Part 2 Sam is a 4-year-old boy who has been in your preschool class for two weeks and has been recently screened with the DIAL-4 for developmental delays. The DIAL-4 is a general screening tool, but does not screen specifically for autism spectrum disorder. He scored poorly on this screening assessment, especially in the language and social skill areas. In addition, you have noted that Sam does not interact with the other children or demonstrate simple conversational exchanges with you as would be expected developmentally. He mostly plays alone and uses language as a tool to get something, such as a snack or a favored object. Please respond to the following: Would you recommend an additional screening assessment? If so, what screening would you recommend and why? If you would not recommend an additional screening assessment, why not? Knowing it takes an entire assessment team to gather data for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, what additional information would you like to have about Sam and who might be good resources for additional information? What additional assessment tools and strategies would you recommend to specifically assess and evaluate Sam’s language and social skills? Why would you choose these? This discussion addresses the following unit learning outcomes: Identify information that should be considered when determining an appropriate assessment method. Recommend assessment tools and strategies to be used to evaluate language and social communication skills for children with autism spectrum disorder. Identify the key professionals that would be involved in the assessment process. Part3 ABA Therapy This week, you have discussed Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as a behavioral treatment and intervention for children with ASD. Please think about the various readings and activities that you have engaged in during this unit. In at least 250 words, please respond to the following: Summarize three main points that you learned this week and describe how you might apply this learning to your personal and professional life. Imagine you can interview an ABA professional about their work with students with autism spectrum disorder. To extend your learning, list five questions you would like to ask and discuss your reasoning for asking each question.
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