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Psychology Applied to Everyday Life essay

Psychology Applied to Everyday Life essay

Final Paper Psychology Applied to Everyday Life Psychology can be applied to everyday life in many ways. The three main ways Psychology applies to my life is through motivation and emotion, Stress and health and Psychological therapies. These topics of psychology are the ones that best describe my life. When most people think of psychology they think of therapists and psychological disorders. Psychology is much more than that and applies to everyone’s life in some form. The first way that Psychology applies to my life is the Motivation and Emotion part of it. Motivation is what drives you to conduct some type of activity. For example if someone is thirsty then they have to get up go somewhere to get a drink. Being thirsty is what motivated the individual to get a drink. Emotion is your feelings toward something that is presented to you. This could range from emotion toward a person to a possible life threatening situation. The way that Motivation and Emotion are linked is Motivation is what you need to conduct an action and how you feel about that action would be where emotion comes in. Throughout my life I have had very little motivation toward school. School was always to easy and never really challenged me. In High School I never studied for a test and would always get a very good grade on them. However when I came to college all of that changed. When I starting going to college classes I retained my old habits from High school; I never studied, never completed homework, and I would procrastinate big projects to the last possible minute. I learned very quickly that college is on a completely different level than High school. My feelings toward school completely changed it presented a challenge which gave me motivation to do good in school. My feelings for school also completely changed I no longer dreaded going to school and actually enjoyed going. My motivation and emotion toward school changed when I made the
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