Nursing Essay
Cancer has become a world epidemic, and people have different arguments regarding this disease. There are numerous factors that are thought to cause it, and it increases the speculations that surround cancer. According to the article, most of the people who live within the industrial cities in Canada, such as Ontario, have a high likelihood of getting cancer. This perception is influenced by the impact that air pollution has on the spread of cancer therein. The study is evidence-based, and it has numerous statistics to prove its case. To understand it better, there is a need to use the Marxist sociological theory with an aim to create a more comprehensive perception. People living with cancer are the most stigmatized people in the modern society, especially if their condition is not diagnosed during the early stages of the disease. Notably, the Marxism perspective will play a pivotal role in interlinking different socioeconomic and political factors that lead to the spread of cancer in the industrial cities of Canada.
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Theoretical Analysis
According to the Marxism school of thought, medical care is often impacted by political power as well as the economic dominance that is apparent in any capitalist society. Even though this eclipse regarding the insinuations of the Marxist paradigm could have declined in the 20th century, they are still apparent in the modern-day society. As such, it helps in explaining how the health system of different countries reflects in the mirrors of the diverse social classes in the society. The class structure has a unique way of influencing the perception that people have towards a specific health institution. It also plays a pivotal role in explaining issues to deal with health workers stratification and the limited mobility of health workers in certain regions. Arguably, the monopoly is one of the things that influence the whole process of treating or developing efficient mechanisms for handling cancer. The monopolistic nature of the health care industry makes private investors and the government to have different perceptions regarding the policies aimed at enhancing the growth of the medical centers.
Also, it affects other factors such as the penetration of some large corporations into research aimed at identifying the best way to solve the issues that affect the cancer patients. Marxist perspective argues that it could be easier to form a medical-industrial complex that would play a pivotal role in providing evidence-based research perspectives to deal with epidemics such as cancer. More so, they help in determining the health policy recommendations depending on the various political and economic goals of the different interest groups. In case the government decided to come up with the most relevant policies aimed at changing the situation of cancer in Canada and the rest of the world, it would be easier come up with an intervention that befits the needs of everyone in the society. An intervention by the state would help in protecting the public members against the capitalist ideals that define the private sector operations. As such, it will lead to the development of a medical ideology that will help in the maintenance of class structure while also protecting the patterns of domination by the private sector that degrade the health wellness perspective of the public.
The Marxist perspective is pivotal in explaining how research could help in the analysis of factors that affect imperialism in the medical sector. It also explains some of the major changes that are notable or influenced by socialism. Henceforth, it becomes easier to understand the existing differences regarding how socialism and capitalism affect health reforms in any society. The best way of understanding how imperialism affects cancer is by looking at various factors that include economic cycles, sexism, and social distress. Another significant factor that cannot be ignored is the illness-generating conditions that are found at the workplace and which could help in explaining the fact that capitalism is dangerous to the health of individuals. The political struggle to enhance the health wellness of the population is often difficult because most of the reforms that they adopt are often non-reformist. When making an argument regarding the Marxist perspective and its influence in healthcare, it is important to consider the problems and prospects that determine the sociology of law. It depends on legal, economic perspectives and the vision that a country has moving forward.
Research Article Explanation
The virtues that guide the companies that are in the industrious cities in Canada are pivotal in coming up with the influence that they have in the health sector. As such, these companies are guided by the economic principles or policies established by the ruling class. The capitalist system of government will always prefer the continued growth and development of the company over the health-wellness of the citizens. However, citizens are also affected because they must look for opportunities to improve their living standards. Even though there are several peer-reviewed articles that illustrate the role that these Canadian industries have on the patients, the government is left with minimal impact because closing down these industries could lead to unemployment. A specific case is that of the incidences of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that citizens of these cities and workers of the industries tend to suffer from. The continued awareness regarding the issue has not been fruitful, and the capitalist government has done little to come up with measures aimed at reducing the impact of industrial pollution on the people. More so, it is the same government that gave work licenses to more than 57 companies in a single city of Sarnia, yet they knew that the pollutants emitted are hazardous to the citizens.
The city has the highest rate of AML in the country, and the northern region of Canada, which has more of these industries, has the highest reported cases of the illness. As such, the Marxist perspective was pivotal in enhancing the influence of capitalism, and it led to the current degradation of humanity in the society. It led to the achievements of science and prosperity, but also influenced the need for people to become prosperous, which is only achievable through looking for money. As such, the people in these cities are ravishing in industries that have enhanced the likelihood of them contracting cancer for the sake of enhancing their societal well-being. These industries are a threat to the human race because everyone is after becoming profitable, and the advancement of capitalism makes it even worse. Ideally, the best way to come up with solutions for the people would be through reducing poverty and ignorance, and ensure the government comes up with diverse measures aimed at starting a war against the cancer epidemic. The move will help in restoring the belief in humanity.
Even though Marxism influenced the social condition that affects people in these states, it also incorporates other ways of handling it. These include looking at the philosophy, politics, and history that concerns these issues. Over time, the federal government has realized the need to adopt these initiatives whereby the federal environmental agency came up with measures aimed at regulating the toxic pollution that is evident in the petroleum sector. It started this initiative in 2017, and it is still focused on ensuring that these regulations help in reducing the cases of AML in the region. To ensure that these regulations do not deter the economic well-being of the industries, the government is partaking research with different industrial representatives that are aimed at establishing the influence of new air quality standards. An introduction of new policies will help in reducing pollution from these industrial plants and vehicles, and it will also play a pivotal role in reducing the number of people who suffer from AML. However, AML will not reduce significantly if these regulations do not cover all the industries that are said to cause health problems that relate to cancer and asthma.
Conclusively, the Marxist perspective was widely influential in introducing the socio-economic and political problems that affect the northern provinces of Canada, and it is also influential in developing solutions to these problems. The perspective is interlinked in a way that it can re-correct itself and lead to change in the society, but it is a process that will take time in the long run. When coming up with a solution, it is necessary for the Canadian government to realize that AML is influenced by the pollution from the industries, and it is necessary to come up with rules and regulations that are influenced by humanity when trying to deal with this prevalent problem.
- Almgren, G. (2017). Health care politics, policy, and services: a social justice analysis. Springer publishing company.
- Horton, R. (2017). Offline: medicine and marx. The Lancet, 390(10107), 2026.
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