Online Master of Health Administration Course

Online Master of Health Administration Course

  • HLTH 6010
    Introduction to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System
    This first course in the MHA program sets the stage for understanding the US system. It includes an examination and analysis of how the US system works and the cultural bases of its organization and financing. Ability to lead in healthcare requires acknowledgment of how cultural beliefs and values about health and healthcare in a society impact how the system structure and financing have developed and how they can change. Examining the cultural beliefs underlying how the system works leads to many ‘aha!’ moments, even for seasoned health care professionals. Succeeding courses revisit these insights regularly in proposing solutions to thorny health care problems. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6020
    Information Systems for Health Services
    This survey and analysis of healthcare information systems planning and leadership prepares health administrators to communicate productively with information technology and clinical professionals. The course explores the challenges of selecting and implementing information systems to achieve organizational mission. The course focuses on how and from whom health administrators should gather information and judge its veracity. It also considers other organizational data and issues that go into selection decisions and implementation plans. Attention to various stakeholders and how to manage their impact on IT projects. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6030
    Leadership of Health Organizations
    This course examines leadership concepts as they apply specifically in healthcare organizations. Topics such as managing change, intra-organizational communication, and high-level decision making are included. The course focuses on building skills to sort through and make sense of the plethora of information available in making judgment calls. Focusing on leadership, the course goes well beyond management, helping students recognize, build on and enhance their own skills and increase their adaptability. Like other Ohio University MHA courses, this one also stresses the importance of identification, empathy and communication with relevant stakeholders. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6040
    Research and Quantitative Methods for Health Services

    This course focuses on the value of various research methods and resulting data for running an efficient and effective organization. The course focuses on development of skills to be good consumers of research information. The course acknowledges that most health administrators will not be designing and running research projects but that they must be able to communicate with researchers in a variety of disciplines. They must be able to recognize quality research protocols and select findings that can complement data from other disciplines in leadership decision making. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6080
    Health Policy
    This course looks at the impact of healthcare public and organizational policy on leadership function. The course prepares health administrators to understand how such policy evolves, including their potential role in shaping it. The course addresses how to analyze both current and proposed policy for impacts on their organization. Focusing on communication with employees and other stakeholders, it also considers strategies for translation of policy for implementation and compliance within the organization. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6100
    Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Health Care
    This course focuses on strategies to measure and improve healthcare efficiency, effectiveness, and quality. It considers various quality standards and protocols, preparing the health administrator to gather, assess, and act on data from a variety of sources. It addresses the role of getting stakeholders “on board” to develop a safety culture and to achieve organizational goals. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6120
    Health Care Finance
    This course addresses essential financial administration tools and concepts needed to maintain health care organization viability. The course increases students’ ability to discuss with financial professionals various data like financial statement and cost analysis, budgeting, asset pricing models, and valuation methods among others. The course provides practice in consolidating and weighing financial information with data from many other disciplines in making leadership decisions. Attention is also given to the health administrator’s need to translate financial information for other stakeholders whose functions are affected and whose cooperation is needed. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6280
    Health Law
    This course examines the roles and legal rights of patients, administrators, governing boards, state and federal government, third-party payers, and health care providers. It focuses on the health administrator knowing how and when to communicate with legal experts and how to use relevant legal precepts. The course also deals with assisting legal counsel with communication of legal concepts to relevant stakeholders. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6300
    Epidemiology in Health Administration
    This course is an overview and analysis of epidemiological principles that provide the basis for setting priorities, allocating scarce healthcare resources, and preventing disease. It recognizes that the health administrator needs to understand information from clinical professionals in making leadership decisions to manage health services to protect health. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6350
    Human Resource Management in Health Care
    This course deals with the practical aspects of human resource leadership in various healthcare settings. Leadership of the human capital in healthcare is challenging because the industry is labor-intensive, has a diverse workforce, and is involved with life-and-death work. This course focuses on the role of the health administrator in working with and through the human resources department to align HR strategy with organizational strategy, to assure well-being of employees, and to assure competitive position. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6380
    Strategic Planning and Marketing in Health Services
    This last course in the MHA program, taps learning from every other course in a real-life strategic analysis of a health care organization in transition. The course focuses on key processes in planning and delivering health care to the community, such as needs assessment, feasibility studies, strategic marketing design, and implementation and evaluation strategies and methods. This course is an application exercise simulating activities healthcare administrators engage in daily, pulling information from various sources and recombining it for decision making. It is a practical, interesting, exciting, and informative culmination for the MHA program. (3 credits)
  • HLTH 6480
    Ethical Issues in Health Care
    This course examines the impact of ethical issues on leadership decision making. It explores dominant ethical theories and principles relevant to every aspect of health care leadership. Both clinical and organizational ethical issues are considered along with communication and stakeholder strategies. (3 credits)

Online Master of Health Administration Course

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