Reflect on what you have learned this week and how you will apply it at your current job.
For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.
The Moral and Emotional Relationship of Leaders and Followers
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Write My Essay For MeLearning Objectives
- Examine the context of duality and multiplicity
- Examine existing ethical decision-making processes
- Identify the moral and emotional relationship of leaders and followers
Module Resources
Textbook: The Ethics of Leadership by Joanne Ciulla, Chapter 5
Video: Trailer of HOTEL RWANDA (2004)Some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda – and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. In only three months, one million people were brutally murdered. In the face of these unspeakable actions, inspired by his love for his family, an ordinary man summons extraordinary courage to save the lives of over a thousand helpless refugees, by granting them shelter in the hotel he manages. Students may experience varying amounts of time for this resource to load, depending on the speed of their internet connection. This video is 2 minutes and 8 seconds in length.
Library Article: Google’s Watershed Moment in China Read this article by Andrew Peaple of the Wall Street Journal.
Article: Blackwater’s Makeover Read this article by Jia Lynn Yang, from Vol. 161, Issue 7, issue of Fortune.
Article: Doctors face ethical decisions in Haiti This article highlights the medical needs in Haiti and the related issues.
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