Q1. You are required to take the Personality self-assessment test given below. https://shctedu-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/geeta_thakur_shct_edu_om/EQOebVe3zEpDr9Yn6TDkn1kBP7Pk249RLxFFfFg2ctYqww?e=YqKbdI Questions : Based on the total score, which personality type you belong to? Highlight and discuss four (4) most important features of yours that represents the personality type mentioned in answer (a). Outline any two (2) strengths and two (2) weaknesses that reflects your personality type. | Aswathappa, K., and G. Sudarsana Reddy. Organizational Behavior, Global Media, 2008. ProQuest EBook Central, | Personality characteristics learning Developing the critical thinking and analytical skills in solving case studies. | 10 2 Marks 4 Marks 4 Marks |
Q.no.2: a. Depict in form of pyramid structure any five core needs or wants the students have at this stage of their life? b. Explain each level of need with an example and the suggest anyone (1) appropriate way for each that can be adopted to fulfill the same. Q.no.3: Organization is considered as open system sharing of resources internally as well externally for its survival. In this present situation of COVID 19, there is shortage of resources needed for functioning of any type of business organization, this may sometime result into conflicting situation among various departments within the organization. In your opinion, what can be the possible and negative results out of this conflict situation. Discuss any two (2) of them each.Suggest one best approach the organization can adopt to resolve the conflict. | Aswathappa, K., and G. Sudarsana Reddy. Organizational Behavior, Global Media, 2008. ProQuest EBook Central, Appannaiah,H.R. et al Organisational Behaviour, Global Media, 2009. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/momp/detail.action?docID=3011144. Created from momp on 2020-02-19 00:36:50 | Developing their critical thinking and analytical skills in solving case studies. | 10 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 4 Marks 1 Mark |
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