Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Performance Consulting, Persuasive

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Week 5 Assignment:

Performance Consulting, Persuasive

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Communications and Influence

After reviewing;

AI is here to stay: How artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of learning and development by Ortiz (2018) –


Develop a 3-4 page summary on; How Performance Management and Learning Content Can be Used as a Strategic Business Asset.

Your summary should include;

·    Create your own content architecture model of what you believe are imperative learning elements within performance management. You may provide a bullet point outline, chart, graphic, etc.

·     Discuss your content architecture model of what you believe are imperative learning elements within performance management. Please be sure to include elements of knowledge management, culture, appreciative inquiry, and an overall needs assessment

·      Support your viewpoints on knowledge management, culture, appreciative inquiry, and an overall needs assessment using the current weekly reading and a minimum of one outside reference source

·       Identify the potential areas to increase employee engagement, retention, and innovative thinking by using AI within your architecture model of what you believe are imperative learning elements within performance management

·        Outline a specific example of how you would implement your architecture model within your current organization or a well-known organization

·        Support your viewpoints on the critical difference between the changes in performance consulting overall from the required reading

·        APA citing and one (1) outside resource

·        No plagiarism

·        Real life scenarios

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