotes Professionally written Adds to a topic other than own initial post at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced (5 points)2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis 3) Professionally written 4) Responds to same topic as own original post 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response is limited (3 points)Critical analysis not evident Multiple writing mechanics errors Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced.(0 points)

Appendix C: Evidence Based assessment tool assignment – 20 points

A patient and family centered care plan is only as good as the assessment it is based on.  Using evidencebased assessment tools, relevant to the unique situation can help the nurse uncover data that can be easily overlooked.  You will find one evidence- based assessment tool that could have value in situations of chronic illness.  Please choose a tool you have limited or no familiarity with.  Go to Module 9 to find a more detailed discussion of the value of evidence-based assessment tools.   There are links to get you started in finding these tools as well.  

You will share with your peers in the discussion board adhering to the following criteria.   Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail

CriterionExcellentCompetentNot satisfactory
Description of toolAssessment tool is described.  Include (at a minimum)  in what types of chronic illness  situations would use of this tool would be appropriate? approximate length of time needed to complete the assessment? (5 points)Description limited. Not clear when use would be appropriate.  Length of time needed not included (3 points)    Incomplete,  inaccurate       (0 points)
Tool easy for peers to accessUploads the assessment tool to the discussion forum OR posts a link to the assessment tool/tool descriptors  (5 points)Assessment tool not uploaded or link not provided (3 points)Assessment tool not uploaded or link not provided (0 points)
Relevance to nursing practiceAddresses how the selected assessment tool would be valuable in providing individualized, patient centered care.  (5 points)Use of tool not clearly linked to individualized, patient/family centered care (3 points)Not clearly related to individualized, patient centered care (0 points)
Writing qualityPunctuation, spelling, spacing, capitalization and writing mechanics errors are rare.  Writing is clear, succinct, focused, organized.  Easy to understand main ideas (5 points)Fewer than 5 writing mechanics errors.  Writing is focused and organized (3 points)    Five or more writing mechanics error.  Clarity, focus lacking. (0 points) 

D: Video dialog – 20 points possible  

Objective: to stimulate both cognitive and affective learning in the realm of end of life care.

Initial post – Choose one video combination from those included in Module 10 for your primary post.  

Substantive additions – two responses to the two videos combinations that were not addressed in primary post.  Note criteria for a professional nursing journal on page seven of the syllabus.  Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail

Primary post
CriteriaExcellentCompetentDoes not meet criteria
SummaryClearly summarized message of videos. Succinct, yet thorough (2 points)Lacks one of the following: Clarity, succinctness, thoroughness (4 points)Lacks two of the following: Clarity, succinctness, thorough (1 points)
Relevance to nursing practice  Message clearly linked to nursing practice. What can/should nursing do in light of the video message? (4points)Vague, not clearly linked to nursing practice (5 points)Not linked to nursing practice   (0 points)
Question for peersThought stimulating (1 point)Question not thought stimulating (0 points)No question (0 points)
Professional writing mechanics. Fewer than four total mistakes in grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphing.  Organization is clear and logical.   (3 points)Fewer than eight mistakes in writing quality. – Clear and logical Multiple or lengthy direct quotations (2 points)Eight or more mistakes in writing mechanics.   Lacks organization.     (0 points)
Substantive additions
substantive addition# 1Addition adds relevant, valuable information.  Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes. Professionally written. 4) Adds to combination other than own initial post 5) at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced. (5 points)1) Response adds value.   2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis. 3) Professionally written. 4) Responds to same topic as own original post 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response is limited (3 points)  Little added value. Critical analysis not evident. Multiple writing mechanics errors. Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced. (0 points)
substantive addition # 2  Addition adds relevant, valuable information.  Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes. Professionally written. 4) Adds to a topic other than originally addressed or addressed in first addition 5) at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced. (5 points)1) Response adds value.   2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis. 3) Professionally written. 4) Responds to same topic as own original post or first addtion 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response is limited (3 points)Little added value. Critical analysis not evident. Multiple writing mechanics errors. Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced. (0 points)

E: End of Life Dialog – Chapter summary: Nursing Care at the End of Life. 30 points

possible. Note this is an individual assignment (even though two students might review the same chapter. 

Objective: To gain an appreciation of the complexity of caring for individuals and families in end of life situations.

Initial post -Summarize the chapter you chose for your primary post.  Respond to the prompts posted in the rubric below. No references required beyond the text by Lowey.

Substantive additions – two responses to different chapters than originally addressed are posted. Note criteria for a professional nursing journal on page seven of the syllabus.  Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail

Initial post

CriteriaExcellentCompetentDoes not meet criteria
1. Succinct summary Summarized clearly and logically. Succinct yet, thorough. (6 points)  Lacks one of the following:  Clarity, succinct, thorough  (4 points)Lacks two of the following: Clarity, succinctness, thoroughness (0 points)
2.  Implications for nursingSummary clearly linked to nursing practice (10 points)Vague, not clearly linked to nursing practice (5 points)Not linked to nursing practice (0 points)
Question for peersThought stimulating (1 point)Question not thought stimulating (0 points)No question (0 points)
Professional writing mechanics. Citation(s) and reference(s) per APA style)Fewer than four total mistakes in grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphing Organization is clear and logical Minimal or no direct quotations (3 points)Fewer than eight mistakes in writing quality Clear and logical Multiple or lengthy direct quotations (2 points)Eight or more mistakes in writing mechanics   Lacks organization  (0 points)  
Substantive additions
substantive addition # 1Addition adds relevant, valuable information.  Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes. Professionally written Adds to a topic other than own initial post at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced (5 points)1) Response adds value.   2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis. 3) Professionally written. 4) Responds to same topic as own original post 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration into response limited (3 points)Little added value Critical analysis not evident Multiple writing mechanics errors Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced (0 points)
substantive addition  # 2  Addition adds relevant, valuable information  Demonstrates critical analysis. Minimal or no direct quotes Professionally written Adds to a topic other than own initial post at least one professional nursing journal is cited and referenced (5 points)  1) Response adds value 2) Minimal demonstration of critical analysis 3) Professionally written 4) Responds to same topic as own original post 5) Professional nursing journal cited and referenced per APA style, but integration is limited (3 points)Little added value Critical analysis not evident Multiple writing mechanics errors. Professional journal article not integrated, cited or referenced. (0 points)

F –  Chronic Illness Family Care Plan  

Objective: Care plans will be based on the case studies posted in D2L (go to the last area in the content section). Student will synthesize concepts of Rural Nursing Theory, chronic illness, and principles of patient and family centered care with nursing process to plan holistic care for a patient/family living with chronic illness.  The plan should be specific enough so that another nurse could adhere to the care plan you wrote – continuity of care is important! 

Note an optional template is included in the Assignment Guidance and Template folder.

Please refer to the Assignment Guidance and Template folder for a more detail.

CriterionExcellentCompetentNot  satisfactory
1. Overview of the situation.    All relevant data from case study included. Organized and clear. (3 points)Most relevant data from case study considered.  Clarity and organization are lacking. (2 points)Incomplete   (0 points)
2. Relevant assessment data gathered/included.    A minimum of three evidence-based assessment tools, appropriate to the situation, are used to gather data (see module 9).  Note: this data will be fictitious.      Enough information included so reader understands the assessment tool and the fictious assessment findings gathered.   Assessment data is clear, thorough and logical. (10 points)Appropriate assessment tools used.     Challenging for reader to understand tools or data collected.    Clarity and organization are lacking. (7 points)Work incomplete or incorrect   (0 points)
3. Priority nursing concerns identified, supported by data, and justified    A minimum of three priority concerns are identified and clearly supported by the data gathered.    Priority concerns flow from assessment data included/collected.     One concern is a physical; one is psychosocial; the third can be either physical or psychosocial.  These do NOT need to be written in NANDA format.     Why did you choose these as priority? Priority of chosen concerns is justified (10 points)  Priority concerns minimally supported by gathered data.    Concerns included, but do not flow from data.    Priorities not adequately justified.   (7 points)Work incomplete or incorrect   (0 points)
4. Goals/desired outcomeAppropriate, realistic, measurable outcomes/goals for the patient/family are formulated.   Outcomes/goals do not clearly flow from nursing concerns.   Work incomplete or incorrect   (0 points)
 Goals are patient / family centered   One goal/outcome developed to meet each priority concern   Desired outcomes/goals clearly flow from assessment data. (8 points)Outcomes/goals not individual/family centered   Outcomes not measurable or realistic.   (6 points)   
5. Evidence based nursing interventions proposed.A minimum of two evidence-based nursing interventions proposed to meet each desired outcome/ goal.      Interventions flow from desired goals/outcomes and are supported with evidence   Interventions are individualized and ‘fit’ with the unique situation.(10 points)Interventions do not consistently fit with desired outcomes.   Interventions not supported by scholarly evidence.   Interventions do not ‘fit’ with sitaution (7 points)Work incomplete or incorrect   (0 points)        
6. Individualized, patient / family centered care is evident. Involvement of patient and family is clearly elicited and incorporated into the plan of care.   How did the nurse ensure that the patient/family are involved in identifying priority concerns, formulating goals, and developing interventions?   Evident that the plan was developed to meet this unique situation (4 points)Patient and family involvement in planning care is minimally evident.   Evidence that plan was developed to unique situation is minimal.   (3 points)Not evident   (0 points)
6. Evaluation considered –   Addresses how the nurse will evaluate the plan of care and modify as needed (2 points)Evaluation not appropriate for unique situation.  (1 point)Work incomplete or incorrect  (0 points)
7. Consideration of rural residence  A minimum of two concepts of Rural Health Nursing Theory that fit with scenario are addressed as they fit with unique patient/ family scenario (6 points)Rural Health Nursing concepts are included, but not fully addressed.   Concepts do not clearly fit with unique situation.  (4 points)Work incomplete or incorrect. (0 points)
8. Conclusion  Gives the paper/plan a sense of completeness.  Leaves the reader with a final impression. (2 points)Sense of completeness lacking. (1 point)No conclusion. (0 points)
Title page includes name, institution, date, and page numbers1 point
Uses APA style correctly for citations and references. 3 points
Avoids plagiarism.  Summarizes clearly rather than using long quotations  (rubric continued next page)3 points

Organization for effectiveness  Revised February, 2020

Please note:

Punctuation, spelling, spacing, capitalization and writing mechanics errors are rare.  3 points
Writing is clear and focused.  Assessment is appropriate to the situation and complete.  Nursing concerns clearly flow from the assessment data; goals flow from the nursing priorities; interventions are developed to meet stated goals.  Patient and family involvement addressed. Reader can easily follow the plan development. 8 points
References drawn from a minimum of three professional nursing journal articles. Journal resources are synthesized and integrated into plan appropriately.  Reasoning is sound and does not include logical fallacies or assumptions.  8 points
Submitted to portfolio by the due date (same day paper is due)3 points
Total points possible80 points

You can either write a professional paper or use the optional template (found in the Assignment Guidance and Template folder). Either way, you must adhere to the grading rubric to earn as many points as possible. 

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