PHL 111 Milestone One Worksheet

PHL 111 Milestone One Worksheet

  1. Use the following guiding questions to help you draft the Introduction section of your final project.
  1. Provide a brief overview of your topic.

    1. What is the premise or premises for the argument?

The traditional methods for delivering higher education need to change to reflect the status of the system in the development and growth of society. Emphasis on individualized teaching and integration of technological solutions are considered as the most appropriate strategies to accomplish this objective. Online education can provide all the core components for achieving these goals for the higher education of the future.

  1. Why is the topic being discussed?

The need to identify effective and efficient approaches to delivering education, especially those that have the potential to provide quality at lower cost informed the comparative review of the benefits of online learning and the traditional methods. Aside from the economic benefits to the students and taxpayers, the examination of the topic is necessary for exploring all the dimensions of online education as a way of identifying the components that can address some of the weaknesses in the offline methods of teaching. Therefore, the imperatives for the discussion on the topic is not defined by the need to disrupt the system but one that is informed by the desire of stakeholders to develop new and efficient methods for teaching.

  1. What is the conclusion?

In spite of the lack of clarity of the future of education, online education has benefits that would constitute the integral elements of the drivers of change in the tertiary system. Aside from its capacity to contribute to cost and time-saving goals, online education will increase the quality of learning for a significant number of courses. Finally, the adoption of this method of learning will lead to the development of a solution for determining the certification of the instructors, conduct of student assessment, and credentialing of the learning modules.

  • Describe any personal connection that you may have to the topic.
  1. Why is this topic of interest to you?

My interest in this comparative analysis of the benefits and challenges of online and traditional education is based on the need to identify the approaches for maximizing the potential of the technology-driven approach. As an older adult and online education student that is enjoying most of the benefits that are discussed in the literature, I believe improvements in the critical components of online education will benefit both students and educators in the future.

Outline for Writing

The topic I have chosen to focus on for my final project is the comparison of the benefits and deficits of online learning and traditional learning methods. To summarize, the topic presented in this article is about why online education works. The premise or premises for the argument is/are traditional learning methods need to change to meet the needs of learners which online learning approaches can deliver. Also, it is necessary for educational institutions to focus on individualized teaching and use of technology. This topic is relevant and being discussed because online education methods are more cost-effective and time-saving than traditional learning one. Also, it is essential to examine components of the technology-based approach that can improve some of the weaknesses of the traditional methods. The conclusion is that online education will not only save cost and time but improve the quality of tertiary education in the future despite the uncertainty surrounding the directions of the sector. The personal connection I have to this topic is that I am a beneficiary of both the traditional and online methods of learning. This topic is of particular interest to me because it will provide the models for delivering the high quality tertiary education for the future.

  1. In this section, you will begin to explore the argument in your chosen artifact. You will uncover the logical structure of the argument.
  1. Describe the argument made by the article and artifact.

Online education will change how universities teach and determine the institutions that will provide learning opportunities in the future. Also, the potential of online education to improve the quality of teaching, saving time and cost for both students and institutions, and provide individualized teaching through the use of new technology solutions are the main arguments provide by Tabarrok (2012) to justify the advantages of online learning.

  • Identify the key facts, research, or resources the argument is based on. Provide as many examples as possible to support your identification, as this will help you with your final project.

First, Tabarrok (2012) used the number of views of his 15-minute TED talk to support the capacity of online education to improve the quality of teaching and the type of lecturers that would deliver the learning experience that is needed by students. Secondly, the author used the facts from the impacts of its online education platform to provide the data on the amount of time that would be saved through the adoption of the method.  Thirdly, the example of the benefits of the system from the Virginia Tech conventional learning challenges was another fact that was used to highlight the advantage of online education. Finally, the author used the data from the successful deployment and enrolment of existing online education programs to highlight how technology would drive the future of education across the world.

  • Describe the logic and reasoning used to advance the argument.

    • Considering the premises and conclusion, what logic and reasoning is used to advance the argument?

The author used strong inductive reasoning as the logic and reasoning to advance the argument on the benefits of online education over the traditional methods. Also, the logic is to use the inductive approach to ensure that the premises support the conclusions on the superior learning method.

  1. What questions are left unanswered? Describe any gaps or weaknesses present in the logic and reasoning used to advance the argument.

The gaps and weaknesses that existed in the logic and reasoning that were used to advance the arguments to support the benefits of online education is the bias of the author towards his position on the topic despite providing some aspects of the other side of the debate.

Montessori Bias Milestone Two Worksheet

Outline for Writing

The argument being made by my chosen article/artifact is that online education will change how universities teach and determine the institutions that will provide learning opportunities in the future. This argument is based on the following key facts, research, and/or resources: the differences between the number of students of a 15-min online lecture and participants in classroom, the quality of the content over the offline ones, and the lower cost of delivering this high quality class, as well as the time and resources saved to accomplish individualized learning. The logic and reasoning used to advance this argument are inductive. Considering the premises and conclusion that are advanced in the article, the logic and reasoning used to advance the argument is inductive. I have the following questions that are not answered by the article:      What benefits are there for a traditional learning that online learning cannot address     ? Therefore, a gap or weakness in the article is the bias of the author toward online education.

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