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PICO Question

PICO Question:

Population: 55 years and above

Intervention: the use of the chronic vaccine

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Comparison: receiving the chronic vaccine

Outcome: Suffer from chronic illness

Question: In patients of the age of 55 years and above, how does the use of chronic vaccine compared to not receiving the chronic vaccine promote their risk of developing chronic illness

during this covid-19 period?

Main Topics and Terms for the PICO Question:

The topics that are entailed in my question that I can use to search are chronic illness, the

importance of receiving the chronic illness vaccine, the effects of not receiving the chronic

illness vaccine, and the vulnerability of people in the age of 55 years to suffer from chronic


Limits On my Search:

In the PICO question above, there are limitations to my search. The restrictions include the

age of the patients, the timeframe of the risk, i.e., during the covid-19 period, and different years

of publications.

Type of Publication:

-Clinical Practice Guidelines

Database I Searched:

● PubMed Clinical Queries

Annotated Bibliographies:

1. Ambrosio, L., Senosiain García, J. M., Riverol Fernández, M., Anaut Bravo, S., Díaz De

Cerio Ayesa, S., Ursúa Sesma, M. E., … & Portillo, M. C. (2015). Living with chronic illness in

adults: a concept analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(17-18), 2357-2367.

Living with chronic illness in an adult journal tries to talk about the report analysis

regarding the subject concept. Several qualitative studies align the question of living with

chronic disease from the perspective of an adult patient. However, living with chronic illness is a

complex, cyclic, and dynamic process requiring the development of various attributes. The report

analysis in this paper contributes and leads to a better understanding of the whole scope: “living

with chronic illness.”

The notations on the findings in this journal from the research carried out using various

methods of collecting data, like, observations, carrying out of experiments, among other data

collection methods, should be evaluated with a lot of caution and further findings to be

conducted to acquire relevant and reliable information. The results from the concept analysis

report can help create awareness for adults living with chronic illness. Thus these findings should

be evaluated incorrectly by the physical therapy healthcare, and improvements are made possible

(Ambrosio et al. 2015).

2. Kopsaftis, Z., Wood‐Baker, R., & Poole, P. (2018). Influenza vaccine for chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6).

This article published by Kopsaftis, Wood-Baker, and Poole in 2018 recommends that

people above the age of 55 years should get vaccinated for chronic illness. This article also states

that people with influenza complications should also get vaccinated with Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The research aims to identify whether the influenza vaccination in

patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can help reduce respiratory

illness and mortality though it was cost-effective.

The researchers used various data collection methods like data extraction—a sampling of

6750 participants and 2469 participants with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

The elderly and individuals at high risks of chronic illness also went through the tests. The

results showed that the people who were not vaccinated had an increased risk of contracting the

disease than those who received the vaccine. The vaccine helped raise the immunity of elderly

individuals and those at a high risk of contracting the disease (Kopsaftis et al., 2018).

3. Azzi, Y., Bartash, R., Scalea, J., Loarte-Campos, P., & Akalin, E. (2021). Covid-19 and

solid organ transplantation: a review article. Transplantation, 105(1), 37-55.

Covid-19 has negatively impacted the health sector. Most activities are not running as

they were in the past because of the covid-19 pandemic. This subject matter has not left out

people living with chronic illnesses. Research conducted in 2021 by various scholars portrayed

findings that adult individuals were at a high risk of contracting the virus compared to those at a

younger age. The situation became worse for individuals suffering from various diseases like

cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic illness. It was as a result of the issue on

immunity depicted with such individuals. Vaccinating these individuals could help them increase

their immune system strength that can aid in combating such diseases. The findings that were

acquired using various data collection methods suggested that vaccination is better for elderly

individuals, thus preventing them from contracting chronic diseases quickly (Azzi et al., 2021).

Mission Statement:

A mission statement refers to a message that is short portraying the reason as to why a

particular business organization exists, the general goals and objectives of the business

organization, the type of products and services the business organization provides. It also

involves the market it serves for its primary consumers and the geographical location where the

business is sited (Kadhium et al., 2021). In my physical therapy business, I have my mission

statement that summarizes the whole scope of what the business entails and the expectations

from customers. The mission statement for my physical therapy business is, “Our mission at

Kahron Physical Therapy is aligning physical health services to customers with pride, originality,

and sincerity.”

In the mission statement placed above for my physical therapy business organization,

different goals and objectives are arising from the information. First, our goal is to raise

customers’ trust and efficiency with the physical therapy business by providing authentic health

services. By offering quality services to the patients, and consultative services to them can

achieve it. Another goal of the company is to raise revenues and maximize profits. To achieve

this goal, introducing other new different services and products in conjunction with the business

operations will aid in achieving the goal of raising revenues within the first seven months of the


Another goal in business development is to capture a more significant market portion. It

involves making new consumers of the products and services that the business organization

provides and also creating a good customer relationship in their first visit to the business

premises, luring them to come back again. Different marketing strategies within the first five

months of the business development can help achieve the goal.


Ambrosio, L., Senosiain García, J. M., Riverol Fernández, M., Anaut Bravo, S., Díaz De

Cerio Ayesa, S., Ursúa Sesma, M. E., … & Portillo, M. C. (2015). Living with chronic

illness in adults: a concept analysis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(17-18),


Azzi, Y., Bartash, R., Scalea, J., Loarte-Campos, P., & Akalin, E. (2021). Covid-19 and

solid organ transplantation: a review article. Transplantation, 105(1), 37-55.

Kadhium, V. S., Betteg, S., Sharma, P., & Nalliah, R. P. (2021). Do Mission Statements

Matter? An Evaluation of Dental School Mission Statements. J Dent Oral Sci, 3(1),


Kopsaftis, Z., Wood‐Baker, R., & Poole, P. (2018). Influenza vaccine for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (6).

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