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Organizational Culture ESSAY

Prime Healthcare Organization

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Prime Healthcare Organization

Organizational Culture

Prime Healthcare Organization has a decentralized and hierarchy-based organizational and leadership structure, working in the best means to motivate subordinates and enhance growth and diversification. Real et al. (2017) confirm that decentralization in healthcare organizations improves communication for quality care and innovations. These elements change management by enhancing agility and response to a new standard. Besides, the organization’s mission is to save and promote hospitals to strengthen the compassion, quality, and better care to patients and communities. It is client-focused, where the organization targets the primary consumers of its services while focusing on the community as a whole. By being customer-based, the organization stands a chance to support change by enhancing convenience, quality, access, and response, while abolishing the boundaries. Madhani (2018) notes that by being customer-centric, the organization gains competitiveness by increasing customer engagement to promote collaboration.

Prime Healthcare Organization values include quality, compassion, community, and being physician-led by being committed to performance and exceptional care, providing dignity, serving and giving back to the community, and allowing direct health care at all levels by the doctors and clinicians. This element entails interprofessional collaboration in delivering care at diverse levels. The employees perceive the organization as decentralized, considering their active participation in the organization in all operations.

Capacity Assessment Framework- Assessing Readiness for Change

A Capacity Assessment Framework is designed by the UNDP to evaluate the organizational readiness to promote global health intervention (Dearing, 2018). Dearing notes that assessing organizational readiness entails measuring motivation and the capacity for those firms or service providers to participate in initiatives. A capacity assessment framework is a tool for addressing the organization’s readiness to intervention or change, which entails identifying significant capacities that exist and the additional ones required to attain the objectives. Therefore, this tool is a salient element for analyzing desire or needed capacities against the already existing ones for enhancing planning and response. Based on this tool, capacity assessment framework, the Prime Healthcare Organization has exemplary capabilities in organizational attributes, defining the superb organizational culture through explicit mission and purpose, and recognizing the organizational values.

The capacity assessment framework analyzes the capabilities of the people, processes, technological resources, physical resources, and organizational systems as a perfect tool for assessing readiness for change. Diab et al. (2018) confirm that change readiness assessment examines the readiness of attitudes, resources, and conditions for capacity development initiatives. Prime Healthcare Organization is adequately ready for change considering its strengths in retaining the best skills, salient communication capabilities, decentralized governance, adequate technology, availability of the human, physical and financial resources, and strong stakeholder partnerships. It is customer-focused, offering an opportunity to integrate changing customer needs. However, frequent changes in the technology required are a threat to the organization, requiring vast investment and commitment. The readiness for change in this organization is high because of the strong team engagement or commitment to change and the collective capability to integrate change. Team spirit, information flow, and mutual support are palpable elements supporting the organization’s readiness to change.

Health Care Process and Systems Needing Improved Quality, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness

Prime Healthcare Organization being a physician-led service provider, the doctors offer direct care, requiring interventions for feasible clinical interventions. The physician-led system requires an improvement in handling patients, managing the costs, and delivering quality-led care. As a result, it is imperative to initiate Quality improvement collaboratives (CICs) by using standardized methodologies and designations for collecting high-quality data (Luckenbaugh et al., 2017). Additionally, after the collection, the data analysis is conducted to offer feedback to the physicians, initiate collaboration techniques and procedures, and distribute the results to the entire team to disseminate coordinated care at the population level. De la Perrelle et al. (2020) confirm that integrating QICs at scale is imperative for consistent cost identification to form cost-saving healthcare systems in both acute and chronic illnesses.

Strategies to Enhance Organizational Readiness

A salient strategy identified for enhancing the organizational readiness in Prime Healthcare Organization and applicable to similar organizations is the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). Vax et al. (2021) confirm that TTM prepares the organization for change by aligning with a tailored approach to meet organizational needs. The primary stage of the TTM is pre-contemplation, where people have no idea regarding the need for change and the second phase is where the organization acknowledges the benefits of changes, although costs and risk outmatch the paybacks. Thus, at the third preparation and fourth action phases for the organizational readiness, the organization is bound to initiate training for upskilling and motivation, changing policy such as focusing on solution-focused approaches for adaptability, and encouraging the integration of technology in the healthcare practices (Vax et al., 2021). Besides, considering the integration of big data analytics is a salient approach for enhancing organizational readiness by improving intelligence and research-based intervention.

Stakeholders and Team Members in the Project

The identified stakeholders and teams in the evidence-based project for increasing patient satisfaction and raising the revenue collection while decreasing the LWBT rate include the ER nurses, informaticians, and the ACOs. The ER nurses will respond quickly to crises and identify real-time stabilization strategies for pain management and patient satisfaction. The informaticians will be responsible for comparing real-time location systems against the manual status updates for tracking patients to establish outcomes for each while focusing on data and big data for quality service delivery and technology integration. The ACOs will be responsible for coordinated care where reimbursements will be attached to quality measures, basing intervention on value.

Information and Communication Technologies

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are the primary requirement to enhance data collection and retrieval in real-time. Besides, the clinical decision support system (CDS) is essential as the primary tool for mitigating errors by guiding healthcare practitioners at the emergence department solution-focused approaches. Alotaibi and Federico (2017) acknowledge that CDS is a guiding tool to the correct procedures to attain desired outcomes. Through these technologies, practitioners are motivated to pursue outcomes according to the client’s needs by enhancing alerts, reminders, and notifications for process adherence.


Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal38(12), 1173-1180.

De la Perrelle, L., Radisic, G., Cations, M., Kaambwa, B., Barbery, G., & Laver, K. (2020). Costs and economic evaluations of quality improvement collaboratives in healthcare: A systematic review. BMC Health Services Research20(1).

Dearing, J. W. (2018). Organizational readiness tools for global health intervention: A review. Frontiers in Public Health6

Diab, G. M., Safan, S. M., & Bakeer, H. M. (2018). Organizational change readiness and manager’ behavior in managing change. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice8(7), 68-77.

Luckenbaugh, A. N., Miller, D. C., & Ghani, K. R. (2017). Collaborative quality improvement. Current Opinion in Urology27(4), 395-401.

Madhani, P. M. (2018). Building a customer-focused culture in organisations: Developing 7Cs model. International Journal of Business Excellence16(2), 199.

Real, K., Bardach, S. H., & Bardach, D. R. (2017). The role of the built environment: How decentralized nurse stations shape communication, patient care processes, and patient outcomes. Health Communication32(12), 1557-1570.

Vax, S., Gidugu, V., Farkas, M., & Drainoni, M. (2021). Ready to roll: Strategies and actions to enhance organizational readiness for implementation in community mental health. Implementation Research and Practice2, 263348952098825.

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