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NURS-FPX6218 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

NURS-FPX6218 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

Guiding Questions for Assessment 1

Proposing Evidence-Based Change

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Proposing Evidence-Based Change assignment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assignment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assignment. Do notturn in this document as your assignment submission.

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Executive Summary

Propose a change to one aspect of your local or regional health care system or program that would improve outcomes. Then, conduct a comparative analysis of different health care systems, focusing on the aspect of the system you are proposing to change, and summarize the results in a summary report.

  1. Identify an aspect of a local or regional health care system or program that should be a focus for change.
  2. Why did you decide on this particular change?
  3. What improvements do you expect as a result of the change?
  4. What evidence supports your position?

Define desirable outcomes, including who will pay for care and factors limiting achievement of those outcomes.

  • What is your rationale for this definition?
  • What sources can you cite that support your definition?
  • What are the two limiting factors?

Analyze two non-U.S. health care systems or programs that offer insight into a proposed change for a health care system or program in the United States.

  • Select two systems at opposite ends of the scale in terms of desirable outcomes for the issue reflected in your proposed change or select two systems that both produce positive outcomes but take unique or innovative approaches to the problem. Then, compare the outcomes in each non-U.S. system with each other and with present outcomes in your community.
    • How do the two health care systems or programs address the issue?
    • What lessons are you able to draw from each example that you could apply in your system?

Explain why specific changes will lead to improved outcomes.

  • What are the expected improvements in outcomes?
  • What evidence can you use to justify your conclusions?
  • Are your expectations reasonable within the existing health care system?

Determine the financial and health implications associated with the proposed changes.

  • Address the implications of making the changes.
  • Address the implications of not making the changes.
    • What are the likely costs and benefits for individuals and the community at large?
    • What are the potential short- and long-term effects?
    • What evidence do you have that supports your conclusions?

Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

  • Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
  • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.

Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

  • Integrate relevant and credible evidence from 3–5 peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications.
  • Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
    • How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
    • Will your reader see the connection?
  • Did you summarize, paraphrase, and quote your sources appropriately?

Submission Reminders

  • Have you identified an aspect of your local or regional health care system or program as the focus for change, with supporting evidence?
  • Have you clearly defined desirable outcomes and provided supporting evidence?
  • Have you completed your examination of two non-U.S. health care systems or programs with respect to the issue reflected in your proposed change?
  • Have you adequately explained why specific changes will lead to improved outcomes and provided supporting evidence?
  • Have you determined the financial and health implications both of making and not making your proposed changes and provided supporting evidence?
  • Is your report well supported by 3–5 sources of relevant and credible evidence?
  • Is your report 4–5 pages in length, not includingthe title page and references page?
  • Did you proofread your writing and delete all directions from the template?

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