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Personal Statement for University of Southern California

The Personal statement is for my application to the university of California. It must include why USC, mention one or two classes that would be of benefit to me, and my overall goal to obtain my ACHE certification and to advance my career to the C suite. The program I am applying to is the executive masters healthcare administration program.


Personal Statement for University of Southern California

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            From an early age, I have always been open-minded – open to new things, experiences, and challenges. I often strived to find solutions to various challenges, especially those that affect other people. Even within my family setting, I inspired my siblings to have a positive approach to life by ensuring that I demonstrated what was right and wrong. Even before my undergraduate years, I knew my career path lies in leadership as I intended to be in a position to influence healthcare reforms aimed at the successful delivery of high-quality, effective, and safe care at all levels of the healthcare system to actualize the objectives of the organization I work in.

           I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration. I have always wanted to work in a healthcare setting, especially in a management role where my input would be in the best interest of the patients and healthcare practitioners in general. I am also fascinated by the fact that I will have the flexibility to be on the forefront to cater to the patients directly or in the office applying my leadership skills. I like working with people, and my career path would off opportunities to interact with people from all backgrounds within the healthcare setting. My career path also offers opportunities to learn new things every day and acquire knowledge about varying cultures that are a result of meeting new people including tech experts, scientists, medical staff, nurses, patients, and doctors.

           The program I am applying to is the Executive Masters Healthcare Administration program at the University of Southern California. I chose the University because of various reasons. First, the University of Southern California has world-class facilities characterized by its state-of-the-art classrooms and labs, including other facilities like concert halls, museums, and art galleries. These facilities would off quality experiences throughout the entire period of my program. Secondly, because of its innovative discoveries, strong alumni network, and people from diverse backgrounds, the experiences from the University would mold and influence my experiences as a holistic person as I advance my career in healthcare administration. The University also offers opportunities for growth as a person and a healthcare specialist through its vast and diverse opportunities, which means heavy investments have been made to every program to guarantee career success for all its students and researchers.

           There are specific classes I would benefit a lot from in my healthcare administration program at the University. These classes include HMGT 540 Health Care, Financing, and Reimbursement, and HMGT 602 Operational Efficiency Processes in Health Care Organizations. The two classes will be of much benefit to me, including my overall objective in obtaining my ACHE certification and advancement of my career to the C suite. HMGT 540 Health Care, Financing, and Reimbursement will be of benefit as I will be able to learn to apply concepts of health economics to the current issues of health care and involve regulations and policies associated with market and reform development. I will also be able to develop a better understanding of the key factors of economy influencing and driving the health care market, while effectively examining health care policy and financing issues associated with reforms from regulatory, legal, and market perspective…

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