Personal Values and Values Inventory Worksheet
Rank Ordering of Personal Values ( from Milton Rokeach, The Nature of Human Values (New York: Free Press, 1973).
Please rank the following 16 long- range personal values in the order of importance to you.
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The least important value for you should be ranked 16.
_______ Achievement (promotions at work) _______ Beauty (natural and artistic beauty)
_______ Accomplishment (lasting contribution) _______ Dollar rewards (money and salary)
_______ Family (taking care of and being with family) _______ Freedom (independence)
________ Love, friendship, and intimacy _______ Physical health and well- being
_______ Pleasure (sensual and/or sexual enjoyment) _______ World at peace (less war and conflict)
_______ Recognition (respect, admiration from others) ______ Self- respect (good self- image, self- esteem)
_______ Possessions (car, clothes, home, material goods) ______ Spirituality (prayer, meditation, religion)
______ Justice (equal opportunity; concern for disadvantaged) _______ Cooperation
Life Goal Inventory (Osland, Kolb, Rubin, Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach, 7th ed. (USR: Prentice- Hall, 2001).
Describe two or three goals in each of the following spheres over the next year or two:
Career (goals in employment or career; situation aimed for).
Relationships with People (goals with family, friends, colleagues, others).
Status and Respect (goals in your social circles; people from whom you seek esteem).
Leisure (Vacations, sports, hobbies, other interests).
Professional and Personal Strategic Plan
Please type a two to three page paper (minimum of 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point New Times Roman font, one inch margins or maximum of 3 pages, single spaced, 11 point New Times Roman font, 0.7 inch margins) that addresses each and every one of the numbered topics below in either:
- the order listed below or
- by integrating both the professional and personal components of each main area (e.g., discussing personal and professional vision, goals, objectives, values, etc. within the same combined subject heading).
1) Personal Vision/Ideology/Mission
2) Personal Goals
3) Personal Objectives (and strategies)
4) Personal Values
5) Personal Role Model and why
6) Personal Other Moral Principle for making personal decisions.
7) Professional Vision/Ideology/Mission
8) Professional Goals
9) Professional Objectives (and strategies)
10) Professional Values
11) Professional Role Model and why
12) Professional Other/Personal Moral Principle for making professional decisions.
13) Conclude with what you notice after comparing and contrasting these areas in your professional and personal life (what similarities and differences did you notice?).
-What are the common themes/ elements in the above two lists? What are the major differences?
-In the above lists, how many items were primarily based on having or using material pos-sessions? How many were primarily based on being with people? How many were based on other factors?
-What insights do you have about your own happiness based on the above exercise?
General Definitions that can be used for guidance in both personal and professional area):
Stakeholder Management – is the planning, organizing, and guiding of an entity’s various resources (human, financial, technological and natural) with consideration of its various stakeholders (internal, external, primary and secondary) in order to achieve its various goals and objectives.
Vision/Ideology – primary and overarching view/belief about life, work and self (and future)
Mission – fundamental purposes or reasons for doing things
Goals – long term and general accomplishments that you are planning and hoping to attain
Objectives – specific, short term plans of action desired to attain (that help your longer term goals)
[Strategies – policies, actions and resources used to achieve goals and objectives]
Role Model – a person whose qualities and behaviors you admire and try (and hope) to imitate
Values – character qualities, traits (like virtues of honesty, loyalty) that you admire and desire to practice
Personal Moral Principle – general moral principle besides utility, rights, justice, care, organization, economics, and law that you do in fact use or want to try to use to make decisions (see power point for descriptions of golden rule, disclosure principle, etc). [This becomes your “P” principle under URJCOP.] See list from reading and class.
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