Nurs fpx4020 Assessment 2 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
This is a literature part that aims to update members of an interdisciplinary team of the strategies that will be used when targeting minority groups prone to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart failure, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and arthritis. The educational strategy chosen involves creating a rapport with the patients, health care professionals, and the community to promote quality care (Wang & Liu, 2015). The reasons why it is important to involve all stakeholders in health promotion is that the community engagement and collaboration ensures that the initiative reaches more people and achieves greater in the society. Besides, this strategy is believed to be transparent, accurate, reliable, and has a greater accountability for all allocated resources (Keyko et al., 2016). The approach also allows greater levels of participation in addition to creating satisfaction, harmony, and understanding of the health concerns.
Barriers to Health Promotion
Some of the barriers that affect implementation of disease prevention and health promotion for older adults arise from challenges such as language barriers, religious beliefs, cultural beliefs, isolation, deprived infrastructure, health disparities, and poor specialty care. Given that the population under consideration is dominated by older adults who are vulnerable to a number of chronic problems, delivery of quality healthcare is a big challenge (Masters, 2015). As indicated in the brochure, the population of concern has a majority of the people coming from diverse communities. Therefore, this will pose a problem because of diverse beliefs, languages, religions, and cultures.
How My Educational Strategy Can Help Overcome These Barriers
Our strategy that involve interprofessional collaboration and community involvement would play important roles to mitigate the identified barriers by mobilizing the communities to accept our promotion strategies and discouraging conflicts that emanates from cultural and religious beliefs (Wang & Liu, 2015). To overcome language barriers, we shall learn beforehand some of the culturally and religiously sensitive phrases and words to avoid misunderstanding during our program. Besides, our strategy would seek to recognize and understand any of the complementary and alternative medicine used by the communities and embrace them if they can assist in accomplishing our agenda.
Effectiveness of Health Promotion and Wellness Strategies
Interprofessional collaboration and community engagement are the most effective approaches to promoting health and disease prevention. The methods help to address health concerns of a vulnerable population by engaging the community through inclusive participation. Indeed, the application of the engagement method will assist the community to leap its benefits in short-term. I am confident that this will contribute to a healthy community leading to a vigorous nation with higher economic outcomes. Health promotion and wellness strategies should start at the community level.
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