Outline Format
Communication 141: Small Group Communication
Group Informative Speech Symposium Assignment Directions
100 points possible
Purpose: To inform the audience about an issue that directly affects our community. Your presentation will
conclude with a Q&A session.
§ For this assignment, you will research and present your findings on an issue that affects our local
community. You may also select an issue that affects our state, national, or global community.
§ Since informative presentations serve the function of “instruction,” your goal is to focus simply on
teaching the audience about your selected issue – without attempting to persuade.
§ Focus your discussion on the following 3 main areas:
a) The history of the issue. Tell us about the problem; and how it came to be the problem it is today.
b) The causes behind the issue. What are the systemic forces which exacerbate the problem? (For
example: inherent structural or attitudinal barriers).
c) Who is affected. Who exactly is being harmed by this issue?
§ You will also turn in a formal typed outline of your presentation in class on your presentation date.
§ Outline Format: Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1” margins, proofread, with at least 3
credible references cited (verbally, in-text, and on reference list) in APA format.
§ A PowerPoint or Prezi is required as a visual aid for this presentation. As a whole, the presentation
should be 10-12 minutes.
§ Please keep in mind that the symposium format is a public discussion forum in which group members
present short, prepared speeches on a central discussion question or topic.
§ After the presentation, audience members will participate in a question and answer session (2-3
minutes). The Q&A will not be counted in your total presentation time.
General presentation requirements:
§ Presentations include a short introduction and conclusion. In the introduction, introduce each group
member, provide a thesis statement, and end with a preview statement. In the conclusion, restate what
was stated (review thesis statement), and provide a memorable closing statement. No new information
should be provided in the conclusion.
§ The three required main points are discussed in an organized and clear manner (history, causes, people
affected), including transitions, and ample research to support each point. All members are to provide
examples to make the material relevant and applicable to this particular audience – with that said,
language should be appropriate and professional.
§ All group members speak during the allotted time (10-12 minutes). No one runs significantly longer or
shorter than other group members. The workload is clearly divided evenly and all group members
demonstrate equal knowledge.
§ The presentation feels like a group effort rather than a bunch of individuals covering separate parts of
the presentation. The group’s overall presentation is creative, interesting, and fun. The PowerPoint
presentation is thoughtful, engaging, and adheres to visual aid guidelines discussed in class. Be sure to
put the PPT on a USB flash drive. Alternatively, you could have your presentation in a google drive or
§ Excellent presentations are extemporaneous and not read! Speakers must make eye contact with the
audience. Verbal disfluencies (such as “um,” “like,” “you know,” etc.) are kept to a minimum. All group
members demonstrate professional behavior and decorum.
On your scheduled presentation date, your group (as a whole) will need to prepare:
a) A group outline for the instructor before the group presentation.
b) PowerPoint presentation (or easy access to Prezi, set up before class)
Audience members are expected to actively listen to all presentations, and actively participate in Q&A
sessions. Your contributions will be evaluated as a component of your “Participation” grade. As an audience
member, here are some suggestions for questions to consider asking:
§ Where will your group be volunteering?
§ What will your group be doing at the volunteer organization?
§ Why did your group decide on this topic?
§ How serious is this issue?
§ Is this a relatively new topic? Why or why not?
§ How is your volunteer work going to alleviate the issue?
§ What are some ways to fix the issue?
Individual Assignment:
Each group member will submit an individual assignment on Canvas (Journal Entry #2) about your group experience.
In this journal entry, you will reflect upon your group experience and dynamics.
Group Informative Speech Outline Format
(Please label and bold all outline categories. And remember to cite ALL evidence that you did not come up
with on your own. See example posted on Canvas).
Names Member Names:
Presentation Title
I. Introduction: (about 1 minute)
A. Attention-getter: This is the longest part of the introduction. This could be a story (personal,
hypothetical, factual), a quote that is related to the topic, startling statistic/fact/data, or a dramatic
B. Thesis statement: A sentence that summarizes the content of the speech. Your presentation’s
central idea.
C. Preview: Explicitly state the main points that you group will go over in the speech:
1) History
2) Causes
3) Affects
Transition: Connects two ideas together. Example: “So how did this problem begin?”
II. Body: (about 9-10 minutes) Remember to incorporate visual aid!
A. Main point 1: History of the Issue
- Sub point 1 (sub points are examples/evidence that strengthens your main points;
including: statistics, facts, testimony, or any other form of credible evidence that supports
your main points. Make sure to explain/describe/reiterate the function of your supporting
materials.) - Sub point 2
- Sub point 3(optional)
Transition: Example: “Now that I have discussed X, Sam will next explain Y.”
B. Main point 2: Causes of the Issue - Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
Transition: Example: “Now that you heard about the problems of_____, let’s discuss…”
C. Main point 3: Those Affected by the Issue - Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
Transition: Example: “To conclude our presentation…”
III. Conclusion: (about 1 minute)
A. Review: Restate the main points and your thesis.
B. Memorable closing statement: End presentation on strong, memorable, favorable note. Can
refer to attention getter or end with a different story, quote, etc.
Include all references on a separate page in APA format – alphabetical order, 2nd line hanging. For APA style
guides and resources visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/
Reference Sample
Griffin, E. (2000). A first look at communication theory (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Hughes, J. (Director). (1985). The breakfast club [Motion picture]. United States: Universal Studios.
O’Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., Wiemann, J. M., & Wiemann, M. O. (1997). Competent communication (2nd ed.).
New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Petrosian, K. (2017, July 24). Personal interview.
Salazar, A. B. (1996). An analysis of the development and evolution of roles in the small group. Small Group
Research, 27, 475-503.
Wiltshire, R. D. (2006, May 5). Changing thinking patterns to reduce depression. Psychology for the Future,
3, Article 12. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from http://www.psychologyforthefuture.org/articles/art0012
Wood, J. (2004). Communication mosaics: An introduction to the field of communication (3rd ed.). Belmont,
CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.
Rubric – Group Presentation 1* (100 points)
§ Introduction (5 points): Effectively gains the audience’s attention, thesis clearly articulated, clear
preview that explicitly reflects 3 main points. Transition to body.
§ Body (40 points): Includes history of issue, causes, and who is affected by the issue. Main points are
separated by transitions. Content of presentation is supported by credible evidence. Content is
informative, not persuasive.
§ Conclusion (5 points): Transition from body to conclusion, includes clear review that explicitly reflects
3 main points, ends with a memorable closing statement.
§ PowerPoint/Prezi (5 points): Presentation is effectively supported by the use of a visual aid. Follows
guidelines discussed in class. Presentation is clearly rehearsed; all content is well-organized; visual aid
is supplementary but adds to presentation’s effectiveness.
§ Group cohesiveness (5 points): Group members work together effectively. Presentation is fluid and
well-rehearsed. All group members demonstrate equal knowledge during Q&A.
§ Evidence (5 points): At least 3 credible sources are orally cited during presentation. Citations include
necessary content (author, qualifications, year).
§ Verbal delivery (10 points): Demonstrates effective vocal variety and expressiveness: speaks clearly and
with fluidity, well-rehearsed, speaks loudly enough, and with appropriate tone; avoids verbal
disfluencies. Speaks extemporaneously.
§ Nonverbal delivery (10 points): Demonstrates effective nonverbal delivery and expressiveness: uses
appropriate body movement, posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact is directed at entire
audience (does not read from note cards or off of PowerPoint); avoids nonverbal
§ Time (5 points): Group presentation does not extend over the given time limit (12 minutes). Points will
be lost for presentations that go overtime or are delivered in less time than the required 10 minutes.
§ Outline (10 points): Outline is typed in APA format explained above. Outline is in complete sentence
format with sources cited on the outline. That is, all presentation content must be on outline including
transition statement and in-text citations. All in-text citations are reflected on reference list and vice versa. No
major spelling or grammatical errors.
*Each of the above categories are weighted by their corresponding point value (in parentheses). Categories are
graded on a 0 – 5 scale as described below.
0 = Unacceptable.
1 = Major components missing; Ineffective; Insufficient
2 = Needs improvement; Components missing; Does not meet expectations of course and/or directions
3 = Satisfactory; Most components are present and delivered effectively
4 = Good; Most expectations are met; Minimal issues
5 = Excellent; Exceeds expectations
Service Learning Project Assignment Directions
Assignment phases:
Phase #1 (20 Points): Research a volunteer organization in a selected (and feasible) geographic location.
Phase #2 (30 Points): Complete 8 hours of volunteer work (at least 4 hours together, as a group) at the selected
Phase #3 (100 Points): Present group experience to the class.
Directions: Research different organizations pertaining to the topic explored in the Informative Speech
Symposium assignment (e.g. YMCA, retirement homes, homeless shelters, food banks, the Humane Society,
etc.). Contact each organization and ask the following in order to get permission to volunteer:
§ Who does one contact if they wish to volunteer? Obtain the name, phone number with extension, and
email, if possible. Also, make sure that you have the address of the volunteer agency.
§ A description of volunteer opportunities. Is there more than one area? If so, what are they? Provide a job
description in each. In short, what do you do while volunteering (read, serve meals, organize games,
take care of animals, etc.)?
§ How does one go about getting started? (i.e. Is there any type of training involved?)
§ Are there any minimum hourly commitments?
§ May groups participate?
§ Also, you will need to ask permission to take photos/videos to document your experience.
Please Note that you will have to tell the organization that you are volunteering for a college
assignment and that you will need to volunteer there at least 8 hours.
Sample phone statement:
“Hello, my name is and I am a student at Santa Barbara City College. As part of an
assignment for my Small Group Communication class, my group members and I will be participating in a
service learning project where we will be volunteering 5 hours of our time this summer semester. Before
making our decision, however, we are researching a variety of organizations. Do you mind if I ask you a
few questions? It will take about 10 minutes.”
If the contact person does not have the time, aske when it would be convenient for you to phone back.
Assignment Requirements: After you select the organization you’d be volunteering at and obtain
permission to volunteer at the organization, each group will provide a report (400-700 words) of the selected
organization. The paper should contain the following information:
§ The name of the organization and organization info: address, phone number, website.
§ The name, telephone number (w/extension, if applicable), and an email address of the contact person
§ A summary of the organization’s mission (paraphrased or in quotations, using proper APA citations)
A summary of the organization’s volunteer opportunities and required training. Please explain what you
will be doing in the organization. That is include a brief description of your volunteer work.
§ The paper must be uniform; meaning, it must be typed in the same fashion (consistently), and in the
same format. Each group’s paper should be formatted as follows: typed, 12-point font, Times New
Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins. One paper will be submitted on Canvas per group.
Directions: After selecting the organization that you would like to volunteer for, as a group, you will then
volunteer at least 8 hours at the organization. Of the 8 individual volunteer hours, 4 hours must involve all
group members. Additionally, please follow the guidelines below:
§ Each group member must volunteer 8 hours total.
§ Each group member is expected to keep photo/video documentation of their volunteer experience.
During your presentation, you will show your peers pictures or clips from these videos.
§ I recommend each group member to keep a written log of their experience. After each day, reflect on
how you felt, how the group functioned together, and any other comments relevant to your experience.
This will be helpful for your Journal entry #3 and your final paper where you have to draw upon your
group experience.
§ Lastly, each group member must turn in verification of their volunteer work, signed by a staff member,
with contact information.
§ Each group member will submit an individual assignment (10 Points) on Canvas for Phase #2 (Journal
Entry #3). In this journal entry, you will reflect upon your group experience and dynamics while
volunteering and working on your presentation.
To receive full credit, make sure you submit verification of 8 completed hours of volunteer work. Points will be
deducted (20 points) if volunteer hours are not verified.
Phase #2 Volunteer Verification Form
Please neatly print the information below. You will not receive credit for volunteer work if you do not get your
time verified by a member of the organization. Complete individually.
Student Name: ________________________________
Organization Name: ____________________________
Organization Staff Member: ______________________
Staff Member Phone # or Email: __________________
Date Time In Time Out Total Hours Staff Signature
PHASE # 3 (100 POINTS)
Directions: After completing the first 2 phases of the assignment, each group will present their experience to
the class. Presentations must be organized into outline format; and a formal, typed outline must be turned in on
presentation day.
Outline: Typed outline should include the following (corresponding to presentation). Make sure you cite all
sources on outline.
Group Member Names:
Presentation Title
IV. Introduction: (about 1 minute)
A. Attention-getter: This is the longest part of the introduction. This could be a story (personal,
hypothetical, factual), a quote that is related to the topic, startling statistic/fact/data, or a dramatic
B. Thesis statement: A sentence that summarizes the content of the speech. Your presentation’s
central idea.
C. Preview: Explicitly state the main points that you group will go over in the speech:
1) Organization description and your experience
2) What you learned about group communication
3) What you learned about the problem/issue
Transition: Connects two ideas together. Example: “So let’s first talk about the organization we
V. Body: (about 9-10 minutes) Remember to incorporate visual aid!
A. Main point 1: Organization description - Sub point 1 – tell us about the organization
- Sub point 2 – benefits of your experience (As group members and community service
participants) - Sub point 3 – discuss problems you encountered throughout your experience
Transition: Example: “Now that I have discussed X, Sam will next tell you about Y.”
B. Main point 2: What you learned about group communication
[Provide a summary of what the group learned about small group communication, service
learning, and working in groups as a result of this assignment. Apply several small group
communication concepts or theories connected with the various aspects of your experience (e.g.
leadership, group roles, conflict, decision-making, groupthink, etc.)] - Sub point 1 –
- Sub point 2 –
Transition: Example: “Now that you heard about _, let’s discuss…”
C. Main point 3: What you learned about the problem/issue
[Link the places at which you volunteered with the information shared in the Group Informative
Speech Symposium assignment. Summarize what you have learned about that particular social
problem based on your experience and outside research (provide citations). The outside research
should contain current and relevant information, related to that particular problem. - Sub point 1
- Sub point 2
Transition: Example: “To conclude our presentation…”
VI. Conclusion: (about 1 minute)
A. Review: Restate the main points and your thesis.
B. Memorable closing statement: End presentation on strong, memorable, favorable note. Can
refer to attention getter or end with a different story, quote, etc.
A great deal of attention should be spent on these portion of the presentation:
PowerPoint/Prezi: As a group, you will present this content (above) to the class, using PowerPoint or Prezi as a
visual supplement. You will have 10-12 minutes to do so. I encourage the use of photos and/or videos for this
assignment (make sure that you have permission from the organization to take photos/videos; and that you have
permission to use these photos/videos during your presentation!). Keep in mind that you need to cite sources
both during the presentation and on your outline. Also have a reference page for the sources.
On presentation day, as a group, turn in:
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Write My Essay For Me- A group presentation outline hard copy (Times New Roman, 12-point font, stapled, APA reference page)
- Presentation content on a USB flash drive or in an email account
Rubric – Group Presentation 2* (100 points)
§ Introduction (5 points): Effectively gains the audience’s attention, thesis clearly articulated, clear
preview that explicitly reflects 3 main points. Transition to body.
§ Body (40 points): Includes description of organization, what you learned from group communication,
and what you learned about the problem/issue. Main points are separated by transitions. Content of
presentation is supported by credible evidence. Content is informative, not persuasive.
§ Conclusion (5 points): Transition from body to conclusion, includes clear review that explicitly reflects
3 main points, ends with a memorable closing statement.
§ PowerPoint/Prezi (5 points): Presentation is effectively supported by the use of a visual aid. Follows
guidelines discussed in class. Presentation is clearly rehearsed; all content is well-organized; visual aid
is supplementary but adds to presentation’s effectiveness.
§ Group cohesiveness (5 points): Group members work together effectively. Presentation is fluid and
well-rehearsed. All group members demonstrate equal knowledge during Q&A.
§ Evidence (5 points): At least 3 credible sources are orally cited during presentation. Citations include
necessary content (author, qualifications, year).
§ Verbal delivery (10 points): Demonstrates effective vocal variety and expressiveness: speaks clearly and
with fluidity, well-rehearsed, speaks loudly enough, and with appropriate tone; avoids verbal
disfluencies. Speaks extemporaneously.
§ Nonverbal delivery (10 points): Demonstrates effective nonverbal delivery and expressiveness: uses
appropriate body movement, posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact is directed at entire
audience (does not read from note cards or off of PowerPoint); avoids nonverbal
§ Time (5 points): Group presentation does not extend over the given time limit (12 minutes). Points will
be lost for presentations that go overtime or are delivered in less time than the required 10 minutes.
§ Outline (10 points): Outline is typed in APA format explained above. Outline is in complete sentence
format with sources cited on the outline. That is, all presentation content must be on outline including
transition statement and in-text citations. All in-text citations are reflected on reference list and vice versa. No
major spelling or grammatical errors.
*Each of the above categories are weighted by their corresponding point value (in parentheses). Categories are
graded on a 0 – 5 scale as described below.
6 = Unacceptable.
7 = Major components missing; Ineffective; Insufficient
8 = Needs improvement; Components missing; Does not meet expectations of course and/or directions
9 = Satisfactory; Most components are present and delivered effectively
10 = Good; Most expectations are met; Minimal issues
11 = Excellent; Exceeds expectations
Group Project Reflection/Analysis Paper (100 Points)
100 points possible
Directions: In this 5-6 page paper, you will provide a formal reflection/analysis of your 2 group experiences.
You will reflect on your group interaction and communication and by applying course concepts (such as group
roles, decision making, goal setting, group conflict, leadership, group cohesiveness) will describe and explain
the dynamics of your group and how your group functioned. In general, you will: - Briefly describe what issue your group selected and where you volunteered. By citing sources, you will
explain why the issue you selected is a problem and inform the reader (similar to your first group
presentation). Next, you will describe the process of organization selection for your volunteer work and
explain what you did during your volunteer hours. In your explanations of your group experience, you
will use several, specific terms/concepts (e.g., group cohesion, synergy, conflict styles and dimensions,
defensive vs. supportive communication, task roles, etc.) that apply to your group interaction and
communication. - Conduct scholarly research in order to fully understand and explain your group communication. In
other words, you will find journal articles individually and not as a group, and use your textbook to
help you understand and apply course terms in your paper. This becomes the evidence for your paper.
You will need to cite at least two academic sources apart from your textbook. - Make sure that you define and explain the terms, and analyze how they apply to your communication.
You will cite your journal articles and your textbook within your paper as evidence and support of
your ideas. - Please note that you will turn in a hard copy of your papers in class.
Your main goal in this paper is to apply communication terms/concepts to
Your group experience and interaction in order to demonstrate your understanding of these terms.
Section-by-Section Instructions (follow these instructions closely!):
Introduction - First paragraph
a. Begin with a few general statements about ideas relevant to your paper, such as a few
statements about communication, group interactions, conflict, supportive vs. defensive
communication, cohesion, etc. Whatever your paper’s topic, lead into it for the reader.
b. Indicate the issue you researched (in 1st group presentation) and the location you
c. Next, clearly explain your goals for this paper. In other words, what is this paper’s thesis? What
is the purpose of this paper? What will it accomplish? What will your paper explain and
illustrate about your experience and communication in your group for the group assignments?
d. End your introduction with a preview of the main points of your paper. Your main points will
be the terms/concepts that you will apply to explain or describe your group experience. - Second paragraph – briefly summarize the issue you researched (with citing sources) and the
organization you volunteered at (about 4-5 sentences). That is, tell the reader what is the problem and why is
it a problem in our community. Then describe where you volunteered and tell the reader about how the
organization tackles your selected issue.
Body (For each paragraph in the Body, do these in this order):
Define and explain one or several terms that you have researched fully. As you define your terms, be sure
to cite evidence (quote) from your textbook and your journal articles.
a. Describe how the term is demonstrated in your group interaction and communication. Be specific.
For example, here is where you explain how you, your group members, or a particular member
demonstrated “defensive or supportive communication,” “conflict,” “groupthink,” or some other term.
Be sure to provide detailed examples from your group interaction, and be sure to explain yourself fully.
This becomes your analysis of your group communication.
b. Use a transition to move the reader to your next paragraph.
c. Repeat these steps until you have enough content to meet the assignment guidelines for the page
Conclusion - Provide a summary of the main points of your paper.
- Close your paper with a few comments on the importance of competent communication in group
Title Page for Term Paper Assignment
Please note that an abstract is NOT required for this assignment but a title page, in appropriate APA style, is.
Your title page should include the following information:
Title of Your Paper (Be Creative! “Term Paper” is not an acceptable title.)
Running Head
Your Name
Your School (SBCC)
Your Class (COMM 141)
Date (The date the paper is submitted)
The title page is numbered as page 1. Here is a sample of how a title page might look:
Term Paper Rubric
The purpose of a rubric is to clarify expectations on an assignment. This rubric will help you to understand
exactly what I am looking for in your COMM 141 term paper. Please carefully read over all of the information
contained below and contact me if you have any questions. Make sure to view all 2 pages!
and % Value
(A and B papers)
(C papers)
(D and F papers)
Group interaction and
experience; thesis is
clearly-stated, well-focused
and sufficiently narrow.
Group interaction and
experience; thesis is, for the
most part, clearly-stated, wellfocused
and sufficiently narrow.
Not about group
interaction and
experience; thesis is not
and/or sufficiently
Presents at least 5
significant course concepts
(bold-faced terms in
textbook) and discusses
them with substantial
accuracy and depth; all
concepts selected are shown
to be clearly related to
paper topic.
Presents 4 significant course
concepts (bold-faced terms in
textbook) and discusses them
with accuracy; most concepts
selected are shown to be clearly
related to paper topic.
Presents fewer than 3
significant course
concepts (bold-faced
terms in textbook);
discussion of concepts is
minimal and may lack
accuracy; concepts
selected are not relevant
to paper topic.
thoughtfulness and
originality in using
examples from the group
interaction to support thesis
and illustrate concepts
being discussed; many
concrete, relevant, and
appropriate communication
examples are offered.
Demonstrates thoughtfulness in
using examples from the group
interaction to support thesis and
illustrate concepts being
discussed; relevant and
appropriate communication
examples are offered.
Fails to demonstrate
thoughtfulness in using
examples from the group
interaction to support
thesis and illustrate
concepts being discussed;
no relevant and
communication examples
are offered.
At least 4 references are
utilized (textbook, group
talk, 2 journal articles); all
references are from
sources; relevant quotations
and references to the
textbook or journals are
well-chosen and wellintegrated
into the text of
the paper; all sources are
referenced correctly using
APA style.
3 references are utilized
(textbook, group talk, 1 journal
article); all references are from
appropriate Communicationbased
sources; relevant
quotations and references to the
textbook or journals
are, for the most part, wellchosen
and well-integrated into
the text of the paper; most
sources are referenced correctly
using APA style.
Fewer than 3 references
are utilized; references
are not from appropriate
sources; relevant
quotations and references
to the textbook or
journals are not wellchosen
and/or wellintegrated
into the text of
the paper; sources are not
referenced correctly
using APA style.
(A and B papers)
(C papers)
(D and F papers)
Introduction clearly
introduces topic in an
engaging way; concise
summary of selected issue
and volunteering
organization is included;
concepts are clearly
defined and connected to
examples in body of
paper; paragraphs are
unified and coherent;
sequence is logical;
transitions are used
consistently to clarify
relationship between
ideas; conclusion clearly
summarizes main ideas
and offers substantive
final thoughts.
Introduction clearly
introduces topic;
summary of selected issue
and volunteering
organization is included;
concepts are defined and
connected to examples in
body of paper;
paragraphs, for the most
part, are unified and
coherent; sequence is
logical; some transitions
are used to clarify
relationship between
ideas; conclusion clearly
summarizes main ideas
and offers final thoughts.
Introduction fails to
clearly introduce topic;
summary of selected issue
and volunteering
organization is not
included; concepts are not
clearly defined and/or not
connected to examples in
body of paper; paragraphs
are not unified and
coherent; sequence is not
logical; transitions are not
used to clarify
relationship between
ideas; conclusion fails to
summarize main ideas
and/or offer final
Level of writing is
formal, appropriate and
scholarly; demonstrates
consistent proper use of
standard grammar,
punctuation and spelling.
Level of writing is, for the
most part, formal,
appropriate and scholarly;
demonstrates proper use
of standard grammar,
punctuation and spelling,
with a few minor
Level of writing is
inappropriate (informal,
not scholarly); fails to
demonstrate consistent
proper use of standard
grammar, punctuation and
Paper is turned in on time
and formatted correctly
(double-spaced, 12 point
font) Paper is 5-6 pages
– NOT including the
reference and title page.
Paper is turned in on time
and formatted correctly
(see “Excellent”
category); Paper is
almost 5 pages – NOT
including reference and
title page.
Paper is turned in late and
is not formatted correctly;
paper is less than 5
pages in length (it is way
too long or way too
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