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Post a description of a case from your personal or clinical experiences in the last 5 years that involves an elderly patient who has been in at least two different sites of care.

  • Review this week’s media presentation, as well as Chapters 3 and 8 of the Resnick text.
  • Reflect on your personal experiences, observations, and/or clinical practices from the last 5 years. Select a case from the last 5 years that involves an elderly patient who has been in two different sites of care such as home, assisted living, hospital, etc.

Note: When referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.

  • Reflect on issues that occurred because of the change in the patient’s sites of care. Think about the impact of differences in the settings themselves, inherent cultures of the settings, and ethical practices of these sites on the patient.
  • Consider whether the patient had an advanced directive in place at the time of the change in sites of care. Reflect on whether any difficult treatment decisions had to be made as a result.
  • Think about the impact of financial issues on site placement and treatment decisions.

By Day 3

Post a description of a case from your personal or clinical experiences in the last 5 years that involves an elderly patient who has been in at least two different sites of care. Explain the impact of differences in the settings themselves, inherent culture of the settings, and ethical practices of these sites on the patient. Then, explain whether the patient had an advanced directive in place at the time of the change in sites of care, and if so, whether any difficult treatment decisions had to be made as a result. Finally, explain the impact of financial issues on site placement and treatment decisions.

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In my clinical experience, I have witnessed a lot of patient treatment based on different forms of care. One patient named Raphael (not his real name) aged 75 years had a long fight with prostate cancer. The patient had been in two different sites of care i.e. active surveillance at home and then Radiation therapy at are known hospital.

Differences of the Impact from the Settings

Under home care, Mr. Raphael was deemed to have a slow growing cancer that had never been treated before. Therefore, doctors only visited him at home and advised him to take specific foods, do light exercises as they keep a watchful eye on him in case it grows. In this setting, the doctor was very concerned, visited regularly and Mr. Raphael felt at home with all instructions given (Stewart, & Wild, 2017). During radiation therapy, however, the setting looked different as some doctors were not friendly and not very close to him. The high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells made him quite uncomfortable and detached from his family and friends.

The culture of the Settings

Whereas home care was friendly since Mr. Raphael interacted with his family and his dog who was his best friend, the hospital care process was quite opposite. He developed withdrawal syndromes as at times the doctors were quite professional and not friendly (Peters & Sellick, 2006).

Ethical Practices The ethical practices for home care involved ensuring that the patient is very safe, allowing the patient to retain control of his body in what is referred to as autonomy and also ensuring that no harm is done to Mr. Raphael. In the hospita…

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