Nursing Essay Magnet Recognitions and Empowerment Theory, The Magnet Recognition Program of the American Nurses Credentialing Center recovers the leadership noteworthiness that the nursing professionals must have within a medical institution; Among the elements necessary to establish excellent leadership are the stimulation of an active strategy of training and professional development in the institution, adequate use of human resources, the presence of mutual respect, work as a team with the sole purpose of helping the patient, personal growth, and the availability of the medical center for the betterment of its employees, competitiveness. These elements stimulate and allow health institutions to transform themselves into centers that are suitable for work in professional manners. Multiple studies in Magnet hospitals have shown that medical centers that support the advancement of their nursing staff can see an increase and improvement in patient care. It has been documented that the nursing staff that have a job in magnet hospitals have a higher level of empowerment than those in hospitals without this high distinction. Nurses who work in Magnet hospitals feel more satisfied; empowered, more committed to their work institution, and therefore are more prone to provide a high-quality service to the patient.
Nursing Essay Physician Assistant Role Development
Keywords: Magnet, Nursing, and Empowerment.
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Write My Essay For MeMagnet model and the impact on patient’s care
Friese, Christopher R (June 2015) stated that the Magnet Recognition Program was invented to identify hospital care centers with the commitment to improve health care, more focused on the care provided by the nursing department. The study showed that patients who received medical attention in hospitals identified as Magnets, were better treated, lower mortality reported in the surgery department, showing a higher satisfaction with the assistance received, in contrast with patients treated in hospital not recognized as magnets. Possibly, multiple factors attributed to the accredited institution with magnet recognition have contributed to these favorable results, since their organizational characteristics confer greater benefits to patients.
As De Sousa explains in her study, the nursing staff plays a crucial role in any health care institution. But unfortunately, this group of health workers may feel low levels of job satisfaction, directly influencing clinical performance, many could suffer from Burnout Syndrome secondary to emotional and nursing stress. It has been observed in different studies that a nurse with high job satisfaction will have better performance in their work area, giving a superior quality service which is vital for any hospital institution. “The Magnet hospital concept evolved in response to persistent nursing shortages in the United States. Hospitals benefited from innovative administrative practices that addressed the problems of nursing shortages and nursing turnover” (Theresa Wai Chi Tai, 2017, p 72). This statement must be well understood by hospital administrators; job satisfaction is an effective indicator of the emotional state of its employees. Therefore, it is vital to understand its importance and its foundations since dissatisfaction can have a crucial place in the workplace, bringing adverse results for the institution. “Through the Magnet process, hospitals undergo a transformation that includes significant improvements in the quality of the nurse work environment. Overall, hospitals that obtain Magnet recognition demonstrate significant improvements in the patient and nurse job outcomes over time that exceed those of their non-Magnet peers.”(Med Care 2016 Jun 1).
Kanter Theory (1993)
The Theory of Structural Empowerment, it established a relationship between empowerment in the work area and the level of formal and informal power of an employee in an institution. Formal power: offers the employee the opportunity to be creative, flexible, and visible. It comes from the performance of the high-level in the work area, relevant to solve problems. Informal power on the other hand, is what allows relationships between superiors, colleagues, and subordinates within the same organization. Kanter explained that when this theory is applied in the work environment, employees are more productive and committed to their work institution. Benefiting the internal functioning of establishing a positive feedback circuit resulting in more committed employees, showing positive attitudes and feeling that they are qualified to perform their work with excellence. (Spear carter, 2016)
The Empowerment Model Psychological of Spreitzer
It establishes the elements that provide people with self-improvement, competitive attitude, independence, and knowledge (Kwanhhyun, Soyeon 2016).
Magnet Recognized Hospital in NY
University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, obtained its Magnet recognition in 2014. Rochester Medical Center is recognized for its initiative in promoting a culture of clinical excellence, practice, and services based in evidence within a work environment, Rochester hospital is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the ANCC, which characteristics aimed it to be honored to deserve this high recognition.
Magnet recognition brings several benefits to all involved parts in the team care, however is important to point out that pursuing to gain Magnet recognition is very costly and a time-consuming for a hospital. However, its benefits overpass the cost, for health institutions having this distinction would highly increase the trustworthiness in the quality of the services provided to society; staff highly competitive, projecting in the reduction of hospital costs and demands for malpractice. In the case of nursing professionals, the magnet will bring more work stability, and permanence at work versus migration or resignation, as a result of greater job satisfaction due to autonomy and leadership in the professional exercise, through a practice based on evidence and guides clinics, for the recognition of multidisciplinary team and society. For nursing directors it is an opportunity for improvement through a model that allows knowing the organization and identifying the scenarios of professional practice that allows defining strategies to comply with essentials of magnetism, looking for continuous improvement programs for retention and decreased turnover of the nursing professional. Applying the Empowerment’s models of Spreitzer and Kanter in the health institution will allow for truly ethical, dignified, attentive, affectionate, and critical care. It is very important to promote the reflection of humanized caring, considering the relationships between all the care participants: people, family, and care team. (Spear carter, 2016,
Abdullah Ahlam Hussain (2015), Nursing Satisfaction in a Magnet Hospital University of Rhode Island.
De Sousa, Mariana, Braz, Carla, Sulamitta, Keyth, Brito, Jaqueline, , (September 1, 2018) Burnout Syndrome:Knowledge of Neonatal Nursing Team, Journal of Nursing
Friese, Christopher R; Xia, Rong; Ghaferi, Amir; Birkmeyer, John D; Banerjee, Mousumi . (Jun 2015): 986-992. Hospitals In 'Magnet' Program Show Better Patient Outcomes On Mortality Measures Compared To Non-'Magnet' Hospitals.Vol. 34, Iss. 6.
Kwanghyun Kim, Soyeon Lee ( 2016) Psychological Empowerment.
Med Care. (Jun 1, 2016.) p550–557. Changes in Patient and Nurse Outcomes Associated with Magnet Hospital Recognition. (Understanding the Role of the Professional Practice Environment on Quality of Care in Magnet® and Non-Magnet Hospitals)
Shannon Spear Carter, (March 1, 2016). The Relationship between Transformational leadership and Organizational Learning Culture in Magnet and Non-Magnet Hospitals. Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts
Wiens, Sandra, MScN, RN; Babenko-Mould, Yolanda, PhD, RN; Iwasiw, Carroll, EdD, (May 2014): Perceptions of Structural and Psychological Empowerment in Academic Nursing Environment RN Journal of Nursing Education; Vol. 53, Iss. 5, .
Nursing Essay Magnet Recognitions and Empowerment Theory
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